Re: [bn-study] Re: Chapter 2 page 13 from Deity, Cosmos and Man
Oct 14, 2004 02:59 AM
by leonmaurer
How could the mind be in or a function of any part of the physical body?
Since the human being has a sevenfold nature, composed of subtle fields of
consciousness that are "coadunate but not consubstantial" -- the mind is one of
those fields that, along with the other six (or seven if we consider that the
seven "folds" or "planes" are between those fields), are in a completely
different order or phase of space-time than the physical field of the universe or
any of the conscious physical bodies (and brains) within it. In addition
consciousness, which is centered everywhere, is entirely separate from -- although,
integral and interdependent with those interpenetrating fields.
Only reductive materialist science can say "the mind is in the head," and
only one ignorant of the true nature of mind or consciousness can say that either
of them is in any part of the physical body... Although, being coadunate with
all the fields, within fields, within fields, ad infinitum, that constitute
the entire universe -- mind must penetrate every part or particle of it on this
physical plane -- yet can never be a function of any of them.
This is the paradox that theosophy resolves completely, but science has no
cogent idea about -- since they can only see as far as their noses, and base
their ideas on the premise that physical matter is the only fundamental reality.
Today, science has no reasonable or provable theory about the nature or
origin of either consciousness or mind, and have still -- after many years of
study, and many thousands of papers by every one of its disciplines from psychology
to quantum physics -- have not come anywhere near solving the "hard problems"
of consciousness and mind posed by philosopher David Chalmers [The Conscious
Mind (1996)] -- i.e., how do they "explain the experience of consciousness" or
"the binding of mind to brain." In fact he thought it was impossible for
science to come up with a valid answer using the current scientific method.
To say that it's the "head" that "figures out anything" or that the mind
(which science says is an epiphenomena of the brain) "thinks," is a gross
judgmental if not categorical error -- much like saying the sun rises, or the earth is
flat (since that's as far as we can see).
The only "thinker" is the "I" consciousness, or the ray of spirit, the aware
chooser-willer, who uses the dual mind and dual brain to think about "cabbages
and kings and other strange things" (like emptiness and fullness, zeros and
infinities, etc.:-).
One need only study and meditate on the field diagrams and scientific
explanations in the Astro Biological Coenergetic (ABC) field theory of universal
origin ("as above so below," that is in exact conformance with theosophical
metaphysics, as well as the "occult" formulas in the Book of Dzyan) -- to see how
these fields originate (emanate) from the zero-point spinergy and fractally
involve into an infinite series of coadunate but not consubstantial fields of
consciousness that we experience in both our lower and higher intuitive mind ...
That are entirely separate from the body, although intimately linked to it
through the holographic "electromagnetic field" of the brain (the distributor,
controller, transducer, etc. -- but NOT the thinker).
Knowing the electrical nature of all these vibrational energy fields and
considering the universality of the laws of electricity as well as the holographic
nature of their radiation's and their informational interference patterns,
allows us to easily justify the fundamental laws of cycles and periodicity that
underlay them, as well as deduce the basis of karma, reincarnation, rounds and
races, the genetic code, astral body matrix relationship with the physical
body, etc., etc., that follow from them. This theosophical way of thinking
enables us to meet the inductive thinking of science halfway and helps us decide
the validity of any of their theories.
I hope this gives us some food for thought. And also, some tools that might
help us in explaining theosophy in an intelligent manner so that ordinary
(scientifically and religiously brainwashed:-) people can understand and relate it
to the cutting edges of science -- (currently outside its main establishment,
e.g., DNA wave matrix, M-brane, holographic paradigm, quantum wave theories,
etc.) -- that, as they consolidate with each other into a "Unified Field
Theory of Everything" (ultimately equivalent to ABC), are slowly approaching the
theosophical truths.
Best wishes,
In a message dated 10/11/04 12:40:27 PM, theproject@b... writes:
We are conscious of thoughts in our head, but scientists are now witnessing
that memories and thoughts are distributed throughout the body. Body
therapy techniques work with memories "stored" or at least "accessed"
through the thigh, for example. Also, Contact Reflex Analysis, or
Kineseology (is that the right word), is a practice and science of asking
queestions and letting the body answer. I have experienced my arm answering
a question before my head figured out what the question was. This can also
be accomplished with machines - Radionics subtle energy engineering. We can
no longer assume that our mind is in our head.
Research also shows that rocks and plants react to stimuli in ways that may
be interpreted as a lower level of "thought" than ours. So might we
conjecture that higher beings than us would experience mental capacities
that make us look, comparatively, like dumb rocks?
So we may consider that all the cosmos is mind. The All is Mind.
-----Original Message-----
From: Zakk Duffany [mailto:zakkduffany@e...]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 11:51 AM
To: study@b...
Subject: [bn-study] Re: Chapter 2 page 13 from Deity, Cosmos and Man
Where does Man experience thought? It is not in the foot. It is not
in the elbow. It is in the head. Why? Is it because the "mind" is
focused there? If that is why, then it is Man's mind that thinks.
Comparing to a universe, it is not a universes foot, or elbow,
etc. It would have to have a mind as in the instance of Man.
Man does not think from all it's parts. Just the part that has
the capacity. This would say that the universe does not think
from all it's parts. Just the part that has the capacity.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Estela Carson" <estela3@b...>
To: <study@b...>
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: [bn-study] Chapter 2 page 13 from Deity, Cosmos and Man
> Deity, Cosmos and Man
> Chapter 2, page 13
> 3. The sevenfold nature of Cosmos and man
> One of the esoteric keys to the understanding of life is analogy, as given
> in the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below." The universe is the
> the great ordered whole, and man is its miniature reflection, the
> microcosm. Our experience of ourselves shows us that, as human beings, we
> function in a variety of ways, in physical action and in such modes of
> consciousness as thinking, feeling, and dreaming. Esoteric science teaches
> that these modes of consciousness occur at different levels, from the
> sensory or objective to the deeply inner or subjective. Furthermore, these
> levels themselves are a reflection, in the individual, of universal planes
> of being: just as individual physical action takes place on the physical
> plane, using the material of that plane, so mental activity-thought-takes
> place on the mental plane, using the material of that plane. There are,
> according to Esoteric Science, seven such planes in Nature, and similarly
> there are seven states of consciousness in man, in which he "can live,
> think, remember, and have his being." [15]
> ___________________
> Footnote:
> [15] Key to Theosophy, page 89
> Man is the microcosm and the Universe is the macrocosm. If we push this
> thought out a bit, is it correct to say that if there is a consciousness
> in Man then there is a consciousness in the Universe.? If Man can think,
> then can an atom, planet, Universe think?
> "As above, so below" would that indicate the Universe, us down to the
> individual cell, and atom are all fractals of each other? Is this what we
> mean we are all one?
> As to the sevenfold nature of the Cosmos and Man what can this mean? Are
> we more, and by analogy all of the Cosmos, more than meets the eye? Are
> we to assume that Earth has a sevenfold nature, as well as the Sun and
> the atom?
> Estela Carson
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