On Historical Revisionism
Oct 13, 2004 11:57 AM
by D P
I think that the debate about the W. Judge’s occult status has derived in a more personnal passionate discussion on historical subjects. For the meantime I would like to take an equilibrium between some contributions:
A) It seems to me that is a common place to attack Adyar TS in base to certain prejudices, as Frank statement about trasvetical School. Of course there is a long tradition of Neo-Theosophy there but as a Sufi sage has said: althought the critics is correct the person that make it is not correct. With the correctness I mean direct knowledge. Have anybody direct knowledge of the inner status of a organization or of another person? I believe that the inner relationship with Mahatmas throughout the whole Theosophical Movement can be maintained only on the basis of a common work for there are someindividuals or groups with occult value, but what we understand about it? It is needed to know if oneself make an asseveration with knowledge or prejudice.
I believe that we have to leave discussions about primacy of a society overanother or a Esoteric School over another, there are many Esoterical Schools inside the Theosophical Movement, there will be much more, so much esoteric ones, “esoteric” ones as exoteric ones (the latter perhaps the mosthealthly choice), there will be, in the same way as Schools, many Teachers. If the Theosophical Movement is the angular stone for future religions (as the ChoHan said), there is no choice, if not, the human nature will do its work and the same results will happen.
B) It is needed an attitude of historical revisionism, like that of Daniel Caldwell, Gregory Tillet, K. Paul Johnson, James Santucci and others (inside the Theosophical Movement or not). In some cases an attitude of silencingdiscussion or silent censorship work as attack or defence, the same with misinformation.
What is the right of Besant’s actions? Why did she not maintain this attitude some years later in relation to claims from Leadbeater, Arundale or Weedgwood? Or in relation to hers own’s? What are the falses accusations onLeadbeater? It is indispensable to read Tillet’s work The Elder Brother.About the differences between chelas we can see Damodar and the Pionneers... where Sven Eeek quotes a Mahatma Letter that states Bhavani Shankar has better skills than Damodar or HPB, but what does it mean? Of course it not implies occult status or the condition of agent or messenger.
I think it is not an untheosophical work study and discussing these items, but it must be done for historical purposes, there are many things implied like succesorship, false claims about teachings or contact with World Lord,or World Teacher, and so world...
I believe we can see that when the truth or (less pretentious) the investigation is not the objective we can fall in the defense of corporative interest or in a critic a la mode. Mysticism is the field of isolated, uncompromised and free candidates, HPB said to W. Judge: “...for find the Masters you must be free, you has made chains around you...” (See for correct quotation Some Letters to W. Judge in blavatskyarchives), these words HPB has said them in relation to Judge’s wife, but (like the argentinian expression) if anybody is “married” with an organization, at the same time he iscondemned to defend it and not to defend or search a truth.
Perhaps the last test be (paraphrasing a P’s expression) work neither impersonal nor personal but work.
Well that is all, excuse my tedious e-mail.
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