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RE: [bn-study] Chapter 2 page 13 from Deity, Cosmos and Man

Oct 11, 2004 05:35 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Oct 11 2004

Dear Estela

Let me offer this note:

Question: What is in evolution?

How to distinguish between Lower and Higher Manas (Mind) 

I found a consideration of the MONADS (Jivas or Atma-Buddhic units -- the
"Souls of the Atoms)" -- S D I 619) a method of simplifying the matter of

Metaphysically the KOSMIC UNIVERSE in repose, is in Pralaya, and only the
ABSOLUTENESS prevails as it always was,, is and will be. It is symbolized by
undifferentiated and unqualifiable SPACE

The great Law of CYCLES within the ABSOLUTENESS (the succession of Pralaya
by Manvantara, and back again) operates to periodically bring on the
stresses and conditions of differentiation and evolution everywhere. This
KARMA. [For a description of the CAUSELESS CAUSE consider the entry under
KAMADEVA -- Theos. Glos p. 171 ]

In succession, at the re-manifestation (reincarnation) of the whole
Universe (as also with a solar system or a human being) there are the three
preliminary stages marked by the designation "Logoi - WORDS." These Logoi
are: Unmanifest, Manifesting and Manifested. [ Ideal Plan or IDEA,
Life-Action., Forms deserving further experience ]

Out of the most tenuous of supersensuous spiritual substance [ Suddha
Sattva -- see Theos. Glos. p. 311 ] the evolutionary re-creation in the
universe of "matter" proceeds according to Laws and Rules established aeons
ago. The is Kosmic KARMA in action and is a part of the ABSOLUTENESS. The
immortal SKANDHAS (Monads) propel and demand this event. [ see H P B
Articles , Vol. III, p. 265 (U L T ) ]

The supersensuous spiritual substance [ Suddha Sattva ] is said to extend
uniformly throughout SPACE. The "Monadic Essence :" [ S D I 519-20, 176,
619, 455, 632 ]

While technically each Monad is unaffected by time, space or motion, yet the
aggregation of Monads establishes an entity, a unity of collective effort.
This temporary aggregation, as an intelligence, acquires many capacities and
the power of perception on the seven planes of human and the corresponding
planes of Cosmic consciousness. [see S D I 157, II 596] 

As an "intelligence" it is considered a single "Consciousness." As an
undying Consciousness its unitary and indestructible power enables it to
pierce up and down through the seven planes of being, and to always conserve
the memory of those experiences in itself. It progresses over aeons,
through the stages of many evolutionary periods (Manvantaras) until finally
it reaches, as an entity, the "HUMAN STAGE.  

It is visualized then, as a single Monad surrounded and assisted by
numerous other "monads" having less experience than it. Assembled all around
it are cooperating Monads which have reached their own stage of advancement.
They are always cooperative as the One Law of the Universe (KARMA) is

In the process of evolution, the Cosmic "entity" represents the junction of
two evolutionary streams the Spiritual and the Material. Simultaneously
with those there is the INTELLECTUAL, or that which in the Cosmos is called
the UNIVERSAL MIND (Mahat) and "Manas" in the seven-fold human being.

In the HUMAN STAGE self-consciousness (Manas) is acquired as a "gift" from
those Elder Brothers (THE MASTERS OF WISDOM) who have preceded it, and
graduated earlier from this learning experience.

As we are now, we have interiorly the highest Wisdom (BODHA) in a potential
or latent state. Buddhi linked to MANAS gives us the spiritual position --
where universal ideas, and metaphysics are active and accessible. It is
linked however to the evolution of the "material essence:" and this provides
the entity with the highest degree of instinct (including desires of a good
and a bad quality) as a faculty. [ "Degrees of Monad experience and
development" can be seen in : S D I 140, 176, 178-9, 289, 619-20

The "gift" of the mind links the instinct (Kama) with Buddhi ( wisdom) and
serves as a balance principle.

On one hand, we can envision the perfect organization of the pure spiritual
aspect, and on the other, we have a chaos of ill-formed intentions, urges,
passions, desires, loves, hates and other sentiments. 

The gift of the "Mind" provides each evolving human -- a MONAD -- with its
entourage of "monads of lesser experience" with freedom and independence.
Thus "Lower Manas" surrounds "Higher Manas" 

The challenge (our challenge) is to decide if we will assist Nature and the
Spirit in Nature to do its work, or shall we decide to oppose it and enhance
the chaos of a purely senseless material growth.


If we think we are embroiled in terms and meanings. Let me tabulate:

The indescribable, is ATMA is the ONE SPIRIT and it includes all things.

As I understand it, ATMA is the spiritual whole of the entire UNIVERSE.

HPB explains this in The KEY TO THEOSOPHY, and I am sure you have seen
this. (Check the INDEX at the rear of the book.) 

Not only is it (ATMA) the "beginning" and the "end," but it is present at
all times in the whole. Right now, we, and all other beings, are immersed
in the ONE SPIRIT - which is ATMA. [If one desires to use the words "God"
or "Deity," we may say that its omnipresence demands that all being be
included therein. No exceptions.] 

Only our physical brain-mind makes us think we are separate. Separate from
what ? We need air, water, food, shelter, companionship, etc . so we are
never isolated. We share most things in life, including our thoughts and
emotions. Nature (the Universe) provides them to all.

No being, high or low, near or distant, is outside of the ONE ATMA.

However in the view that THEOSOPHY offers of the TOTAL EVOLUTIONARY scheme,
when the cycle for manifestation arrives, the ONE splits into two parts:
Spirit and Matter. But that is not all, because in trying to understand
each other, this pair uses a common medium called the MIND - which can think
and also record how it feels -- as a kind of "bridge." This intelligent and
sensitive "bridge" can be understood to exist because of mutual trust and

[Mind then, in human evolution, is three-fold: Divine-Mind or Buddhi-Manas,
Pure Manas, and the Desire-Mind (or lower Mind) enmeshed in passions and

Thus, united by a "bridge," (which some name Intelligence, or that which is
called the UNIVERSAL MIND - Mahat -- is also present. It is the free and
independent Mind principle, and it is that which gives us our sense of
"Self," and our "Individuality." 

This causes the entire Universe to be filled with the "manifesting LIVES,
the "Monads," or the "Pilgrims of Eternity."

There is no place where the "void of space" is not filled with minute points
of vibrant life - where the individual fractions and "rays" of the One Atma
live and work towards their own individualization, and perception of
themselves - as we do - And there is sure to come a day when they can stand
face to face with the UNIVERSE THAT IS ATMA. And that is what we are now
(as humans) working towards.  

To explain: 

Every "life-atom" (Monad) whether it be a metaphysical "atom," or a
molecule, cell, chemical or physical substance, etc. has a "form" adopted to
its needs as an independent intelligence. These are cemented one to the
rest by lines of sympathetic force - and the older assume (under Universal
and impersonal Law) responsibility and guidance for those who have less
experience (and may be called "younger.") 

"Forms and physical bodies" are created by the mutual affinity or repulsion
of billions of other "monads" all working together or making individual
decisions to leave that association - (chemistry and physics show this quite
clearly). These cluster around some one Monad which is on the point of
attaining Self-Consciousness.  

That is our present situation, for each of us, as a human being: the
attaining of the final stages of SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS that leads to a complete
grasp of the entirety of the UNIVERSE - or UNIVERSAL SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.
That is the finality of WISDOM or Universal Knowledge. 

But looking further, one may perceive that these innumerable deathless
individualities (the MONADS) have, as an innate property (which comes from
the "Atmic Ray" inside), the ability to respond to and record their
experiences. They are the ever-living "building blocks of Nature, and are
to be found everywhere. WE, have to look within, to discover this truth.

Think of them (Monads or "life-atoms") as present in the Suns and in the
voids between galaxies - and in all structures and creatures on any planet
where Nature affords an opportunity of living, experiencing and growing in
individual intelligence. This may be challenged, but a careful survey of
all substances our sciences know, reveals these rules and laws operate

Human individualized intelligence is a natural outcome of many cycles of
experience concentrated in a single Monad.  

The capacity you and I exhibit in communication, (as an example) shows that
progressively, our mental capacity rises to the level of considering our own
ability to guide aspects of our improvement - that is if you will agree with
me that the whole evolutionary experience has the aspect of a vast School in
which all beings (including the human minds we have) participate.  

As such, over a long period, we have refined the substances and materials
(made up of many "monads" of lesser experience than our own individual
"Self") we use in our bodies, to permit thinking on these themes to develop.

THEOSOPHY would say: You are quite correct in saying the "physical" is
being refined by the use that we, as mental beings, make in terms of our
individual motives and decisions of usage. 

Taken as a whole this is the area of psychology where the desires and
emotions and the mind of Man are always interacting. We see that the Atmic
being inside us, the OBSERVER and the WITNESS, uses the Mind as its tool to
direct and control our feeling and desires and emotions. It never changes.
But the tools of mind and emotions are under constant reconstruction.

THEOSOPHY is an aspect of Mahayana Buddhism, and these are its teachings.
Zen Buddhism is a school that derives its name from Zen or Dzyan (Sanskrit:
Gnyan) - WISDOM in English. If you study all it teaches you will find the
basic teaching of the two schools agree. 

In another way: 

It seems to me that the progress in growing intelligence for every Monad in
manifestation, begins, as taught, in the 7-fold evolutionary scheme -- as an
immortal it begins in the depths of the "monadic essence" (whatever that may
be) [S D I 176, 178-9, 612, 632-3, II 109-19, ] 

It then passes through all the various stages of experience and development,
up to the human (mind) stage.

Thereafter its progress becomes self-regulated, employing the "will" and the
power of free choice. 

We are given a glimpse of the future possibilities of the evolving Monad as
it passes on -- [described in the last pages of The VOICE OF THE SILENCE ].

There are many gaps and much appears scattered, in the way of information,
if not left unsaid.

Personally, I prefer a "spiritual" future to a futile cessation of effort
and nullification of results that the death of the present physical body
would seem to entail.

Best wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: Estela Carson [mailto:estela3@b...] 
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 9:15 AM
To: study@b...
Subject: [bn-study] Chapter 2 page 13 from Deity, Cosmos and Man

Deity, Cosmos and Man
Chapter 2, page 13

3. The sevenfold nature of Cosmos and man

One of the esoteric keys to the understanding of life is analogy, as given 
in the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below." The universe is the macrocosm, 
the great ordered whole, and man is its miniature reflection, the 
microcosm. Our experience of ourselves shows us that, as human beings, we 
function in a variety of ways, in physical action and in such modes of 
consciousness as thinking, feeling, and dreaming. Esoteric science teaches 
that these modes of consciousness occur at different levels, from the 
sensory or objective to the deeply inner or subjective. Furthermore, these 
levels themselves are a reflection, in the individual, of universal planes 
of being: just as individual physical action takes place on the physical 
plane, using the material of that plane, so mental activity-thought-takes 
place on the mental plane, using the material of that plane. There are, 
according to Esoteric Science, seven such planes in Nature, and similarly 
there are seven states of consciousness in man, in which he "can live, 
think, remember, and have his being." [15]
[15] Key to Theosophy, page 89

Man is the microcosm and the Universe is the macrocosm. If we push this 
thought out a bit, is it correct to say that if there is a consciousness 
in Man then there is a consciousness in the Universe.? If Man can think, 
then can an atom, planet, Universe think?

"As above, so below" would that indicate the Universe, us down to the 
individual cell, and atom are all fractals of each other? Is this what we 
mean we are all one?

As to the sevenfold nature of the Cosmos and Man what can this mean? Are 
we more, and by analogy all of the Cosmos, more than meets the eye? Are 
we to assume that Earth has a sevenfold nature, as well as the Sun and 
the atom?

Estela Carson

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