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RE: Theos-World RE: Why is Theosophy better than religions or other...

Oct 11, 2004 05:34 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Oct 11 2004

Dear John:

Most interesting research.  

[Attn: L M]

I am separately asking my friend Leon Maurer to consider what you write and
perhaps comment on it. 

Evidently one might say that there is a need for some direction towards the
existence of 

1	The Universal urge and program for the development of intelligence
in all departments of nature.

2	The astral plane and models thereon which shape the gradual
development of forms.

3	Our atomic and sub-atomic developments seem to be reaching into the
astral fields.  

Certainly at the level of sub-atomics we are dealing more with forces and
CENTERS OF FORCE than anything else. But what stability can be established
for manipulation? 

This is a very important and curious development.



Some clues are in the SECRET DOCTRINE   

I give some page references and a brief summary of content -- the work of
reading and arriving at conclusions -- is ours


EVOLUTION. See also Darwinism, Environment, Heredity, Natural Selection,

fr amoeba to man theory II 259 
analogy, law of, & II 66 
ancients knew physical & spiritual I 332 
ascending & descending arcs of II 180-1 
ascending arc of, we are now on I 641 
astral merges into physical II 257, 736 
of atoms I 522 
begun by intellectual Logos I 137n 
Berosus on teaching of II 190 
of body terrestrial I 175 
changes on globe D, fourth round I 176-7 
criticism of scientific II 164-5n, 185 
cyclic I 416, 634-47; II 298, 420, 443, 732-3 
Darwinian, & reversion to type II 293n 
Darwinian, in cosmos I 202 
Darwinism not supported by occultism I 186-7, 191, 211; II 653 
Darwinism only part of I 600; II 153, 649 
definition of I 620; II 653 
different rates of II 256 
divine, of ideas I 280 
double, of man II 87, 167 
embryo epitomizes racial II 187, 659 
endless adaptations of I 277 
eternal cycle of becoming II 170 
of eyes II 299 &n, 302 
fallen angels & human II 274 
five esoteric axioms re II 697-8 
Fohat & cosmic I 110 
gigantic flora, fauna, men II 276 
fr gigantic to small II 153-4 
gradual, works by uniform laws II 731 
guided by intelligence (Wallace) I 107 
guided by unseen hands I 278 
Haeckel defines II 164-5n 
higher beings used in II 87-8 
human-spiritual to divine-spiritual I 224 
human, traced on walls & in heaven II 352 
& Idealists (Spencer) II 490n 
of individualization I 178-9 
infinitesimal chance variations II 697 
inherent law of development II 260 
intellectual, w physical II 411 
intelligence cause of II 649 &n 
intelligent beings adjust, control I 22 
internal laws in, (Mivart) II 697 
involution & I 416; II 294 
Isis Unveiled q on I 332; II xvi 
Kabbala, only hinted at in II 241 
kosmic, in geometric figures I 321 
of man & ape discussed II 675-85 
man masterpiece of II 475, 728 
man's, difficult to trace II 152 
monad & personal self compel II 109-10 
natural forces working blindly (Darwin) I 139; II 652 
nature's progress to higher life I 277 
never-ceasing ever becoming II 545 
no, for the perfect II 243 
not all due to natural selection II 728 
not applied to primary "Creation" I 446 
not creation, by means of WORDS II 42 
occult doctrine of II 241, 261-3, 731-4 
paganism taught dual I 464 
pain & suffering necessary to II 475 
of perception fr apperception I 175, 179 
physical evolves fr spiritual I 219 
planetary life-impulses & II 697 
pre-human monsters, etc & II 634-5 
primary, secondary causes in II 648-9 
proceeded unaided (Temple) II 645 
proceeds on many levels II 87 
of progenitors as gods, then men II 349 
Puranas on I 451-60; II 253 
of races, series of rises & falls II 721 
repetitive I 232; II 256 
saltations in II 696-7 
scientific II 189, 347-8 
second round, different I 159-60 
senses, of outer vs inner I 446-7; II 294 
septenary, discussed I 267-8; II 622-3n 
sexual, gradual II 84 
fr simple to complex II 299, 731 
simultaneous, of seven groups II 1-2 
soul's influence on, (Rolleston) II 728 
specialization II 720 
of spirit into matter II 273 
spiritual & physical I 641; II 348, 421 
spiritual, of inner, real man I 175, 634; II 728 
stages in, of man II 132-3, 173-4 
Stanzas as formula of I 20-1 
swastika symbolizes II 98 
of third eye II 302 
three propositions re II 1, 168 
triple scheme of I 181, 341; II 109 
Uranos, Kronos, Jupiter & II 268-71 
young subject (Wilson) II 152


impulse & cyclic law II 298 
journey of the Pilgrim I 268 
seven Stanzas deal w seven, stages I 21




cannot originate variations II 299n, 648 
criticisms of II 185, 647-9, 654, 657, 696 
does not affect basic type II 737 
evolution not entirely due to II 728 
future prospects of I 600 
law of retardation & II 260 &n 
not an entity II 648 
only partially true II 734 &n 
de Quatrefages accepted II 662 
& Romanes' alternate theory II 647 
secondary cause only II 648-9 
super- II 260 
Wallace felt, inadequate I 107, 339; II 696


adaptation to II 738 
hostile in early period II 159-60 
modifies urge to perfection II 736 
plants, animals adapted to II 159-60

Transmission I 223 &n

Heredity I 457; II 738
of acquired characteristics I 219; II 711n 
of anthropoids II 688n 
biogenetic law of II 659 
cause of, unknown to science I 223 
karma overrides II 178 
opposed by German scientists II 711n 
servant of karma II 178 
transmission of atoms & II 671-2 
Weismann's views on I 223n

VARIATIONS (evolution) II 738

fortuitous, criticized (Mivart) II 697 
ideation reflected in matter II 299n 
reflects dhyan-chohanic wisdom II 649 
of species II 677 &n, 679, 696 
as transmitted by heredity II 738




blind force, chance & II 475 
in cosmic evolution I 202-3 
among nations II 330 
shows nature is conscious I 277-8 
strongest often not fittest II 475 
takes place after variations II 299n 




fr akasa II 511 
cosmic & atomic I 152 
evolution & I 246-7, 277; II 648-9 
first I 1, 4, 138, 177, 327 
Fohat causes I 200-1, 205-6n, 328 
of monads I 178-9 
outside solar system I 673 
of primeval matter I 589, 601, 620, 633; II 389 
root of evil II 421n, 490, 574 
secondary causes of II 648-9, 736 
of seven prakritis I 328 
of spirit-matter I 258, 277, 327, 421, 543




betw ape & man I 190; II 189 
brain size of Dryopithecus & II 676 
great number of, needed II 661 
located in man's astral body II 720 
man not descended fr pithecoid II 717 
meaning of term II 184n 
Neanderthal man not, (Huxley) II 686n 
not found II 87, 189-90, 260, 263, 287, 317n, 660, 674, 678, 727, 744 
not on objective plane II 190 
prosimiae of Haeckel not II 668 
betw reptile & bird II 183 
third race man created I 190 
useless to search for I 184n




gradual human, missing II 716 
man & lower genera exceptions to II 256 
man's skeleton not II 720-3


all, change w every root-race II 697 
all, once hermaphrodite II 299 
continuance of, (Kabbala) II 457 
crop of, after physicalization II 736 
designers, builders & growth of II 732 
differentiation of II 737 
different rates of evolution for II 256 
gradual transformation of II 347-8 
growth & decline of II 733-4 
human, can breed together II 195 
interbreeding of II 184-5, 191, 201, 267, 287 
law of retardation on II 260 &n 
now stereotyped II 697 
progressive development of II 260 
relapse to ancestral types II 697




ancestors & primordial Adam II 46 
constitution cannot be excavated II 720 
devas inhabit, plane II 90 
Earth, in early ages II 250-1 
evolution merges into physical II 257 
fire & occult phenomena I 82n 
forms stored in Earth's aura II 684 
fourth state of matter II 737 
influences I 538 
man often evil genius I 639 
man 300 million years old II 251 
physical &, planes II 157 &n 
pineal gland & II 301 
pralayas &, "photographs" I 18n; II 660 
primeval, man II 688-9 
progenitors of early mammals II 684 
become physical II 736, 738 
created I 282; II 68n, 186, 660 
shed by man II 684 
in space I 18n; II 660n 
fr third round II 256-7 
records & lipikas I 104-5 
relics of third round II 712 
sex first on, plane II 84 
shadows II 46, 105, 110, 164, 186

ASTRAL BODY (ies). See also Body, Chhaya, Linga-Sarira, Nephesh, Shadows,

adepts live in II 499, 531 
agnishvattas have no, to project II 78 
barhishads & II 79 
beasts have an II 196n 
becomes covered w flesh I 183-4; II 121 
body of kosmos I 167, 624n 
born before physical II 1 
breathed out II 86 
consolidation of II 653 
in diagram, table I 153, 157n, 242-3; II 596, 632-3 
among Egyptians I 232n, 674n 
esoteric & profane sciences & II 149 
external form fr I 175 
first race had no II 121 
kabbalists on I 234, 242-4 
mayavic body II 241 
"missing link" in the II 720 
progenitors merged w their II 138 
sound & I 555 
Uraeus devours I 227, 674n
Astral Double(s). See also Bhutas, Chhayas
became first human race I 183 
high adept can use II 771 
lunar pitris oozed out I 180, 248 
projection of I 234

ASTRAL FIRE OR FLUID I 81, 82n, 93, 338n, 340-1, 524n; II 188

ASTRAL LIGHT. See also Aether, Akasa, Anima Mundi, Ether

above lowest prakriti I 255 
akasa & I 197n, 253-9, 296n, 326; II 511-12 
Ana, Anna, Chaldean heaven I 91 
anima mundi & I 59-60, 194-7, 365n, 461 
aspect of Archaeus I 338n 
bodies charged w I 526 
church turned, into Satan II 511 
cosmic soul II 113 
cosmic substance or matter I 326 
decrees of fate in II 236 
destiny of every man in I 104, 105 
divine, or One Element I 140 
dragon, serpent or I 73, 74n, 75; II 356 
entities in I 331n 
ether I 74n, 76 &n, 197, 326, 331n, 343, 524n 
evil on our plane I 73-4 
feminine w Gnostics I 194-5 
God & Devil II 512-13 
grand beings move in I 527n 
great deceiver of man I 60 
honey-dew or I 344-5 
Isis Unveiled on I 194-7, 338n, 340-1 
of kabbalists I 343 
karma of humanity II 513 
Levi re I 196, 253-5, 254n, 259 &n; II 74, 485, 511 
life-principle of all I 196 
limbus or I 353 
lower ether I 331n 
lowest of the seven planes I 257 
luminous zone (Zohar) II 409 
Magic Head is, (Zohar) I 424 
Nahbkoon [neheb-kau] or I 472 
name coined by Martinists I 348 
Nebelheim [Niflheim] I 367 
not aether or ether I 296n 
picture gallery, lipikas I 104-5 
prince of the air & II 485 
prototypes impressed in I 59, 63 
shadow of aether I 341 
sidereal light of Paracelsus I 255 
soul of, divine & body infernal I 423-4 
various names for I 140, 365n; II 511 
vibratory motion of I 348 
weird secrets of I 296-7


astral light furnishes I 196-7 
build physical tabernacle II 110


ELECTRICITY. See also Fohat

aspect of Archaeus I 338n 
aspect of universal motion I 147 
astral fluid lower aspect of I 81 
Bohme anticipated I 494 
called a god esoterically I 672 
an effect, not a cause I 517 
an entity I 76, 111n 
first produced by friction I 517 
fluid I 508, 516 
form of atomic vibration I 562 
grossest effects alone seen I 554 
Grove defines I 469, 496 
harmony in laws of II 622 
immaterial, non-molecular I 508 
is matter & atomic I 111n, 580, 584, 671n 
Keely's views on I 560, 562 
kundalini-sakti & I 293 
life-, aspect of Fohat I 139; II 65 
life of universe I 137, 139, 338, 541 
light & life are I 579 
light &, material I 580 
light, fire, water born of I 81-2 
matter affected by invisible power I 469 
mystery of I 79 
nature of, not understood I 493, 498 
not a property of matter I 493 
noumenal, phenomenal I 145-6 
noumenon of, conscious cause I 517 
One Life, highest aspect of I 81-2, 139 
poles of Earth & I 205 
secondary effect of causes I 484 
seven primary forces of I 554 
springs fr upadhi of ether I 515n 
Sun storehouse of I 531 
Sun's vital, & matter I 602 
vital, leaves body at death I 673 
zero point of I 551

Electro-Magnetic Current, circulates thru Earth II 400 &n



abodes of I 204 
androgynous energy I 137 
"Ares" of Paracelsus I 284 
asleep & awake I 109 
Aurora Borealis, Australis & I 205 
awakens primordial matter I 82, 110 
axial changes guided by II 329-30 
breath of I 635 
bridge betw spirit & matter I 16 
brings ray in union w soul I 119 
circular motion & I 201 
cosmic electricity I 76, 85, 111-12, 144-5, 493, 554 
cosmic energy I 328 
described I 16, 76, 109-12, 204-5, 328; II 400n 
differentiated light I 216 
divine love, Eros or I 119; II 65 
double triangle & I 216 
emanation of powers behind I 139 
evolution guided by II 649n 
fiery whirlwind I 108 
force accompanying ideation I 110-11 
fourth son of, & Crookes I 562 
genesis, birth of I 145, 328 
guided by universal intelligence I 493; II 330 
guides star's death, rebirth I 147 
hardens the atoms I 85 
hissing, or serpent I 76 
impresses thought on substance I 16, 85; II 649n 
instrument of Logos I 137n 
key to symbols, allegories I 673 
life-electricity I 137, 139; II 65 
life fr action of I 526n 
Light of the Logos I 137, 602 &n; II 400n 
lords propelled by II 86 
male-female, bipolar I 145 
manifested & unmanifested I 109-10 
as many as there are worlds I 143n 
not a personal god I 139 
objectivizes seven centers of energy II 604n 
Pramati son of II 413-14n 
prana, male, active I 525n 
produces seven laya-centers I 147-8 
rich w dhyani-chohanic thought II 649n 
runs the manus' errands I 63 
scientists not asked to accept I 590 
separates & places sparks I 116 
separates matter into atoms I 76 
sets nebulae in motion I 84 
sets world germs in motion I 672 
sevenfold I 139, 145, 554 
seven sons, brothers of I 145, 204-5, 216, 523-4, 554 
shapes atoms fr crude material I 112 
solar energy I 111 
steed, thought the rider I 107-8 
swastika emblem of II 587 
synthesis of nature's forces I 672 
thread of, & the Spark I 238 
three & five strides of I 112, 122 
Toum &, identic I 674 
turns seed, curds opposite direction I 673 
vehicle of Primordial Seven I 108


FORCE(S). See also Elementals, Energy, Powers

activities of entities I 146, 293 
aether source & cause of I 508 
akasa necessary to understand I 587 
all bodies connected by universal I 511 
atoms & molecules centers of I 507 
blind, fallacy of II 298, 475-6, 648-53 
breath of life, never-dying II 589 
Butlerof on I 517-18 
centripetal & centrifugal I 282n, 416, 593, 604; II 24, 170, 261 
the coming I 554-66 
commanding the I 514n 
correlation of I 96, 521, 674 &n 
correlations of elements & I 373n 
cosmic manifestation & II 24-5 
cosmic, seen by seer I 633-4 
Crookes q on I 550-1 
Cuvier doubted nature of I 490 
danger of Keely's I 563-4 
defined as body in motion I 502n, 518 
design in seemingly blindest I 277 
effects of the four elements I 342 
electric & magnetic, at poles I 205 
equilibrium of, (Grove) I 497 &n 
ever-acting cause I 93n 
first constructive, or builders I 344 
generated by Powers I 520 
God of religion abstract I 397 
gods, called esoterically I 672 
imponderable, intelligent I 587, 671n 
incorporeal stuff I 508 
independent of matter (Hirn) I 512 
intelligence of nature's I 279, 287, 425, 499, 587, 604 
intracosmic intelligent, & God I 529 
Keely's "New" I 565-6 
known, worshiped by ancients I 509 
ladder of I 554 
latent in laya I 140, 155 
laya noumenon of I 148 
life rules, (de Quatrefages) I 540 
little understood I 424 
male & female II 84 
manifestation & two contrary I 282 
manifested unknown realities I 509 
matter & I 111n, 491, 511-12, 518 
-matter-chance trinity of science I 505 
matter-god of science I 509-10 
"modes of motion" I 146-7, 671n 
molecular energy or I 670 
monadless spiritual I 632 
motion &, not separate I 512 
motion of I 517-18 
motor-, Le Couturier on I 502 
moving matter I 554 
of nature aspects of univ motion I 147 
Newton's doubts re nature of I 490 
not a property of matter I 491 
occult, of cardinal points I 122-3 
ONE, of Genesis I 337 
originate in solar vital principle I 591 
perceivable states of matter I 143n 
phlogiston & substance of I 511-12 
physical, vehicles of elements I 469-70 
psychic & spiritual, origin of I 515n 
pure, nothing in physics I 510 
a quality of something I 509 
resides in atom I 511-12 
sakti as six-fold I 292-3 
same, each manvantara I 145 
secondary agents (Jaumes) I 506 
semi-intelligent I 514n 
septenary I 290; II 492, 612, 621n, 631, 732 
space, matter &, (Pratt) I 615 
spirit, matter & I 341; II 103 
spirit or demon behind every I 633 
spiritual entities (Pythagoras) I 492-3 
spring fr upadhi of ether I 515n 
Stallo on mass & I 510-11 
Subba Row on I 292-3 
substance of some kind I 511, 514 
-substance-time a trinity I 582-3


The Principle that lies above / behind the Astral is Prana / Jiva / Life


JIVA(s) (Skt) life, living being

complete in man alone I 224 
of Earth & man compared II 46 
elemental atom or I 567-8 
in every particle of matter I 522 
functions of, on Earth five-fold I 224 
Haeckel's moneron ignores II 185 
hangs fr flame I 238 
human, animal, same II 81 
"Imperishable" I 218-19 
is, a myth? I 603n 
Lords of the Moon & II 75 
monads or I 629-30 
Parabrahman pervades every I 522 
passes thru all forms I 246-7 
personal consciousness of II 241 
ray of the Absolute I 247 
some, were not ready II 161, 162 
souls of atoms I 619 
sunspots & ascent of, in death I 132 
vijnanamaya &, blood, water I 570n
Jivanmukta (Skt). See also Jivatma
can double his nirvana I 371 
freed fr seven principles II 604n 
high adept, mahatma or I 46n
Jivatma(n) (Skt). See also Akasa
akasa or I 140 
Logos of Greeks II 33 
Nous, motion or I 50 
prana & I 226n
Jivatmas (Skt) I 132. See also Jivanmukta



LIFE, the One I 110, 291, 539, 591. See also Boundless, That

as electricity I 81, 137, 139; II 65 
eternal motion attribute of I 2 
highest aspect of electricity I 81-2 
jivatman or I 50 
law &, ever unknown II 732 
lives & I 250, 268 
related to one law -- karma I 634 
"secondless" I 120 
THAT or I 258 
the Unmanifestable I 10 
wrongly identified w God I 225

LIFE-ATOMS. See also Atoms

anima mundi & II 672 &n 
of prana & heredity II 671-2 
sleeping atoms & II 672
Life-Cycle. See also Cycle
end of this, seventh race II 49 
men of this, & next I 267, 309 
Vaivasvata Manu & this II 321

Life Germs
aggregate, produce other lives I 259 
via a meteorite I 488; II 158 
fr Moon II 139

LIFE PRINCIPLE. See also Liquor Vitae, Nervous Ether, Vital

anima mundi source of II 562 
Archaeus or II 654 
astral form instinct w II 117 
astral light, of every creature I 196 
daiviprakriti or I 602 
force as noumenon of II 672-3 
kinetic & potential energy aspects of II 673n 
meaningless to science II 730 
omnipresent, indestructible II 672-3 &n 
Sun source of I 593-4 
too much, too little, may kill I 539
Life Winds, Anugita on I 96; II 496 &n, 566-9



PRANA(s) (Skt) breath II 242

apana, etc, life winds II 566-8 
atoms of, never lost II 671-2 
breath of life (Massey) II 632 
corresponds to globe five I 153 
expirational breath I 95 
inert without matter I 526n 
life, corresponds to oxygen II 593 
life essence II 596 
life principle I 157-8 
lowest subdivision of I 262n 
not jivatman I 226n 
pervades body of man I 526n 
rudras, ten vital breaths or II 548 
second principle, male, active I 525n 
second principle of dhyanis I 224 
speech, apana & I 95

PRANAMAYA KOSA (Skt) I 157. See also Astral Body

Pranava (Skt) sacred syllable Om
called Vach I 138 
mystic term like Om I 432 &n


Hope this may help,



-----Original Message-----
From: samblo@c... [mailto:samblo@c...] 
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Why is Theosophy better than religions or


Thanks for your comments.

>>In the THEOSOPHICAL literature it speaks of the mind, needing a concept or
procedure, sends out "a finger of thought" and, if powerful enough, it
impinges on an answer in the universal astral light (the record of all
events and things) and can bring it back.  

I wonder.  

It must have something to do with the character and predisposition of the
person, as well as Karma
in general. In the case of Edison so many inventions and developments have
come from his work.<<


Well, in past posts I posted the Peter Gariaev Research in Russia, to me
the implications of their findings are potentially huge. 

If the process they describe involving the Quantum Non-Local Matrix is
indeed a reality then it turns Darwin's adaptive evolution on it's head and
a lot of Science also. 

Gariaev and his team describe the Quantum Non-Local Matrix as outside of our
time and space dimension yet at the same time inseparable and most intimate
to all living form and in inseparable instantaneous communication with the
DNA and Cells of life forms.

They postulate the Non-Local Matrix contains the sum of all past, present
and future forms in infinite potentia and that adaptation is actually the
accessing back and forth for the purpose of locating solutions presented in
our dimension and reality when adaptation is a "necessity of survival" or
when need for optimization is needed. 

This involves one of the most beautiful, l profound expression in Nature. 

How does a Hummingbird adaptively develop a beak expressly shaped to a
unique genus of flower that others may not access for food and nectar? How
does a flower grow a bloom adaptively to attract selectively only certain
species of bird or insects? 

The Gariaev Research explains the interface between the Quantum Non-Local
Matrix and ourselves and the life forms on Earth. 

And reading their papers one sees they make mention that beyond the
Non-Local Matrix is, they believe by indication, a "Consciousness" that
mediates it all and is senior to even the Quantum Non-Local Matrix. 

This may qualify as a circumstance of which you quote Blavatsky in your
post. Here Gariaev as well as others today are converging upon a cognitive
understanding based upon Science itself and new Discovery opening the veil
between the 
material, subtle, and beyond. 

There are several items connected to this general topic. 

One is Jacques Benveniste, formerly Head of Research for France's Medical
Institute and his discovery of "Memory of water," high dilution phenomena.
There is also the "Phantom DNA" discovery. 

All rely upon the Quantum Field Model Form expressing as Magnetic
analytically geometrized information of a senior order that is the substrate
intimate to the physically present specimen and which remains after all
presence of the physical counterpart has been removed. 

In the case of disease this is significant if further validation convinces
Science at large, for removing the physical traces of the disease while the
Quantum Field Model Form remains within the body complete and whole
containing the 
information that can express and regenerate the disease anew in spite of the
best efforts of current Medical Art. I think this is another facet of self
organizing criticality that is new being discovered.

As to Thomas Edision, unfortunately, I Have the Belgrade Edition of the
Patents, lectures of Nicola Tesla and several other works on Tesla. 

Tesla saved Edison's buns and Edison horridly cheated Tesla. 

Tesla, before he even came to America had invented the long distance relay
and Yugoslavia used it to become the first nation with long distance

Tesla invented A.C. electrical technology which quickly overwhelmed
Edision's faulted D.C. system. when I look at our culture of today Tesla is
the man that was entirely shorted (overlooked) by (his) the peers.


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