The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes (new)
Oct 07, 2004 10:26 AM
by kpauljohnson
I just started this new book by Dean Hamer. The basic contention is
that he has identified a particular gene involved in regulating
specific neurotransmitters, monoamines. These "appear to influence
spirituality by altering consciousness." Spirituality is measurable
as the dimension "self-transcendence" on a Temperament and Character
Inventory created by psychiatrist Robert Cloninger. Theosophists
should like the fact that it measures on seven dimensions. The
trait as measured by this test is heritable, according to the book,
and therefore there is a genetic factor determining degree of
Here's a link:
At first glance the thesis is appealing; I note in family history
that one line in particular seems to be especially oriented to
spirituality. Can't help wondering how different cultures vary and
whether the USA's hyperreligiosity could be a partly genetic trait.
PS-- One way this is related to THEOSOPHY is that HPB in her
esoteric instructions says that the chakras are really all inside
the brain
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