Re: Theos-World Hearing the Voice of the Silence: HPB, Cayce, Radhasoami, &c.
Oct 04, 2004 01:33 PM
by samblo
Thanks for your comments and POV. I meant due to earlier posts on the
Shabd and Sphuratta relative to the Sikh sector to search for an Author that of
course I was reminded of who research sound and vibration, Geometry underlying
Nature. His name is Hans Jenny. He Authored in 1972 a work named "Cymatics."
Here is his website:
Cymatics a study of Wave Phenomena by Hans Jenny
Naam: Sound Current- Spanda Sphuratta (a survey of the Traditions)
Drew Hempal ~ sound-Current non-Dualism Part 1
The Mysticism of Sound -The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan
The Sound of Silence ( Modern Physics integrated with Tradition)
Thirty Stanzas - Vasubandu - Alaya Vijnana
PS: Glad to see you restored your system.
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