Re: Theos-World Re: Hearing the Voice of the Silence: HPB, Cayce, Radhasoami, &c.
Oct 04, 2004 01:29 AM
by Morten N. Olesen
Hallo all,
When I hear things like that, I think about
Dr. John C. Lilley's book "The Center of the Cyclone",
where he describes which meditation technique he and others found to be the
His homepage:
His homepage is worth the effort if you ask me.
John C. Lilley passed to the other side: sept. 30th - 2001.
(He was also known as the "Dolphin-man", who among others was taught by
Oscar Ichazo, - who was a sufi)
I do like the fellow and his helping hand to animals and life at sea.
"He is almost like real Star Trek." (smile...)
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: "netemara888" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 6:39 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Hearing the Voice of the Silence: HPB, Cayce,
Radhasoami, &c.
> --- In, "kpauljohnson"
> <kpauljohnson@y...> wrote:
> >
> > Hey,
> >
> > I've learned from Perry that he has some experience with the
> > Radhasoami movement, and know that Netemara is or was a member of
> one
> > branch of it.
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