Re: Theos-World Did Katherine Tingley Channel the Recently Deceased William Q. Judge?
Oct 03, 2004 01:02 AM
by ringding777
I do not think that KT was a channeler.
Channeling is a bad thing, theosophy warns us before.
Channeling is but the lower siddhi travesty of higher occult
What the new agers, Besant, Bailey, Steiner and Leadbeater
people do not understand is that the psychic world is in
opposite to the spiritual world and that the clairvoyants,
channelers, hypnotizers and akasha readers are even still in
the low psychic astral world when they relabel it.
Daniel, does your statement imply that no communication with
HPB or Judge was possible after their physical death?
Is it impossible in 2004 to have communication with HPB?
Or do you just question that KT was able to communicate with
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel H. Caldwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: Theos-World Did Katherine Tingley Channel the
Recently Deceased William Q. Judge?
Did Katherine Tingley Channel the
Recently Deceased William Q. Judge?
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