Re: Theos-World Re: The role of controler or moderator ???
Oct 01, 2004 10:12 AM
by Bill Meredith
Hi. Do you know Brigette Muehlegger? I think you would like her. I can
arrange an e-mail introduction if you are interested.
I have included some comments below which represent my thinking on the role
of controller or modertor in relation to the rights of the group.
----- Original Message -----
From: "john_hopkinsphd_2000" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 11:46 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re: The role of controler or moderator ???
In fact the owner `owns' your words. He can delete them , ban you
forever (he's done it all the time) plus much more.
There are numerous completely unmoderated forums where one can go to express
a particular point of view as often and as aggressively as desired.
A person who comes to an existing forum and begins to take over that forum
through the use of bullying techniques, huge quantities of largely
irrelevant quoted material, and false accusations and inuendo may be in for
a bit of a surprise. First, the forum may already have a bully of sorts.
While it may be entertaining to watch two hard heads butt, it does not
further the goals of the group in general. Second, if the forum does not
already have a resident bully, one may develop in response to the newcomer.
This can be a learning experience of sorts, however, it does not further the
aims of the group in general. Finally, after several episodes of watching
the group suffer at the hands of a self-centered agitator, the "owner" of
the group in the sense that he or she "owns" the slice of cyberspace in
which the group meets, may finally feel compelled to exercise his or her
right to moderate the group by laying down certain rules and guidelines and
ultimately reserving for the "owner" final arbitration. I believe that this
is the case here at Theos-talk.
It is simply not enough to always recommend that group members just <delete>
offensive and inflammatory posts. An aggressive poster does not have some
God granted right to be offensive and inflammatory such that those posts
cannot be curtailed, restricted, or even eliminated for the greater good of
a particular group.
You agreed to that by the rules and regulations of yahoo.
You, have NO rights, even nobody is home, this is yahoo land plain and
A person has the right not to participate in any group for any reason. A
person may also establish a group that satisfies his or her particular needs
more effectively. Once a group has been established and begins working to
meet the needs of the members of that group, a newcomer does not have the
right to force him or her self onto the group with apparent disregard for
the norms and accepted practices of the group. To do so disrupts the group
and puts the many at the mercy of the few.
?? - THEY have a real teacher of wisdom !
M. Sufilight with a huge smile...
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