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Re: Theos-World Re: The role of controler or moderator ???

Oct 01, 2004 10:07 AM
by Bart Lidofsky

john_hopkinsphd_2000 wrote:
In fact the owner `owns' your words. He can delete them , ban you
forever (he's done it all the time) plus much more.
Not true. The writer still owns the copyright to their own message.

As far as banning, if someone was sending a hundred messages a day saying that we are all sinners and should convert to Jesus (and I HAVE seen this happen in unmoderated newsgroups), do you think that it would be wrong to delete the posts and ban the user? If someone was continually violating copyright or libel laws in this list, do you think that the list owner should expose himself to legal jeopardy by continuing to allow it?


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