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Telepathy and Mental Burglary

Sep 30, 2004 11:28 AM
by MKR

Here is something that might interest some. Dallas kindly located it for me.















"To communicate with another mind at any distance the Adept attunes all the 
molecules of the brain and all the thoughts of the mind so as to vibrate in 
unison with the mind to be affected, and that other mind and brain have 
also to be either voluntarily thrown into the same unison or fall into it 
voluntarily. So though the Adept be at Bombay and his friend in New York, 
the distance is no obstacle, as the inner senses are not dependent on an 
ear, but may feel and see the thoughts and images in the mind of the other 

The modern man sees no misdemeanor in looking into the secrets of another 
by means of this power, but the Adepts say it is an invasion of the rights 
of the other person. No man has the right, even when he has the power, to 
enter into the mind of another and pick out its secrets. This is the law of 
the Lodge to all who seek, and if one sees that he is about to discover the 
secrets of another he must at once withdraw and proceed no further.

If he proceeds his power is taken from him in the case of a disciple; in 
the case of any other person he must take the consequence of this sort of 
burglary. For Nature has her laws and her policemen, and if we commit 
felonies in the Astral world the great Law and the guardians of it, for 
which no bribery is possible, will execute the penalty, no matter how long 
we wait, even if it be for ten thousand years. Here is another safeguard 
for ethics and morals.

But until men admit the system of ethical and moral philosophy put forward 
by Theosophy, they will not deem it wrong to commit felonies in fields 
where their weak human law has no effect, but at the same time, by refusing 
the philosophy, they will put off the day when all may have these great 
powers for the use of all.

To attempt to acquire the use of the psychic powers for mere curiosity or 
for selfish ends is also dangerous for the same reasons as in the case of 
mediumship. As the civilization of the present day is selfish to the last 
degree and built on the personal, element, the rules for the development of 
these powers in the right way, have not been given out. But the Masters of 
Wisdom have said that philosophy and ethics must first be learned and 
practiced before any development of the other department is to be indulged 
in; and their condemnation of the wholesale development of mediums is 
supported by the history of spiritualism, which is one long story of the 
ruin of mediums in every direction.

Equally improper is the manner of the scientific schools which without a 
thought for the true nature of man indulge in experiments in hypnotism in 
which the subjects are injured for life, put into disgraceful attitudes, 
and made to do things for the satisfaction of the investigators which would 
never be done by men and women in their normal state.
The Lodge of the Masters does not care for Science unless it aims to better 
man's state morally as well as physically, and no aid will be given to 
Science until she looks at man and life from the moral and spiritual side.
For this reason those who know all about the psychical world, its denizens 
and laws, are proceeding with a reform in morals and philosophy before any 
great attention will be accorded to the strange and seductive phenomena 
possible for the inner powers of man.
And at the present time the cycle has almost run its course for this 
century. Now, as a century ago, the forces are slackening; the Adept Lodge 
hopes by the time the next tide begins to rise that the West will have 
gained some right knowledge of the true philosophy of Man and Nature, and 
be then ready to bear the lifting of the veil a little more. To help on the 
progress of the race in this direction is the object of Theosophy and that 
is offered to all.

Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and second-sight are all closely related. 
Every exercise of any one of them draws in at the same time both of the 
others. They are but variations of one power. Sound is one of the 
distinguishing characteristics of the Astral sphere, and as light goes with 
sound, sight obtains simultaneously with hearing.
To see an image with the Astral senses means that at the same time there is 
a sound. It is well known to the true student of occultism that every sound 
produces instantaneously an image, and this, so long known in the Orient, 
has lately been demonstrated in the West in the production to the eye of 
sound pictures on a stretched tympanum.
In clairvoyance, the pictures in the Astral Light pass before the inner 
vision and are reflected into the physical eye from within. They then 
appear objectively to the seer. In clairaudience, the hearer hears with the 
center of hearing in the Astral body activating the physical equivalent sense.
In clairvoyance with waking sight, the vibration is communicated to the 
brain first. From the brain it is transmitted to the physical eye, where it 
sets up an image upon the retina. In ordinary vision the vibrations on the 
retina of the are transmitted to the brain. Sound, also a vibration, is 
preserved in the Astral Light and, from thence the inner sense can take it 
and transmit it to the brain, from which it is retransmitted to the 
physical ear.

By means of these pictures, seen with the inner senses, all clairvoyants 
exercise their strange faculty. Yet it is a faculty common to all men, 
though in the majority but slightly developed. Occultism asserts that were 
it not for the germ of this power slightly active in every one no man could 
convey to another any idea whatsoever.

The highest order of clairvoyance -- that of Spiritual Vision -- is very 
rare. The usual clairvoyant deals only with the ordinary aspects and strata 
of the Astral matter. SPIRITUAL SIGHT comes only to those who are pure, 
devoted, and firm. It may be attained by special development of the 
particular organ in the body through which alone such sight is possible, 
and only after discipline, long training, and the highest altruism.
All other clairvoyance is transitory, inadequate, and fragmentary, dealing, 
as it does, only with matter and illusion. "

Ocean of THEOSOPHY (Chapters 16, 17)


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