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Re: Theos-World Working with controversy

Aug 31, 2004 03:23 AM
by Morten N. Olesen

Hallo Leon and all,

My views are:

To some people climbing the Path or ladder
do not absolutly have to happen using the "nun" or "monk"

To some people this "massage" of the lower bodies are quite important - to
their possibility of adavancing towards more permanent chalaship. Chelaship
of the same kind you mention Blavatsky talked about.
You Leon are obviously not one of them who needs this path. So the "monk"
path is your path?

I agree, that the physical intercourse it self is not what we aim for - in
the end of our devleopment. Then we use it like Dallas mentioned - when
there is a spiritual need for an individual to be born and else not.

The problem is, as I see it, - that these issues was not described very
well by the main theosophists - Blavatsky included.

I am not the only one having a different view than you on this.
I will allow myself to quote Jerry S.:
"The sex act, and yes I can still remember it, need not be selfish at all.
If done as an exression of love, it is part of human intimacy and a
wonderful way to express love between two people. The sensation of a loving
orgasm is the closest experience that we human beings have to the ecstasy
of a mystical experience. The object should be to bring enjoyment to one's
partner, not to oneself."

So Leon having Sex is mostly not a totally selfish activity.
I thought you knew that?

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Working with controversy

> Morton,
> What has sexual relations to do with "union of ones inner SELVES"?
> One refers only to the attractions of the lower animal nature -- while the
> other relates to the Spiritual nature alone (that is the basis of
> "compassion," and "altruism") -- which makes no distinctions of any sort,
> including sex.
> It's also obvious, from all of HPB's teachings -- based on the ancient
> Hermetic science underlying it as well as all of Buddha's teachings -- 
that union of
> our inner SELVES is a function of our higher consciousness, and has
> to do with "feelings" that center in our lower mind and emotional natures.
> Therefore, sexual relations, by themselves, can never lead to the higher
> wisdom nor to union with the universal soul. The Kama Sutra, along with
all the
> lower yoga's such as Hatha or Kundalini, has nothing to do with
> or what Blavatsky was talking about or teaching. The best they can do is
> tickle one's psyche and massage one's body and one's lower or personal
> So, I'm content to live in my cave -- after having enjoyed the sexual
> relations that went along with sowing my wild oats, raising all my
children, and
> fulfilling my familial chores many long years ago. But those sexual
> were no different, as far as my spiritual consciousness was concerned,
than was
> my wrestling with both boys and girls before my puberty.:-)
> (Not to say that I can't still enjoy a romp in the hay when it comes my
> that keeps me young in mind and body to this day.:-)
> Leonardo
> In a message dated 08/29/04 8:55:16 AM,
> >Hallo Dallas and all,
> >
> >My views are:
> (Snip)
> >In the article Blavatsky wrote:
> >
> >"It is only by the close brotherly union of men's inner SELVES, of
> >soul-solidarity, of the growth and development of that feeling which
> >one suffer when one thinks of the suffering of others, that the reign of
> >Justice and equality for all can ever be inaugurated. This is the first
> >the three fundamental objects for which the Theosophical Society was
> >established, and called the "Universal Brotherhood of Man," without
> >distinction of race, colour or creed."
> >
> >
> >Comments:
> >Now this leads me to suggest, that if one have as ones objective to
> >growth of this "feeling"
> >which Blavatsky talks about, - then a sexual relationship could be
> >in developing it.
> >And relationships in general among various people aught to be of a kind,
> >which implies, that
> >one meets with those people who are capeable of giving the most fruit in
> >nurturing this "feeling"
> >either to one self or to others. Living in a cave seems not to be the
> >solution.
> >
> >from
> >M. Sufilight with peace and love...
> >
> >
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