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Theos-World Re: Steiner triumphant???

Aug 27, 2004 03:38 AM
by Katinka Hesselink

Hi Frank,

Personally I don't have a problem with the fact that the TS(Adyar) 
usually deals more with philosophical issues. Each theosophist 
practices theosophy in the way they feel is best. That is true for 
TS-Adyar and all other groups. Examples of TS-Adyar influence 
includes at least: In India Kalakshetra (Indian dance) was 
stimulated through the efforts of theosophists (Rukmini Devi, wife 
of Arundale if I'm not mistaken). On another e-group I referred to 
the work started by Besant in the shape of the Theosophical Order of 
Service. In Adyar the TOS has a school (had several, most are now 
government-funded schools), a wellfare centre where women can learn 
a trade. Through hearsay it is reported to me that Amnesty 
International was started by theosophists. The list could probably 
go on and on if one includes efforts by individual theosophists 
locally all over the world. Publishing books and such is really the 
kind of work I feel the TS should be focussing on. Personally I 
don't think the other work needs to be done under the heading of the 
Theosophical Society, except where members initiate it (there was an 
artists-lodge in the Netherlands once - it could even boast of the 
name of Mondriaan on its list of members at one point). 

The TS is quite literally what it's members turn it into. But in 
general our work is cut out for us by the three objects, I think. 
Individual theosophists will practice these objects in various ways, 
will turn theosophy practical in various ways and the TS doesn't 
have to get involved in that. Members will do great things quite 
independently (thankfully). The label TS isn't necessary, as far as 
I'm concerned. 

The below is merely a statement of fact: Steiner is more popular 
than HPB because the latter didn't get involved in telling people 
what to do and how to do it. She merely laid out principles (very 
usefull ones) and gave some dietary advice (don't eat meat, don't 
drink alcohol, avoid too much sugar - that's about it). That Steiner 
is more popular doesn't mean we have to make his mistakes (and he 
made many in his volumnous writings). Popularity IS NOT a measure of 
value. I hope that much is obvious...

--- In, ringding777@t... wrote:
> Katinka, many of HPB's London students like Henry T. Edge went to 
> Loma. At this theosophical community they were also very practical 
> cooking, gymnastics, farming, painting, musical plays).
> Besides that the basic theosophical writings of HPB and WQJ were 
> republished, the Mahatma Letters and Blavatsky Collected Writings 
are also 
> Point Loma projects.
> Is this not practical enough?
> Frank

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