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Aug 22, 2004 09:30 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Aug 22 2004 RE: Transcription of HPB material Dear Doss: That is why so many deep students do their own careful reading and study. Every time there is a copy made there is the potential of such alterations. However there is a vast difference between unintentional omissions and possible errors and those that are done deliberately to change the meaning of the original text. Our THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT brief history of about 125 years shows, and it can be proved by anyone who wants to proof read, that when the first plates made for the SECRET DOCTRINE in 1888 were worn out by reprinting, the "3rd and revised EDITION," prepared after HPB's death under the editorship of Annie Besant and issued in 1893, showed over 40,000 alterations, some minor and many that actually changed HPB's original meaning. Then later in 1897 there was issued the 3rd Volume of the SECRET DOCTRINE also done by her. And this does not in any way resemble the kind of writing which passages in the first two volumes describe. It is said that she used MSS HPB had left unedited in her desk and whether Annie Besant printed it as HPB wrote it or whether she altered it, we have no way of finding out. By reading the matter offered it is possible to see that in some cases HPB's statements made in earlier writings have been changed or deviated from. Dallas See below: ------------------------------------------------------ Re: 3RD VOLUME of the book The SECRET DOCTRINE ================= To secure a view of what H P B's intent is we ought to go directly to what she wrote concerning the nature and scope of the 3rd and 4th Volumes of The SECRET DOCTRINE" FROM The SECRET DOCTRINE (published in 1888, we quote):-- S D I xxix-xl "The writer will have to give historical and trustworthy names.as also to name some of the famous proficients in the secret arts and science, along with the mysteries of the latter, as they are divulged, or rather, partially presented before the public in their strange archaic form.Such a point of preliminary observation, for those who would like to get a more correct understanding of the mysteries of the pre-archaic periods given in the texts, cannot be offered to them in these two volumes. But if the reader has patience, and would glance at the present state of beliefs and creeds in Europe, compare and check it with what is known of the history of the ages directly preceding and following the Christian era, then he will find all this in Volume III, of this work. In that volume a brief recapitulation will be made of all the principal adepts known to history, and the downfall of the mysteries will be described; after which the disappearance and final and systematic elimination from the memory of men of the real nature of initiation and the Sacred Science. From that time its teachings became Occult, and Magic sailed but too often under the venerable but frequently misleading name of Hermetic philosophy.." S D I vii "Even the two volumes now issued do not complete the scheme, and these do not treat exhaustively of the subjects dealt with in them. A large quantity of material has already been prepared, dealing with the history of occultism as contained in the lives of the great Adepts of the Aryan race, and showing the bearing of the occult philosophy upon the conduct of life, as it is and as it ought to be. Should the present volumes meet with a favourable reception, no efforts will be spared to carry out the scheme of the work in its entirety. The third volume is entirely ready; the fourth almost so." S D II p. 106 "There is no space to describe these "fires" and their real meaning here, though we may attempt to do so if the third and fourth volumes of this work are ever published." S D II p. 437 "In Volume III, of this work (the said volume and the IVth being almost ready) a brief history of all the great adepts known to the ancients and the moderns in their chronological order will be given, as also a bird's eye view of the Mysteries, their birth, growth, decay, and final death--in Europe. This could not find room in the present work. Volume IV will be almost entirely devoted to Occult teachings." S D II p. 798 "Thus far have proceeded the rough outlines of the beliefs and tenets of the archaic, earliest Races.But our explanations are by no means complete.Our main concern was simply to prepare the soil. This, we trust we have done. These two volumes only constitute the work of a pioneer who has forced his way into the well-nigh impenetrable jungle of the virgin forests of the Land of the Occult. A commencement has been made to fell and uproot the deadly upas trees of superstition, prejudice, and conceited ignorance, so that these two volumes should form for the student a fitting prelude for Volumes III, and IV. Until the rubbish of the ages is cleared away from the minds of the Theosophists to whom these volumes are dedicated, it is impossible that the more practical teachings contained in the third Volume should be understood. Consequently it depends upon the reception with which Volumes I and II will meet at the hands of Theosophists and Mystics, whether these last two volumes will ever be published, though they are almost completed." In addition, in 1891 let us look at H. P. Blavatsky's article: THE NEGATORS OF SCIENCE -- Lucifer, April 1891, reprinted in U L T edition -- H P B Articles, Vol. 2, pp 80-1. In this last article she wrote, in part: "...this third volume (now almost ready) treats of the ancient Mysteries of Initiation, gives sketches--from the esoteric stand-point--of many of the most famous and historically known philosophers and hierophants...from the archaic down to the Christian era, and traces the teachings of all these sages to one and the same source of all knowledge and science--the esoteric doctrine of WISDOM-RELIGION....Now the main point of Volume III of The SECRET DOCTRINE is to prove, by tracing and explaining the blinds in the works of ancient Indian, Greek, and other philosophers of note, and also in the ancient Scriptures--the presence of an uninterrupted esoteric allegorical method and symbolism; to show, as far as lawful, that with the keys of interpretation as taught in the Eastern Hindo-Buddhistic Cannon of Occultism, the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Sutras, the epic poems of India and Greece, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Scandinavian Eddas, as well as the Hebrew Bible, and even the classical writings of Initiates (such as Plato, among others)--all from first to last, yield a meaning quite different from their dead letter texts. " [ H P B Articles Vol. II, pp. 80-1, U L T Edition ] The one aspect that is unclear and, important, is: In regard to the matter issued by Mrs. Annie Besant as the THIRD VOLUME OF The SECRET DOCTRINE -- How much did Mrs. Besant (whom Mr. Mead says was solely responsible for its editing) change and edit it from what H.P.Blavatsky wrote ? Let us use an example: The 3rd and Revised EDITION of the S D Vols. I and II, in re-set type in 1893 (not Volume III of 1897) is shown to contain about 40,000 alterations from the 1888 edition (the original) as first published. Some of these are minor, and others appear to be major. Mr. Judge made no written protest that is known concerning the changes in the "3rd and Revised Edition of The SECRET DOCTRINE (1888) " published in 1893, and using new types." He was still alive when this was issued. A number of students are of the opinion that the "ORIGINAL EDITION OF 1888" contains certain codes, and some of those are dependent on the phrasing and the capitalization and the actual words that HPB and the Masters used in that book. If that concept is thrown aside, then the "3rd VOLUME" (1897) can be considered as possibly authentic in INTENT, but not as to CONTENT. In other words it may not be consistent with the ORIGINAL MSS that HPB had left. Also, on reviewing the Contents, it shows that the full scheme envisaged by H P B (as advertised in Vols. I and II) was not to be found there. Older students state that it is based on unedited and unprinted MSS that HPB had in her possession. But if those have been changed and altered, by Mrs. Besant's editing, and then published as the "Third Volume of The SECRET DOCTRINE of 1897," how can we depend absolutely on them ? This "THIRD VOLUME of the S D" was issued in 1897, or 2 years after Mr. Judge's death. Some of those MSS were published posthumously but almost immediately in LUCIFER. And they have been accepted as "original HPB." The content and statements made in some of the articles published by Mrs. Besant as part of the "THIRD VOLUME OF THE S D " do not closely dovetail (in the esteem of several students) with statements made, the style, and orthography used in the ORIGINAL 1888 S D, and in several of her articles published after that date. It is therefore difficult to agree to use those as a basis for presenting original Theosophy and its doctrines. In other words they show a peculiar lack of cohesiveness and continuity with those statements and teachings H P B made in those writings she actually EDITED HERSELF. Now it may be argued that these are minor and perhaps they are also insignificant. However they do represent a DIFFERENCE. So it may be wise to set them aside as having been tampered with. It is also significant that after HPB's death Mrs. Besant arrogated to herself the right and "duty ?" of editing HPB as she thought HPB would like it. This manifests as early as 1893 -- two years after HPB's death. Mrs. Besant's subsequent writings show this tendency to divergence and ultimately this has brought an important change in the presentation of THEOSOPHY when the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY fell under her Presidency after Col. Olcott's death (1907). One need only look at the contents of LUCIFER, the VAHAN, and the THEOSOPHIST, comparing them with the contents of The PATH and the THEOSOPHICAL FORUM during the years 1894 to 1896 (during the attacks on Mr. W.Q.Judge's character and standing in the T S) to realize how this divergence was magnified as the FIRST OBJECT of the T S (Brotherhood ) was abrogated. In addition if one desires to catalog the divergence one need only consult Margaret Thomas' book THEOSOPHY or NEO-THEOSOPHY to notice that changes in Theosophical presentation that had become prevalent between 1891 and 1923. And these are still in use and most members of the T S are unaware of the importance of Mr. Judge's writings, as they have been neglected. Even HPB's writings in their original form have been neglected. Apparently only those who are scholarly delve into and resurrect for their own study and work those neglected writings - and profit therefrom. ======================================= ... Here are some opinions to consider: They may differ. After Mr. Judge's death in 1895, Mrs. Annie. Besant, who remained the Editor of LUCIFER, sent to press a collection of articles that had been written, and left unedited in her drawers by H P B, along with other material. These appear to have not been edited by H.P.Blavatsky for their final printing in LUCIFER or THEOSOPHIST, or as part of the next volume (the third) of The SECRET DOCTRINE . So we do not know if the material printed in the "3rd Vol. SECRET DOCTRINE" (of 1897) is as H P B would have issued it. Of the 4th Vol., H P B gives only a sketchy hint in the pages of SECRET DOCTRINE Vols. 1 & 2. This "3rd Vol. of The SECRET DOCTRINE" was issued by Annie Besant as Editor, through the Theosophical Publishing House in 1897. It is the READER who will have to decide if this "3rd Vol." is genuine. It is quite possible that Mrs. Besant edited the book in whole or in part. What the reader should always remember is : As indicated in the VOICE OF THE SILENCE, there is a difference between the "Doctrine of the Eye" and the Doctrine of the Heart." Each student will have to decide on those as applied to this "3rd Volume." But, to be able to do this, he has to be thoroughly familiar with the teachings contained in the ORIGINAL EDITION of the 2 volumes of The SECRET DOCTRINE published in 1888, and with the many articles published in THEOSOPHIST and LUCIFER by H P B. ============================== A copy of the "third Vol. S D " as originally issued by the Theosophical Publishing House is available in most good Lodge or Branch libraries.. If one has a copy of the 1875-1925 HISTORY OF THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT -- That is the first one issued in 1925 by Dutton, New York. One ought to look at the following pages to get an idea of the value of the "3rd Vol. SECRET DOCTRINE pp. 569-571; On A. Besant and her default, see pp. 563, 685 H.P.Blavatsky sent the original draft to Subba Row in Madras to review. He found that too many of the Brahmanical esoteric secrets were to be revealed. He could not stand that, and that is what set him against H.P.Blavatsky see The THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT (1875-1925) pp. 51, 137, 150, 235, 570, There is a great deal of the early history of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY that is not made plain and few students know much about it these days. There is a parallel to this and that is the reform of Hinduism that The Buddha instituted --- and it took about 300 years for the Brahmins to drive the Buddhists out of India. Here in the West there is a great deal of debate among orientalists and the older students of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY as whether Theosophy endorses Buddhism or Brahmanism. It endorses neither, but culls the best from each. The orthodox on both sides still fight each other. And in doing so they fail to see that they at times are saying the same thing in their own way. In any case Theosophy is the source from which both are derived. (And that is also denied.) A more ancient group called the Jains ante-date the Buddha. They are tolerated by the Brahmins because they appear superficially to follow the same religious patterns. But interiorly they are far closer to Mahayana Buddhism and Theosophy. Buddha's Guru was a Jain Tirthankara. Best wishes, Dallas ======================================== -----Original Message----- From: MKR Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 11:21 AM To: Subject: Transcription of HPB material Having read about he difficulties faced by transcribers in transcribing HPB's letters and how errors could creep in, one wonders about all the material which were published without HPB's editing. It looks like there could be very many errors in transcription in these material. mkr ----------