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Re: Theos-World Re: Anand: "you recommend books which encourage such criticism ...about founders"

Jul 27, 2004 09:22 PM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 07/26/04 11:22:04 AM, writes:

> wrote:
>> Yes, I agree that having a section on the BLAVATSKY.NET site that looks at 
>> the progress of modern and post modern SCIENCE 
> Real question: When you use the phrase "post modern" science, what do
>you mean?

When we speak of "modern science" we relate it to the scientific paradigm 
introduced by Einstein that changed the entire thrust of Newtonian or "classical 
science." In fact, the College course that covers the study of that paradigm, 
which includes relativity and quantum theories, is entitled "Modern Physics." 

In contrast, the newer scientific paradigms, such as Superstring/M-brane 
theories that consolidates the contradictory theories of relativity and quantum 
physics by adding multiple hyperspace dimensions to the three or four of modern 
and classical physics, or the theories of Bohm, Pribam, etc with respect to 
implicate and explicate orders, holographic fields, quantum fields, etc., are now
called "post modern physics" (or "post modern science" if you will, in the 
general case when such theories also relate to physiology, biology, chemistry, 
neurology, etc.). 


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