RE: Theos-World Critical works
Jul 25, 2004 09:30 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck
July 25 2004\
Dear Friends
I am sorry to have to write this. I do not wish to enter any controversy
but prefer to make some facts perfectly plain -- some facts that every one
of who reads this can verify for themselves.
I would like to have you notice that when dealing with THEOSOPHY, those who
place reliance on the ORIGINAL TEACHERS and TEACHINGS, usually quote
extensively and directly from those teachings. They make no unsubstantiated
claims. If you desire to cause anyone to be interested in what Annie Besant
CWL , etc. had to say, then why not quote them appropriately at length and
But to place the following as a criterion demonstrates to me the danger of
trying to supplant the ORIGINAL TEACHERS : HPB, the MASTERS OF WISDOM, and
Mme. Blavatsky's closest pupil and associate: Mr William Q. Judge. with
secondary substitutes such as : "AB, CWL, C. Jinarajadasa, I. K. Taimni."
This does not suit.
One needs to be thoroughly familiar with what the ORIGINAL TEACHERS wrote,
to be able to compare those teachings with the writings of these second
level, later students and pupils, who, AFTER THE DEATH OF H P B, sought to
make Theosophy something they were able to change and alter as it pleased
Some called it making Theosophy "easy" -- and thus they succeeded in
deterring eager minds from going to the ORIGINALS and learning DIRECT from
Do you really think this is great service.
If one desires to trace through original historical documents, that which is
relative to these teachings, and of the doings and events that concern their
handling of the trust reposed in certain individuals for the continuing of
the original objects of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, one ought to go to the
documentary histories:
And its sequel titled:
Both of these are available for reading and downloading at
I quote from your response:
"This is the main reason why I always recommend only books of occultists who
had direct experiences like HPB, AB, CWL, C. Jinarajadasa, I. K. Taimni etc.
This is the main reason why I always recommend only books of occultists "
I am sorry, but those are Not "occultists," with the exception of HPB --
who was Masters' messenger -- a fact that They attested to several times (
see certificates reproduced in PATH, Vol. 8, pp 1-3). I quote:
A good deal has been said about the writing of Isis Unveiled, and later of
the Secret Doctrine, both by H. P. Blavatsky.
A writer in the spiritualistic journals took great pains to show how many
books the first work seems to quote from, and the conclusion to be arrived
at after reading his diatribes is that H.P.B. had an enormous library at her
disposal, and of course in her house, for she never went out, or that she
had agents at great expense copying books, or, lastly, that by some process
or power not known to the world was able to read books at a distance, as,
for instance, in the Vatican at Rome and the British Museum. The last is the
She lived in a small flat when writing the first book and had very few works
on hand, all she had being of the ordinary common sort. She herself very
often told how she gained her information as to modern books.
No secret was made of it, for those who were with her saw day after day that
she could gaze with ease into the astral light and glean whatever she
wanted. But in the early days she did not say precisely to the public that
she was in fact helped in that work by the Masters, who gave from time to
time certain facts she could not get otherwise.
The Secret Doctrine, however, makes no disguise of the real help, and she
asserts, as also many of us believe, that the Masters had a hand in that
great production. The letters sent to Mr. Sinnett formed the ground for
Esoteric Buddhism, as was intended, but as time went on it was seen that
some more of the veil had to be lifted and certain misconceptions cleared
up; hence the Secret Doctrine was written, and mostly by the Masters
themselves, except that she did the arranging of it.
For some time it was too much the custom of those who had received at the
hands of H.P.B. words and letters from her Masters to please themselves with
the imagination that she was no more in touch with the original fount, and
that, forsooth, these people could decide for themselves what was from her
brain and what from the Masters.
But it is now time to give out a certificate given when the Secret Doctrine
was being written, a certificate signed by the Masters who have given out
all that is new in our theosophical books. It was sent to one who had then a
few doubts, and at the same time copies were given from the same source to
others for use in the future, which is now. The first certificate runs thus:
"I wonder if this note of mine is worthy of occupying a select spot with the
documents reproduced, and which of the peculiarities of the "Blavatskian"
style of writing it will be found to most resemble? The present is simply to
satisfy the Doctor that "the more proof given the less believed." Let him
take my advice and not make these two documents public. It is for his own
satisfaction the undersigned is happy to assure him that the Secret
Doctrine, when ready, will be the triple production of [here are the names
of one of the Masters and of H.P.B.] and _______ most humble servant,
[signed by the other.]"
On the back of this was the following, signed by the Master who is mentioned
in the above:
"If this can be of any use or help to _____, though I doubt it, I, the
humble undersigned Faquir, certify that the Secret Doctrine is dictated to
[name of H.P.B.], partly by myself and partly by my brother ______."
A year after this, certain doubts having arisen in the minds of individuals,
another letter from one of the signers of the foregoing was sent and reads
as follows. As the prophecy in it has come true, it is now the time to
publish it for the benefit of those who know something of how to take and
understand such letters. For the outside it will all be so much nonsense.
"The certificate given last year saying the Secret Doctrine would be when
finished the triple production of [H.P.B.'s name], ________, and myself was
and is correct, although some have doubted not only the facts given in it
but also the authenticity of the message in which it was contained. Copy
this and also keep the copy of the aforesaid certificate. You will find them
both of use on the day when you shall, as will happen without your asking,
receive from the hands of the very person to whom the certificate was given,
the original for the purpose of allowing you to copy it; and then you can
verify the correctness of this presently forwarded copy. And it may then be
well to indicate to those wishing to know what portions in the Secret
Doctrine have been copied by the pen of [H.P.B.'s name] into its pages,
though without quotation marks, from my own manuscript and perhaps from
______, though the last is more difficult from the rarity of his known
writing and greater ignorance of his style. All this and more will be found
necessary as time goes on, but for which you are well qualified to wait."
Path, April, 1893 [ Vol. 8, p. 1]
There, students can read for themselves, that she was the Masters'
designated assistant, collaborator, and messenger.
Thus, designated to do this work by the Masters of Wisdom, we have from H P
B ISIS UNVEILED and the SECRET DOCTRINE, as well as many articles from her
and Mr. W Q. Judge's pen.
The record of this trust and work can be easily traced by going to MAHATMA
LETTERS , H P B 's LETTERS TO A. P. SINNETT, and to aforementioned books and
As to Mr. Judge's trust the following ought to be enough evidence.
H. P. B. to Judge on Nirmanakaya residing within him.
[ Oct. 3, 1886 ]
Ostende, Oct. 3, 1886
"The trouble with you is that you do not know the great change that came to
pass in you a few years ago. Others have occasionally their astrals changed
and replaced by those of Adepts (as of Elementaries) and they influence the
outer, and the higher man. With you, it is the NIRMANAKAYA not the 'astral'
that is blended with your astral. Hence the dual nature and fighting."
-- HPB
B.C.W. Vol. VII, p. xxvii, 138;
THEOS. FORUM (Pt. Loma), Aug. 15, 1932, p. 253;
[Dec. 14 1888]
On December 14th 1888 HPB issued an ES order stating that Mr. Judge was to
be her "...only channel through whom will be sent and received all
communications between the members of said Section and myself [HPB]." She
did this, as she then also wrote, establishing his 'position' in the ES
" virtue of his character as a chela of thirteen years standing."
It is plain that HPB reposed a special trust in Judge. She wrote in one of
her letters to him ( # 4, above) that he was "...part of herself for several
aeons...The Esoteric Section and its life in the U.S.A. depends on W.Q.J.
remaining its agent and what he is now. The day W.Q.J. resigns, H.P.B. will
be virtually dead for the Americans. W.Q.J. is the Antaskarana between the
two Manas(es), the American thought and the Indian--or rather the
trans-Himalayan Esoteric Knowledge.
DIXI H.P.B. /\ "
P.S. W.Q.J. had better show, and impress this on the minds of all those who
it may concern." - (H.P.B. )
In another letter she added: "If knowing that W.Q.J. is the only man in the
E.S. in whom I have confidence enough not to have extracted from him a
pledge, he misunderstands me or doubts my affection for him or gratitude..."
Mr. Judge, as HPB must have seen at one point, had to be told about events
that were potential in the future to come. Looking into that future, she
wrote him from Ostende in July 1886:
-- "Well, sir, and my only friend, the crisis is nearing. I am ending my
S.D. and you are going to replace me, or take my place in America. I know
you will have success if you do not lose heart; but do, do remain true to
the Masters and Their Theosophy and THE NAMES... May They help you and allow
us to send you our best blessings." -- HPB ( # 15, LETTERS, p. 280 )
And, in another letter, She wrote:--
"Take my place in America now and, after I am gone, at Adyar. If you have
no more personal ambition than I have--and I know you have not, only
combativeness--then this will be no more sacrifice for you than it was for
me to have Olcott as my President. ... I am yours truly in the work forever.
Dispose of me. I will ... help you with all my powers..." --HPB
LETTERS p. 282
On December 27-29th, 1888 at the Convention held at the Adyar Headquarters,
Col. Olcott PTS. nominated Mr. Judge to be Vice-President of the TS, and
this was then done by election.(CWB X, XXVIII). Another important
resolution was also passed then on the policy of reorganizing the TS on
lines of autonomous sections, (see ODL IV 74-83). [ The Theosophist,
Supplements, 1888-9 ]
We may assume that this was ordered done by Master, HPB having written:
"Master wants Judge to be elected for life, for reasons of his own--that's
God's truth..."; and, writing directly to him, she says:
"...Affairs and events may be turned off by unseen hands into such a groove
that you will be unanimously elected for life -- just as Olcott and I
were--to go on with the work after our deaths."
Mr. Judge once wrote of H.P.B.'s having shown him "where the designs for the
work had been hidden," and again of her having laid down "the lines of force
all over the land." It is clear that the methods adopted by H.P.B. were not
empiric but conformed to a plan clearly visualized by the Masters.
(BPW- T M 25-182)
The implementation of the plan depended primarily upon the work of H.P.B.,
but depended and still depends secondarily upon the efforts of those with
sufficient intuition to glimpse something of its outline. Of those in the
public eye, perhaps only two, W. Q. Judge and Damodar K. Mavalankar, did so
immediately, while the remainder were attracted by one or more of the Three
Objects without at first grasping much of their deeper import.
As early as April 1880, in "The THEOSOPHIST," it was stated in the revised
Rules and By-Laws that the Society consisted of three Sections: The first
was "exclusively of proficients or initiates in Esoteric Science or
Philosophy," who took a deep interest in the Society; the second was of
Theosophists who had "proved their fidelity, zeal and courage and their
devotion to the Society," that they had become able to regard all men as
equally their brothers, and who were "ready to defend the life and honor of
a brother Theosophist" at whatever risk to themselves; the third was of
Probationers, who remained such until their purpose to remain in the Society
had become fixed, their usefulness had been shown and their ability to
conquer evil habits and unwarrantable prejudices had been demonstrated."
(Ditto) [B P Wadia, T M, v. 25, p. 182]
1. [ Written before 1891 ]
"If W.Q.Judge, the man who has done most for Theosophy in America, who has
worked most unselfishly in your country, and has ever done the bidding of
Master, the best he knew how, is left alone...then I say--let them go !
They are no Theosophists: and if such a thing should happen, and Judge
be left to fight his battles alone, then I shall bid all of them an eternal
good-bye. I swear on MASTER'S holy name to shake off the dust of my feet
from every one of them ... I am unable to realize that at the hour of
trouble and supreme fight ... any true Theosophist should hesitate for one
moment to back W.Q.J. publicly and lodge in his or her protest. Let them
read Masters' letter in the preliminary ... All that I said about W.Q.J. was
from His words in His letter to me ... Do with this letter what you like.
Show it to anyone you please as my firm determination ..."
[Theosophy, Vol. 3, p. 417]
[ April 3rd. 1888 ]
"To: William Q. Judge,
General Secretary of the American Section of the
Theosophical Society.
In addressing to you this letter, which I request you to read to the
convention summoned for April 22nd, [1888] ... We were several, to call it
to life in 1875. Since then you have remained alone to preserve that life
through good and evil report. It is to you chiefly, if not entirely, that
the Theosophical Society owes its existence in 1888. Let me then thank you
for it, for the first and perhaps the last, time publicly, and from the
bottom of my heart, which beats only for the cause you represent so well and
serve so faithfully. I ask you to remember that, on this occasion, my voice
is but the feeble echo of other more sacred voices, and the transmitter of
the approval of Those whose presence is alive in more than one true
Theosophical heart, and lives, as I know, pre-eminently in yours. ..."
-- HPB
H.P.B.'s 1st Message to the American Theosophists. April l888.
Proceedings of the Convention,
Los Angeles, l946
[ Dec. 14,
1888 ]
Dec 14 l888
"As head of the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society I hereby
declare that William Q. Judge, of New York, U.S., in virtue of his character
as a chela of thirteen years' standing, and of the trust and confidence
reposed in him, is my only representative for said Section in America, and
he is the sole channel through whom will be sent and received all
communications between the members of said Section and myself, and to him
full faith, confidence and credit in that regard are to be given.
Done at London this fourteenth day in December, 1888, and in the
fourteenth year of the Theosophical Society."
WQJ BIOGRAPHY, Eek & de Zircov p. 16-17;
EST CIRCULAR, May 27, l891, (Pt. Loma)
[ Oct. 23, 1889 ]
"He or she, who believes that under any circumstances whatever,
provocations, gossips, slander or anything devised by the enemy, H.P.B. will
ever dream even of going against W.Q.J.--does not know H.P.B.--even if he or
she does know H.P.Blavatsky, or thinks he knows her.
"The idea is absurd & preposterous.
"If W.Q.J. gets riled under any provocation--for more than five minutes by
the city clock, then he is a flap-doodle. H.P.B. would give 7 dozens of
Bridges, 77 dozens of Noyses, the whole esoteric brood in the U.S.A. for
one W.Q.J. who is part of herself for several eons. Those having ears will
hear, those who are deaf & blind, let them provide themselves with false
ears & glass eyes, or--vanish away.
"The Esoteric Section and its life in the U.S.A. depends on W.Q.J. remaining
its agent & what he is now. The day W.Q. J. resigns, H.P.B. will be
virtually dead for the Americans. W.Q.J. is the Antaskarana between the two
Manas (es), the American thought & the Indian--or rather the trans-Himalayan
Esoteric Knowledge. DIXI."
== H.P.B.
P.S. W.Q.J. had better show, & impress this on the minds of all those whom
it may concern." (H.P.B.)
WQJ BIOGRAPHY, Eek & de Zircov, p. 20-21.
I trust these quotes will make things clear,
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Anand G
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: Critical works
Dear M,
You wrote exactly what I was thinking
"The theosophical Teacher, in the first place, has to be someone who has
experienced all the stages of the Path along which he will
conduct his disciples. Outward observers are not capeable of
commenting upon theosophy or The Wisdom Tradition They lack
both the experience and the capacity to discriminate between
real and degenerate forms. 'Who tastes, knows' is a theosophical saying.
Equally, whoever does not taste, does not know. "
This is the main reason why I always recommend only books of occultists who
had direct experiences like HPB, AB, CWL, C.Jinarajadasa, I.K.Taimni etc.
And I don't recommend books of mere intellectual interpreters and critics.
Thanks M. for writing the important point I was thinking for long time.
Anand G
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