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re "integration of mind and heart"

Jul 12, 2004 07:57 AM
by Mauri

Pedro<<Perhaps those who split, in their minds, the exoteric and esoteric dimensions of the Wisdom-Teaching do so at their own risk.>>

Mauri<<Maybe yes, maybe no. That depends, seems to me.>>

Leon<<Depends on what? (If you don't know, why say it?) >>

I was referring to the nature of that "risk" in the sense that inasmuchas "exoteric versions" (if such versions can be seen as "splits" in some sense ...) are "dependent on" various interpretations on various individual levels ... Not that there might not be some element of risk involved in such interpretation.

P ><<Jalaluddin Rumi, for example, wrote
that wisdom "is a mind that loves and a
heart that sees". Such teachings seem to point to an integration of mind and
heart. Separate emphasis on any of the
two, history shows, is the
breeding ground of fanaticism,
fundamentalism and materialism.
unimportantly, Pedro>>
M<<I tend to agree. But I suspect that
how one defines "separate emphasis" might be somewhat relevant.>>

L<<What definition would make it relevant? And what not? (If you don't know, why talk about it?)
Leo >>>

Seems to me that "indivual" interpretations/definitions (in various senses) might often be seen to have made things "relevant" or otherwise especially re esoteric/occult and "heart/head" topics. In other words, one person's "relevance" may not always be another's "relevance," (per whatever kind of "heart/head" interpretive input) but that some people may have seen themselves as having, in some sense, "hearted through" some differences.


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