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The knowledge of "light" will = knowledge of anti-gravity

May 15, 2004 10:02 AM
by netemara888

This is what I am working on. Judge too working on this same thing 
but from a purely physical angle, see post on ttt for more 
information on him.

It is sort of top secret for now. But in placing myself there 
mentally I see the outcome of this research. There will be abundant 
free energy for man in the future when the forces of gravity have 
been mastered and understood and used. 

We will use these other dimensions with equal facility as we use the 
forces we know of now. I live in and for exploration of the inner 
dimensions. You guys can read the SD all you want, but the next 
age/phase will make that look like child's play.

Everyone will have access to their own "inner time machine" and be 
able to see who they were in the past.


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