RE: Theos-World Out of Afrca
Apr 15, 2004 07:29 PM
by Ali Hassan
From: "stevestubbs" <>
Subject: Theos-World Out of Afrca
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 12:06:14 -0000
Ali: "Karma has nothing to do with it?"
I don't see any evidence that "karma" as most people think of it
exists. The good die young and in poverty, while bad people prosper,
enjoy themselves, live long and healthy lives and die painlessly with
perfect teeth and eyesight. The usual notion of "karma" is supposed
to somehow nullify ratr fact by assuming scores will be settled
later. I am also reluctant to dismiss someone else's misfortune as
Maybe you're on the wrong list, if you can't take it any deeper than that?
Later in this post, we go into the U.S. Civil War history a bit.
Don't you see that war as just possibly karmic in a nation that was
established "Under God" with the argument that all men were entitled to
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
All wars are karmic, in fact.
Ali: "When one thinks of China reinventing itself, even the millions
of casualties under Mao and the Japanese before him, seem like a very
clean rebirth, overall.
Are you kidding?
Does millions of deaths sound like someone is kidding?
Ali: "From even a double digit I.Q., that sounds like the bleating of
a Rush Limbaugh. A certifiable idiot. 200 years ago, there were
entrenched royalty and nobility who were very rich? they were the
CEO/management class of their day. Everyone else was poor.
You need to learn something about history. 200 years ago kings and
popes were less comfortable than you are today. They wore wigs
filled with lice and plotted to kill each other. Cathrine II had her
own son imprisoned at Lubyanka at an early age. He was released on
her death to become Czar.
I know something of history. I know a red herring too. What you mention here
may be true enough, but it's irrelevant, except that if they were having a
bad hair day because of lice, they could order the death, imprisonment,
torture of anyone below their station. Look it up.
Ali: "When America was Europeanized, one remarkable thing was the
continent was so rich that any industrious person who wanted to could
become quite well off.
If that theory made any sense, the Indians would all have been rich.
It's exactly because that theory makes sense that the Indians were made
dead. If you knew a bit of American history, you'd know that. There were
unbelievable resources everywhere, and there would soon be very cheap labor-
or at least cheap enough to profit off.
What the Indians were not was materially covetous or industrious in
anywhere near the same scale as the white folks. Don't get me wrong, I don't
paint them in some idealistic notion- they were cruel to enemies, they stole
from enemies- but they never committed the sort of evil outrages against
humanity and nature the white man did to establish nations in the Western
The Protestant ethic combined with the conviction of Manifest Destiny- that
God gave this continent to the white men merely because He did not prevent
them from raping it into shape- sounds somewhat like what you mention about
karma- led to a very prosperous middle class, and an even more prosperous
upper class. And perhaps there was a Manifest Destiny, a huge energy behind
it all? There had to be. The great Indian prophets saw it, saw their tribes
as doomed because their day had come and gone- is that not theosophy to the
What a heartbreaking thing, to see the inheritors of the Great Land having
basically the spirituality of locusts. Try imagining that.
Erica: "Your affirmation that there is no solution is quite
pessimist and is based on what?
What I said is, I don't think anyone KNOWS a solution. Look at the
cynical Bush effort to take over Iraq and run its oil wells for the
personal profit of certain individuals in the US and you can see what
would happen if someone tried to impose their wlll on Africa. Or
look at Oil Man Bush I's effort to take over oil rich Somalia while
at the same time pretending he was concerned about the poor people
there. If outsiders cannot impose their will on them, then they have
to do it themselves, unless you believe in miracles.
I don't think visiting web sites and making meaningless statements of
sympathy counts for much. Everyone I have ever met limits himself or
herself to just that and no more. It makes them feel good but it is
Erica: "We don't have a political system build upon noble
Yes, if you are talking about the characters who invaded Iraq and
destroyed the place so its oil money could be funneled through
Halliburton, which just happens to be the company of the fellow who
instigated the whole thing in the first place, then you are certainly
right. We have not seen that kind of blatant corruption since the
Civil War.
We have seen exactly a history of blatant corruption by U.S. corporations in
third world countries ever since the Civil War. Iraq is just the latest
chapter in an ongoing saga. It was the period following that war that
corporations were unleashed and given gigantic leeway with no checks or
That war was a turning point for American economic policy in terms of these
"legal instruments" now being able to influence national policy to provide
umbrella coverage for their exploitation of 3rd world
addition to domestic pillage. The Civil War forced smart businessmen to find
a different source of cheap labor than American slaves....which was
ridiculously easy to do. Yankee ingenuity, once again. Look at how this
country pushed tired old Spain out, and moved into all its possessions and
Fast-forward to today....which is why I think personally that the present
political conflict with the Muslim terrorists is a prelude to a second sort
of American Civil War crisis. I see it as a related ongoing
syndrome......with dreadful possibilities on this continent not imagined
since that war.
We Americans are so insulated, so provincial.
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