Re: Theos-World RE: Evolution and the Nature of Atman and Buddhi
Apr 13, 2004 08:44 AM
by Erica Letzerich
"Only then"? - Thanks for the law :)
"Man! You know it all :)"
I know nothing...
"Sure, must be why they be knotted together by Nature/God :)"
Do you believe in God? hahahahahahaha
"Yes, yes, "receiving" now I think we're getting somewhere :)"
So, ifn you don't wanna be an animal... act more like one :) -or-
learn to "believe" in your OWN nothingness - hahahahaha!"
I think we have to learn do not believe� hahahahahahaha
"Unidentfied with the senses of perception," "hahahahahaha"
hahahahahaha funny no!
"God gave you two sides of your mouth, might as well use them."
Again God? hahahahahahaha
A lack of appreciation often enough forebodes all kinds of lackings -
like, for example, a lack ofa genuine/love or Anin-earnest
> But if the higher principles are pure as Plato,
"Plato.... the Creep!"
O Yeah he was a creep you are not� hahahahahahahaha"
> Plotinus and Blavatsky mentioned, and within it
> contains all the wisdom
"Well, then, you don't have to write this: we have all the answers!"
I have none!
"Surely, we know better than Nature/God."
Again God? hahahahahahahahahahaha
"Or, in other words: God's not talking to you. Oh! The horror!!!!"
SO let us know the words of God for you� hahahahahahahahaha
> What is the purpose of the manifestation of life in
> the world of form?
"Hmmmm.... to be HAHAHAHAHA"
Maybe this is a point to consider
> So what would be the nature of Atma and Buddhi?
Oh, please that's an utter path-Way.
Oh Man! You know it all!!!
Erica Letzerich
> Erica Letzerich
> ICQ- 16621711
> "The Truth will set you free, but first will make you miserable"
--- In, "thalprin" <thalprin@y...> wrote:
> --- In, Erica Letzerich
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Only them it's possible to access what Plato says as
> > the eternal and abstract ideals.
> "Only then"? - Thanks for the law :)
> But for the mind to
> > be free of desire has to be identified with it's
> > higher principles.
> Man! You know it all :)
> >
> > "Thus assuredly Sense-Perception,
> > Discursive-Reasoning; and all our ordinary mentation
> > are foreign to the Soul:
> Sure, must be why they be knotted together by Nature/God :)
> for sensation is a receiving-
> Yes, yes, "receiving" now I think we're getting somewhere :)
> > whether of an Ideal-Form or of an impassive body- and
> > reasoning and all ordinary mental action deal with
> > sensation." Plotinus
> So, ifn you don't wanna be an animal... act more like one :) -or-
> learn to "believe" in your OWN nothingness - hahahahaha!
> >
> > How to be unidentified with the senses of perception?
> "Unidentfied with the senses of perception," hahahahahaha
> > Through meditation?
> Wow! Never would've guessed you'd be suggesting this! :)
> If the process of meditation is
> > moved by desire to achieve such stage, the very
> > process is condemned before even to begin.
> Yes/no -but- perhaps, yes, well worth some folks to be more
> pondering on.)
> So which
> > inner movement would make possible the higher
> > principles to be reflected through the lower?
> >
> > Plotinus mentions that the first virtue that one has
> > to develop is purification. Purification in which
> > level? Apparently in the discourse of Plotinus, the
> > purification of the mind, that would be reflected into
> > the emotions and consequently reflected as well in the
> > physical body as a consequence of self control and
> > self knowledge.
> Be nothing.
> Know everything.
> "God gave you two sides of your mouth, might as well use them."
> >
> > There is an obvious blending between body, emotion and
> > mind we could see it technically as separate elements.
> > In this sense the body the emotions and the thoughts
> > are no more than facets of the sense perceptions that
> > one acquires into life.
> A lack of appreciation often enough forebodes all kinds of
lackings -
> like, for example, a lack ofa genuine/love or Anin-earnest
> understanding.
> >
> > But if the higher principles are pure as Plato,
> Plato.... the Creep!
> > Plotinus and Blavatsky mentioned, and within it
> > contains all the wisdom
> Well, then, you don't have to write this: we have all the answers!
> and it's united with the
> > eternal what is the purpose of the manifestation of
> > life in the physical plane?
> "Surely, we know better than Nature/God."
> >
> > That question may constitute one of the human
> > tragedies because there is no answer.
> Or, in other words: God's not talking to you.
> Oh! The horror!!!!
> >
> > What is the purpose of the manifestation of life in
> > the world of form?
> Hmmmm.... to be
> Some theosophists are going easy to
> > give an answer, EVOLUTION!
> Are they?
> Wow! You know everything!
> >
> > So what would be the nature of Atma and Buddhi?
> Oh, please that's an utter path-Way.
> >
> > Erica Letzerich
> >
> >
> > =====
> > Erica Letzerich
> > ICQ- 16621711
> > "The Truth will set you free, but first will make you miserable"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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