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Re: Theos-World The Unthinkable Self...!

Apr 09, 2004 11:00 PM
by leonmaurer

Looking deeply into this mystified interpretation of the Secret Doctrine by 
A. E. Powell, and its entirely linear symbolic diagrams (that, according to 
HPB, should never be taken literally)... I'm inclined to believe that it is 
nothing more than a further obfuscation of the original writings of HPB... That, in 
its entirety, is a purposeful occlusion of the true occult nature of 
reality... For the sole purpose of making it difficult for anyone other than the 
completely intuitive, self initiated student (unconditioned by the materialistic 
preconceptions or faith centered beliefs of the lower mind) to see the actual 
scientific relationships between the Absolute root of consciousness (awareness 
and will) and matter -- that follow completely logical (although nonlinear) 
processes of fractal (a geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales)
involution according to rigid laws of cycles and periodicity based on 
fundamental spin of the zero-point of Absolute space. (The reason for this 
purposful "blinding" or hiding of the true teaching is quite obvious due to the 
present level of materialism of the majority of people during this transitional 
period of human evolution, when a new subrace with higher powers of mind are 
destined to begin appearing.)

These fundamental laws resolve into further scientifically logical 
(mathematical) laws of electricity, e.g., symmetry, harmony, resonance, inductance, 
reluctance, capacitance, resistance, etc. ... As the material aspect of universal 
origin transforms through descending orders of spherical hyperspace fields 
within fields within fields... Guided, in its further evolution (after initial 
involution on the highest frequency/energy logoic planes) by the all knowing 
centers of consciousness of the first hierarchical intelligence's (Dhyan 
Chohans). These builders or architects are the first order monadic derivatives of the 
initial noumena of phenomenal consciousness in the primal or absolute zero (or 
laya) point of universal origin. Their sheaths or bodies are the first 
triune monadic fields emanated from the spinergy of the primal laya point -- which 
always is the center of origin of all subsequent monads as they involve 
sequentially, in an analogous and corresponding manner, from spiritual, through 
astral, to physical "matter" (that is the lowest order of frequency/energy of the 
primal force).

There is nothing mystical or magical in this conscious guidance (of the 
Chohans) -- since the zero-points at the centers of all monadic fields never change 
their common subjectivity -- as the laws change their numerical values from 
one field to the next in accord with the changing level, order, or phase, of 
their individual energy/frequency spectrums. Since the Chohans, are of the 
highest order, and consequently, of divine intelligence or wisdom, they need no 
training in the manipulation of the lower order forms or structures. 

Thus, since we are each a reflection of this primal point, all of us have the 
same potential of controlling this ordering of the field energies, as well as 
their forms. This understanding is the key to the correlation of forces that 
enable the Adept to manipulate phenomena on the lower physical plane by 
concentrated alignment of the primal and derivative forces -- through focussed 
visualizations on the higher mental plane -- directed by the power of will which, 
besides awareness, or experiential consciousness, is the inherent property of 
the zero-point of Absolute space, that is everywhere, with its circumference 

However, the methods and ability to control these forces is another matter 
entirely -- and depends upon the direct understanding and conscious control of 
the transformation of the seven qualities of the one force gained through long 
meditative practice following the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher (e.g., 

All this is perfectly obvious to the intuitive student who can read in and 
around the words and between the lines of the original Secret Doctrine. And any 
further explanations in mystical terms and linear diagrams serves only to 
mystify it even further -- by loading the student's minds with geometric 
visualizations, and mystical terms that obscure the real spherical and hyperspace 
nature of the energy fields that surround all non physical forms and their Chakra 

The only diagrams necessary, for a starting point of meditation, are the 
spherical ones that symbolize these fields in their geometric relationships as 
they descend fractally through both inner and outer space. For examples, besides 
the "rounds" diagrams of HPB in the SD, see:
(Incidentally, all these spherical forms can be directly correlated 
symbolically with the linear geometric solid forms inscribed within, or subscribed 
around them.) 

That is why, HPB, said that we must write our new (non) Secret Doctrine in 
"the language of this age" -- which must eventually transform the language of 
science and the language of theosophical metaphysics into a common language that 
ordinary people can understand -- without mystification's, such as the 
strangling language of AAB, CWL, AEP, etc., and without losing its basic link with 
the spiritual and meditative theosophical teachings of HPB, WQJ, the Masters, 
Patanjali, Lao Tse, Hermes, etc., that lead to "self realization" and a truer 
understanding of the essential unity of all beings. The goal being, on this 
plane, to individually and as groups of enlightened students, form the "nucleus 
of universal brotherhood," and ultimately the collective brotherhood of ALL 
mankind without distinction of race, creed, sex, condition or organization. 

Unfortunately, the separation of the theosophical organizations and their 
later psuodo theosophical spin offs -- along with the conflicts between them, and 
their different methods of trying to achieve those goals by appealing to 
particular religious groups and mystical minded people with a focus on living 
messiahs and hierarchical rulers -- has done little to help forward the universal 
Theosophical Movement and spread broadcast the non sectarian teachings of the 
"synthesis of science, religion and philosophy" initiated by HPB and the 


In a message dated 03/28/04 11:35:43 AM, writes:

Hallo all of you,

My vies are:

I know, that some of you are not agreeing on the following.
But I find it to be quite good. (Diagram IV) (Diagram V)


Before considering the creative activity of the Third Logos, and the detailed 
preparation of the field of evolution, we must note the origination of the 
Monads or units of consciousness, for whose evolution in matter the field of a 
universe is prepared. We shall return to their fuller consideration in a later 

The Myriads of these units, who are to be developed in the coming universe, 
are generated within the divine life, before the field for their evolution is 
formed. Of this forthgoing it has been written : "That willed: I shall multiply 
and be born" [Chhandopanishat VI.ii, 3] : thus the Many arise in the One by 
that act of will. The act of will is that of the First Logos, the undivided 
Lord, the Father.

The Monads are described as sparks of the Supreme Fire, as "Divine 
fragments".The Occult Catechism , quoted in the Secret Doctrine . I., 145, says: "Lift 
thy head, O Lanoo; dost thou see one, or countless, lights above thee, burning 
in the midnight sky?' 'I sense One Flame, O Gurudeva; I see countless, 
undetached sparks shining in it'." The Flame is Ishvara, in His manifestation, as the 
First Logos; the undetached sparks are the Monads, human and other. The word 
"undetached" should be especially noted, as signifying that the Monads are the 
Logos Himself.

A Monad may thus be defined as a fragment of the divine life, separated off 
as an individual entity by rarest film of matter, matter so rare that, while it 
gives, a separate form to each, it offers no obstacle to the free 
intercommunication, of a life, thus encased, with the surrounding similar lives.

A Monad is thus not pure consciousness, pure Self, samvit. That is an 
abstraction. In the concrete universe there are always the Self and his sheaths, 
however tenuous the sheaths may be, so that a unit of consciousness is inseparable 
from matter. Hence a Monad is consciousness plus matter. 

The Monad of Theosophy, is the Jivatma of Indian Philosophy, the Purusha of 
the Samkya, the particularised Self of the Vedanta.

The life of the Monads being thus of the First Logos, they may be described 
as Sons of the Father, just as the Second Logos Himself is the Son of the 
Father; but the Monads are but younger Sons, with none of their divine powers, 
capable of acting in matter denser than that of their own plane - the Anupadaka; 
while the Second Logos, with ages of evolution behind Him, stands ready to 
exercise His divine powers, "the first-born " among many brethren.

Whilst the roots of their life are in the Adi plane, the Monads themselves 
dwell, on the Anupadaka Plane, as yet without vehicles in which they can 
express, themselves, awaiting the day of "manifestation" of the Sons of God".There 
they remain, while the Third Logos begins the external work of manifestation, 
shaping the matter of the objective universe. This work will be described, in 
the next chapter.

Diagram IV indicates the Monads, waiting on their own plane whilst the world, 
in which they are to develop is being fashioned."

The following might be of help:
"PS The rejection of self, the anatma doctrine of Buddhism, seems on the
surface to be diametrically opposed to Theosophy, which posits a spiritual
Self. But Blavatsky clearly says that this spiritual Self is a ray or
emanation into our planetary chain from something she calls a "divine
Monad", and so seeing this spiritual Self as maya is not anti-Theosophy at
all. And the divine Monad is not a self, so there is really no problem at

H. P. Blavatsky - The secret Doctrine, vol1. Proem, page 14

The Secret Doctrine establishes three fundamental propositions: -
(a) An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable PRINCIPLE on
which all speculation is impossible, since it transcends the power of human
conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression or similitude.
It is beyond the range and reach of thought - in the words of Mandukya,
"unthinkable and unspeakable."

H. P. Blavatsky - The secret Doctrine, vol1., page 52: 

"The term Anupadaka, "parentless," or without progenitors, is a mystical 
designation having several meanings in the philosophy. By this name celestial 
beings, the Dhyan-Chohans or Dhyani-Buddhas, are generally meant. But as these 
correspond mystically to the human Buddhas and Bodhisattwas, known as the 
"Manushi (or human) Buddhas," the latter are also designated "Anupadaka," once that 
their whole personality is merged in their compound sixth and seventh 
principles -- or Atma-Buddhi, and that they have become the "diamond-souled" 
(Vajra-sattvas),* the full Mahatmas. The "Concealed Lord" (Sangbai Dag-po), "the one 
merged with the absolute," can have no parents since he is Self-existent, and one 
with the Universal Spirit (Svayambhu),** the Svabhavat in the highest aspect. 
The mystery in the hierarchy of the Anupadaka is great, its apex being the 
universal Spirit-Soul, and the lower rung the Manushi-Buddha; and even every 
Soul-endowed man is an Anupadaka in a latent state. Hence, when speaking of the 
Universe in its formless, eternal, or absolute condition, before it was 
fashioned by the "Builders" -- the expression, "the Universe was Anupadaka." (See 
Part II., "Primordial Substance.")

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* Vajra -- diamond-holder. In Tibetan Dorjesempa; sempa meaning the soul, its 
adamantine quality referring to its indestructibility in the hereafter. The 
explanation with regard to the "Anupadaka" given in the Kala Chakra, the first 
in the Gyu(t) division of the Kanjur, is half esoteric. It has misled the 
Orientalists into erroneous speculations with respect to the Dhyani-Buddhas and 
their earthly correspondencies, the Manushi-Buddhas. The real tenet is hinted at 
in a subsequent Volume, (see "The Mystery about Buddha"), and will be more 
fully explained in its proper place.

** To quote Hegel again, who with Schelling practically accepted the 
Pantheistic conception of periodical Avatars (special incarnations of the World-Spirit 
in Man, as seen in the case of all the great religious reformers) . . . . 
"the essence of man is spirit . . . . only by stripping himself of his finiteness 
and surrendering himself to pure self-consciousness does he attain the truth. 
Christ-man, as man in whom the Unity of God-man (identity of the individual 
with the Universal consciousness as taught by the Vedantins and some Adwaitees) 
appeared, has, in his death and history generally, himself presented the 
eternal history of Spirit -- a history which every man has to accomplish in 
himself, in order to exist as Spirit." -- Philosophy of History. Sibree's English 
translation, p. 340."

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