Re: masters and such
Apr 02, 2004 12:24 PM
by kpauljohnson
Dear John,
You present some interesting ideas. At the outset I should say that
my "last word" was in reference to defending my books, but on the
subject of contemporary attitudes about Masters I'm interested in
sharing ideas. You wrote:
> The question of the Masters and the TS is an interesting one --
and it is very curious that the contemporary TS leadership seems
content to be uncontacted.
Yet very jealous and resentful if anyone else claims to be. Sort of
an "if we can't have you nobody can" attitude toward Mahatmic
sponsorship :)
> judgments about who is or isn't in contact with the Masters, or
> exactly who/what the Masters are, if they exist.... it is
> interesting to see who claims a connection....
The best known such cases are the flakiest-- e.g. Creme, Prophet,
Harold Klemp of Eckankar.
Anthroposophists, on the other hand, are often shocked by Steiner's
references to the Masters in his earlier teachings.
Very interesting! I consider that an example of what David Lane
calls "genealogical dissociation." Meaning, covering up the actual
roots of a spiritual movement in order to present it as sui generis.
> I've always been partial to the perspective of the ex-Theosophist
> Dion Fortune (Violet Mary Firth)-- that the Masters as we perceive
> them are all imagination, but that the Masters are also real. (DF
> famously said about Blavatsky: "I think she faked the letters, but
I don't think she faked the Masters.")
Very much in accord with the conclusions of A.O. Hume, and it
perplexes me that Hodgson ignored/rejected that alternative in favor
of the no Masters hypothesis.
Thus, there is something out
> there (a wise universe, the communion of saints, telepathic
adepts -- take your pick) which really is communicating with us for
the > betterment of all life, through the potent medium of the human
imagination. Fortune's Society of the Inner Light and its numerous
> offspring (the Servants of the Light, the Magi Group, etc) all
> continue to claim a living contact with this Reality (whatever it
may be) as a hallmark of a valid inner school.
> No conclusions here -- just ponderings ---
> John
Ponderings are a lot more appropriate to this topic than
conclusions, IMHO! I like Gurdjieff's notion of A, B, and C
influences, the latter emanating from the Conscious Circle of
Humanity. It "rings truer" to me than most formulations on the
topic, FWIW which may not be much.
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