All the Theosophy that I knew had been taught me by personal friends and pupils.
Mar 31, 2004 06:08 PM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
Steve Stubbs quotes from Alice Bailey's
"Unfinished Autobiography". I excerpt a small
section from his quote below:
"All the Theosophy that I knew had been taught me
by personal friends and pupils of H.P.B. . . . I
have more than a happy feeling that the personal
pupils and friends of H. P. Blavatsky approved of
what I was setting out to do. I had their endorsement
and their help until they passed over to the other
side. They were, naturally, all old people when
I first met them. The attitude of the current
Theosophical leaders and membership has always
amused me. They have never approved of what I
taught and yet what I taught came direct from p
ersonally trained pupils of H.P.B. and is more
likely to be correct than that which has come
from those who have not known her. I mention
this because for the sake of the work I would
like to have its sources recognised."
Notice Mrs. Bailey's sentence:
". . . what I taught came direct from personally
trained pupils of H.P.B. and is more likely to
be correct than that which has come from those
who have not known her."
I find this a somewhat silly statement.
The best way to compare what Bailey taught with
Blavatsky's teachings is to compare Bailey's
writings with H.P.B.'s writing.
Who cares if Bailey's teaching "came direct from
personally trained pupils of H.P.B."
Alice Cleather was ALSO a personally trained pupil
of H.P.B. See what she writes at:
In this work Alice Bailey compares some of Bailey's
teachings to those of Blavatsky. Notice the title of
Cleather's work:
The Pseudo-Occultism of Mrs. A. Bailey
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