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Re: Krishnamurti on himself

Mar 31, 2004 01:48 PM
by prmoliveira

--- In, "Morten Nymann Olesen" <global-
theosophy@a...> wrote:

>Krishnamurti filed three lawsuits against Rajagopal. In
> interesting behaviour of a man who do not support organisations, - 
> appeartly accepts the Court as a valid solution. The two first 
lawsuits was
> settled out of court and the third withdrawn, because Krishnamurti 
> (If any of the readers have any access to documentation on this 
issue, then
> please let me know - or even Theos-Talk know.)

Rajagopal was the object of lawsuits because of his misappropriation 
of land, money and personal items given to Krishnamurti for his work 
over many years. You can find information about the lawsuits and 
their historical context in Mary Lutyens' "Krishnamurti and the 
Rajagopals" (KFA).

> She wrote a book about Sai Baba. In this book she claims, that 
> had asked for a meeting with Sai Baba when he was in India - Madras 
> before he Krishnamurti died. She writes that Baba should have 
received a
> rose from Krishnamurti when they meet - secretly unknown to the 
> Diana Baskin is as far as I know still living. The book referred to 
> "Divine Memories of Sathya Sai Baba".

I will treat the above information as a preposterous claim until I 
can see independent corroboration by those who were with Krishnamurti 
in India at that time (January 1986).

Krishnamurti once said: "The gurus destroy the disciples, and the 
disciples destroy the gurus." In the search for Truth, any form of 
dependence is not only a danger, it is also self-defeating. The 
statement by HPB that Theosophists search for Truth "freely and 
fearlessly" is, imo, similar to Krishnamurti's point of view.


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