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Fwd: Putting house on the market and show on the road

Mar 29, 2004 05:31 AM
by netemara888

--- In, "netemara888" 
<netemara888@y...> wrote:
Yes, Blavatsky as Netemara has resigned from teaching here in the 
lovely state of Texas and will be putting her house on the market on 
the first of April. 

I knew after I wrote my book on a year in my life here that I would 
have to move away in order to publish it. I may write a play or two 
and do a one-woman, one-act play using the subject of my readings 
but for a general audience. When my chart was read by an astrologer 
he said that I had the ability to make higher knowledge plain. I 
have enlightened even the most stupid devotees.

I will be moving to Southern California, exact location is top 
secret for now. I may not live in that city at first because I may 
have to live nearby until I buy some real estate, fix it up and get 

Not sure about teaching there. I see myself doing that for a minute 
or two. I might even trade my new Escape for a smaller car.

Anyeway, I have so many books that I have already given away 12 
boxes just to have a manageable amount to leave with.

Anyone out there in North Texas who would like to drive to 
California or come to my sale and get bargins and personal items 
send me a private email. 

Finally, keep things going at TTT as I will be consumed with work. I 
plan to start a new group linked to this one (the purpose not 
revealed just yet.) I will post as much as I can.

Peace and love

--- End forwarded message ---

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