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W.T. Brown meets K.H. in Lahore

Mar 28, 2004 08:53 PM
by prmoliveira

--- In, "Morten Nymann Olesen" <global-
theosophy@a...> wrote:



Since you have given only W.T. Brown's 1890 modified point of view 
about his meeting with K.H., which supposedly took place in 1883, 
perhaps it would be relevant to present the following testimony by 
Brown of the same event soon after it happened ("The Theosophical 
Society: an Explanatory Treatise", quoted in "Old Diary Leaves", 
third series, pp.37):

"It will be sufficient here to remark that Mahatma K.H. is a living 
Adept, and that the writer had the honor of seeing him personally at 
Lahore and of being spoken to by him and even touched. Letters have 
been received by the writer at Madras, Lahore, Jammu (Kashmir), and 
again at Madras, all being in the same handwriting, etc.,etc."

That W.T. Brown allowed himself to be convinced by Emma Coulomb that 
K.H. was an "invention" of Damodar says a great deal about his 
understanding of the situation unfolding around him. But perhaps even 
more interesting is K.H.'s letter to Brown himself (received by Brown 
on 17th December 1883):

"On your last tour you have been given so many chances for various 
reasons - we do not do so much (or so little if you prefer) even for 
our Chelas, until they reach a certain stage of development 
necessitating no more use and abuse of power to communicate with 
them. If an Eastern, especially a Hindu, had even half a glimpse but 
once of what you had, he would have considered himself blessed the 
whole of his life.

You saw and recognised me twice at a distance, you knew it was I and 
no other; what more do you desire? If when after visiting Col. Olcott 
I passed over to your room and my voice and words pronounced - "Now 
you see me before you in flesh, look and assure yourself that it is 
I" - failed to impress you, and when the letter put into your hand 
awoke you at last but failed again to make you turn your face, your 
nervousness paralyzing you for a moment, the fault is surely yours, 
not mine. I had no right to act upon you phenomenally or to 
psychologise you. You are not ready, that is all."

("Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom", First Series, letter 22)"


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