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Re: Theos-World Morten wrote: ". . . we agree entirely upon. . . . "

Mar 25, 2004 10:16 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Hallo Daniel and all,

My views are:

If you read my previous email at

You will see, that I write:

You say: "Chance?? Or ..........."

I say:
So my view is that Bailey (and her friend D.K.) wrote the books
with these above quotes and views in mind, which I have just presented in
this email.
If this is true, then it can certainly explain the many similarities between
Bailey's book "Initiation - Human and Solar" and CWL's book
"The Masters and the Path" - including the Maitryea-hierarchy ideas or what
one will call them.

That is -
Bailey's book "Initiation - Human and Solar"
was written with the help of a being known as D.K.
Who the Bailey friend named D.K. actually was can always be discussed.

The mentioned similarities between this Bailey book and the CWL book
"The Masters and the Path" are due to (quoting my previous email):

..."that each Wisdom Teaching of a certain quality is
connected with
a) Time, place people and circumstances
b) promoting a teaching in accordance with the following view as the above
link said:
"So very important: The use of ideas is to shape a man or woman, not to
support a system - which is viewed in a limited manner. This is one way in
which the Wisdom Tradition is 'living', and not just the perpetuations of
ideas and movements. This seems important to understand and know about."

The same can be said of Bailey's book, and why there were any similarities.
With other words - it is my view that this was the an important part of the
background for Bailey (and D.K.) writing the first Bailey book.
The similarities was made deliberately.
This was what my previous email should have lead the reader to understand.

I find it quite natural, that a former ES member
follows a teaching which has at least certain parallels to the known main
teaching on Theosophy.

Is this helpful enough Daniel ?
Does this not account for the mentioned similarities ?

One could rewrite the above quote to sound like this:

"So very important: The use of BOOKS is to shape a man or woman, not to
support a system (for instance Theosophical Society as a dead-letter
physical activity
or organisation) - which is viewed in a limited manner. This is one way in
which the Wisdom Tradition is 'living', and not just the perpetuations of
ideas and movements. This seems important to understand and know about."

Did this help?

Now I want to know if the book "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire" has great
similartities between
any written CWL/Besant material, papers or books etc. ???

Because I think, that Bailey was creating a sort of new teaching with this

M. Sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel H. Caldwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:18 AM
Subject: Theos-World Morten wrote: ". . . we agree entirely upon. . . . "

> Morten,
> I believe that you agree with Jerry
> that there are MANY SIMILARITIES between
> Bailey's "Initiation - Human and Solar" and
> Leadbeater's "The Masters and the Path."
> How do YOU account for those SIMILARITIES??
> Chance?? Or ...........
> Daniel
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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