Re: Theos-World Part 2 --- "Well, hell most Jews are now atheists and homosexuals. ....
Mar 25, 2004 10:24 AM
by netemara888
--- In, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 03/23/04 2:27:57 PM, netemara888@y... writes:
> >--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...>
> >> Morten Nymann Olesen wrote:
> >> > * Creation is an incorrect word to use, as no religion, not
> >> > the sect of the Visishta Adwaitees in India -- one which
> >> > anthropomorphises even Parabrahmam -- believes in creation out
> >> > nihil as Christians and Jews do, but in evolution out of
> >> > preexisting materials.
> >>
> >> Which means that Blavatsky clearly didn't do her research.
> >> The Jews do not believe in "creation out of nihil"; read the
first chapter
> of
> >> Genesis; Creation is clearly described as taking
> >> substance and turning it into differentiated substance.
> >>
> >> Bart
> >
> >Hey Bart, I'm back from dancing in the sands off the ocean.
> >
> >Creation was THE WORD. There is no substance in the Word. The Word
> >was made flesh, etc.. This is also the tie that theoretical and
> >experimental physicists are so excited about. They are making this
> >connection to the "Big Bang." This is what has them shocked that
> >dark matter is greater in the universe, more powerful and more
> >important than "light." Light is a created matter. But out of
> >
> >The WORD is the source of all creation. I think that is what I or
> >HPB if you will, meant by "out of nihil."
> >
> >Netemara
> Nihil means nil or nothing. And the WORD cannot be anything but
> unconditioned energetic (although, insubstantial) precursor of
conditioned matter or
> substance -- and, therefore, some "thing in itself." As Krishna
said in the
> Gita, "I create this entire universe out of one small part of
myself, yet remain
> separate (or undiminished)."
> The biblical "WORD" (especially as understood in its original
Hebrew) is an
> allegorical expression referring to the vibrational patterns of
> substance... In theosophical terms, "The eternal abstract motion of
space," and in
> scientific terms, the eternal "spinergy" of the zero-point. So,
Bart is correct.
> However, I think that HPB, by properly using "nihil" in her
statement, was
> referring to the generally accepted interpretation of the Bible by
the common
> laity of both the Christians and Jews (but not the Kabbalists) --
who believe
> that their personal or anthropomorphised God is separate from His
creation, and
> made the light by some sort of miraculous process. Thus, they fancy
that God
> "created" the universe out of nihil or nothing.
> In reality, the manifest Universe of Light is created (emanated)
out of the
> "darkness" of space (or the unimaginable spinning of the emptiness)
which is
> that force of angular momentum, or "spinergy" itself. This,
therefore, is the
> fundamental root or potential "beness" of all substance (or as some
> physicists say, "beable") -- whether conditioned or not (as either
> abstract, unexpressed primal Force, or expressed Mass-energy).
> Therefore, the physical universe emanates out of an ever ineffable
> "something" (which materialist science, unknowingly, can only
call "dark Matter"). And,
> since its forms of genetic precursors and their products are
determined by
> varying vibrational complexity's of forces or energies arranged in
> instructional encoding of words and sentences (analogous to the DNA
genetic code
> of the microcosm) -- "In the beginning was the WORD" or EIN SOPH
expressed in
> the ten SEPHIROTH. (That's a no brainer. :-)
> Leon
Thanks Leon for expounding on my statements about cosmology.
The dark matter will clearly come up the winner in the contest
for "creation" but if you think about it "Word" is about as close to
nothing as you might get. But then humans, evolved ones, also create
out of thoughtforms or "Word/s" and they are just exercising the god
within, their god-given right if you like.
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