Re: Theos-World Shaw fought against patriotic hypocrisy
Mar 21, 2004 08:42 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Yes, you are quite right. There is a continuing discourse among
historians, archeologists et al which continually reveals new findings
and brings new interpretations to what we know. It is a fascinating
process, and it is sad that there are relatively so few of us who take
more than a passing interest in these things. And as you suggest, there
are also "revisionist" historians out there--some of whom, would like
you to believe that the Shoah never happened. However, it is neither
the honest historians nor the revisionists that have the final say.
Rather, it is what is adopted by popular culture. Allow me to offer an
example or two to illustrate where I was coming from in my original
In our popular Judeo-Christian culture, the Canaanites are remembered as
loathsome idol worshippers and fornicators, hated by God--that is how
they are portrayed in the Scriptures. While, major archeological finds
dating from 1928 and still continuing, have shown that the Canaanite
culture was tremendously influential in the development of the Hebrew
culture, popular conceptions have not changed. Again, and perhaps a
clearer example: in spite of the archeological evidence that the
Philistines were a very high culture, they are still popularly regarded
as a savage uncouth people. The word "philistine" still remains in our
language to describe an uncouth person who has no appreciation for the arts.
Hitler, Rasputan, Stalin, Marquee de Sade etc., regardless of whatever
virtues they may have had, remain in popular culture as "bad men," and
I don't think any number of historians or revisionists, for the
foreseeable future, are likely to change that.
On more interesting example: Have you seen the movie, the Passion? It
is hugely popular, even though it neither follows the Gospels nor does
it draw from what we have learned from historical evidence. The huge
amount of money it has grossed in the box office, seems to suggest that
the general public doesn't care.
stevestubbs wrote:
--- In, Jerry Hejka-Ekins <jjhe@c...>
I think an important lesson here is to never forget that it is the
victors who write the history.
I have seen and read histories of borh world wars written by
Germans. One of thrm disputed Churchhill's "myth" of "the genius
Rommel," which the author claimed was cooked up to cover up British
incompetence. That the British were incompetent (not to mention
cynical, venal, etc.) is fairly well established. Victory did not
empower them to cover that up. Nor did victory cover up the fact
that Curtis LeMay was a war criminal who died unpunished. People who
claim world war II never happened, though, seem less than credible
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