RE: Theos-World ". . .HPB is regarded by some people as a forerunner of Hitler...."
Mar 21, 2004 08:01 PM
by Ali Hassan
From: "Daniel H. Caldwell" <>
Subject: Theos-World ". . .HPB is regarded by some people as a forerunner
of Hitler...."
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 19:27:34 -0000
Frank Reitemeyer,
You wrote:
". . . HPB is regarded by some people as a
forerunner of Hitler. . . . "
Quoted from:
By some??? It would be interesting to know
who you are referring to. Do you belong to
that group, too?
HPB - a forerunner of Hitler??
What, pray tell, is this based on??
I would love to know what similarities
exist between HPB and Hitler to
conclude that she was such a forerunner!!
So was Hitler also trained by the Masters?
My take on this, Daniel, culled from several sources, Bailey included- call
it what you will. The nazi leaders, in fact, all political leaders, all
celebrities, business successes are 'advanced souls'. They manifest their
advanced will and personality integration by their worldly success.
Bailey called WWI and II a physical culmination of a conflict between the
Lodge of the Masters of Light and the Brothers of the Left Hand path, a
conflict that has persisted since Atlantean times. Eons. She called the
Allied victory a great success for the Forces of Light. The German political
leaders were beings who had been on the path for many lifetimes, but had at
some point chosen a path of selfishness, wickedness and hatred.
Bailey characterized HPB as being a strong 1st Ray disciple of the 1st Ray
world Master, Morya. That ray governs, according to her, politicians in the
generic sense. Persons of power. Destruction is characterized as one quality
of the 1st Ray- the planet which she defines as the 'transmitter' of the
destructive aspect, Pluto, was discovered in the 1930's- possibly 1933- a
not-accidental date.
I think HPB- I know Bailey does- characterizes the advanced disciples as
needing caution always and care to build a loving, serving nature into their
soul 'pattern', since there is no guarantee of "being saved", or righteous
ways for the advanced aspirant who comes into advanced capabilities and
It could well be imagined then, that Hitler, who studied, mastered, and used
advanced occult techniques in evil ways, once studied in the same temples as
benign occultists such as HPB....long, long ago. Imagine, then the horror in
an Atlantean lifetime of seeing a fellow-disciple of promise heading down a
path of monstrosity.....and then lifetimes later seeing its fulfillment.
I think also that Bailey states that those brothers of the left-hand path
who incarnated as the German leaders were taken out of the chain of life
permanently, since their evil ways had finally, after many lifetimes,
effected a separation between their own eternal spark and the 'heavy'
"bhoots", or personalities....which then sunk down to the Avichi of the 8th
sphere to be dissolved over exceptionally rare, but horrendous
My own Master commented once that when being instructed about its existence,
he had the frank curiosity and foolishness to "look" into the Avichi, and
regretted it ever afterward.
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