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Re: Theos-World Final Comments on what Ali writes about "Blavatsky versus Bailey on 'Christ' "

Mar 16, 2004 00:06 AM
by leonmaurer

Right on Daniel. 

If and when that "Christ" spoken of by Bailey "appears in the flesh" and 
brings the so called "new dispensation" -- I wonder if the only one's who believe 
in him (and it) will be the British and American Christian Right that AAB 
wrote to (including those who call themselves, theosophists), and whether all the 
rest of the loyal HPB theosophists and other non-blind unbelievers, agnostics 
and atheists would become subject to extermination of some sort, or just 
"have to go, somehow," along with all the Hebrews who still insist on waiting for 
their Messiah, the Muslims for their Mahdi, and the Buddhists for their 

Isn't it a shame they missed the boat with Krishnamurti, and we have to wait 
so long to find out? Very discouraging. It's like sitting on Death Row 
waiting for the last appeal to run out. As a last resort for us heathens and 
heretics, I hope the one they pick this next time is as wise as he was. But, 
heaven's forbid, maybe they've already chosen that self proclaimed Maitreya guy 
hanging out with Ben Creme, and they're waiting for the right time to put him up 
as Director of the UN. 

Here's another thought Chuck might appreciate. Maybe, if they can't kill us 
all off, they could figure out a way to label us "terrorists" and transport us 
off to the Bush Family Colony on Mars. At worst, we could breath some Mars 
dust (which might be better than the pollution here from their fossil fuels) and 
not have to bite it. Couldn't be much worse than Mexico after the 
inquisition, huh, don't you think? 

Loney the heathen 
(Historical note: Formerly Apache Chief Geronimo's brother, Lone Eagle, who 
married a the daughter of a renegade priest married to a rabbi's ex wife and 
turned her into a pagan. Their Child was Crazy Eagle who flew the coop, joined 
the Lakota's and bought it at Wounded Knee [supposedly because he wouldn't buy 
the western religion the white man's government tried to sell him].)

In a message dated 03/14/04 1:20:04 PM, writes:

>You wrote:
>Bailey asserts, and I agree that there is a being 
>who holds the "office", if you will, of Christ. 
>She names him Lord Maitreya, the future, and present
>Buddha of our race, with but an incarnation left 
>to manifest. What is so difficult about all of this 
>that you can't grasp? Haven't you experience the
>Christ consciousness at all to realize that it is 
>at once universal and personal? Do you have a problem 
>with 'imagining' that a human can be perfectly One with 
>that Christ Mind, that they are nothing but Christ?
>Having had this Being's darshan etherically years ago, 
>I have no way of validating it for you or anyone, nor 
>any need to. If this being takes a single body, that 
>is great. If, as Bailey asserts elsewhere, this Being 
>'descends' collectively on the many advanced disciples
>to bring in the next dispensation, then that is wonderful 
>too. And if this Being wishes to do both, or to manifest 
>as Ante-Christ and Christ, that's wonderful too.
>Ironically, Bailey states, or asserts that D.K. states 
>that once Lord Maitreya moves up and on, the next 
>officeholder of Christ will be the Master K.H. Perhaps 
>that's why it's his portrait that traditional
>Christianity displays everywhere?
>So what have you to say of the man Jeshu? Of course 
>he was a man like K.H., so what?
>You've said nothing of consequence, Daniel. If you had 
>made any such contact with your own inner Christ, 
>you'd know how ridiculous your research is. Ask
>sincerely within, and maybe you'll get some better 
>Ali, you ask:
>"Haven't you experience the Christ consciousness at 
>all to realize that it is at once universal and 
>personal? Do you have a problem with 'imagining' 
>that a human can be perfectly One with 
>that Christ Mind, that they are nothing but Christ?"
>And at the end of your email you write:
>"If you had made any such contact with your 
>own inner Christ, you'd know how ridiculous your 
>research is. Ask sincerely within, and maybe 
>you'll get some better answers."
>Ali, thanks for your advice! Good to know my
>research is "ridiculous". But have you considered
>that possibly Bailey's teaching on the subject is
>I have had inner experiences and I have no problem 
>understanding "the Christ consciousness" as "at once
>universal and personal." No problem either with 
>imagining "a human can be perfectly One with 
>that Christ Mind, that they are nothing but Christ."
>But then you write also:
>"Bailey asserts, and I agree that there is a being 
>who holds the 'office', if you will, of Christ. 
>She names him Lord Maitreya, the future, and present
>Buddha of our race, with but an incarnation left 
>to manifest."
>And you also write:
>"Having had this Being's darshan etherically years ago, 
>I have no way of validating it for you or anyone, nor 
>any need to. If this being takes a single body, that 
>is great. If, as Bailey asserts elsewhere, this Being 
>'descends' collectively on the many advanced disciples
>to bring in the next dispensation, then that is wonderful 
>What you write brings to mind the words of the "Christ"
>as found in a song by Richard Harris:
>"There Are Too Many Saviors on My Cross"
>The words are:
>"I am all mankind....."
>Today we might phrase it:
>"I am all humankind...."
>And Master KH pens a very suggestive remark:
>"Nature ALONE can INCARNATE the Spirit of limitless
>As far as I'm concerned Bailey puts too much emphasis
>on what you describe as "a being who holds the 'office', 
>if you will, of Christ. She names him Lord Maitreya, 
>the future, and present Buddha of our race, with 
>but an incarnation left to manifest." 
>You go on to say:
>"If this being takes a single body, that is great."
>"If, as Bailey asserts elsewhere, this Being 
>'descends' collectively on the many advanced disciples
>to bring in the next dispensation, then that is wonderful 
>But your attention and Bailey's also seems to be 
>focused on this "being" instead of on the "Christ."
>And when one considers Bailey's comments about the
>Christ in Central Asia and about television, trains,
>boats and planes, then the focus is on the external,
>the outer, when all the time every human being
>has a direct link WITHIN to the SOURCE. 
>And speaking of the "ridiculous", Bailey's talk of 
>television, etc. appears "corny" if not "ridiculous" to
>many students of Blavatsky's writings.
>You speak of Maitreya as the office holder and
>of Koot Hoomi's future role. Whether this is true
>or not, is it really relevant or needed?
>This kind of "stuff" is not found, for example, in
>the Voice.
>As said in the Voice:
>"Of teachers there are many; the MASTER-SOUL is one, Alaya, the 
>Universal Soul. Live in that MASTER as ITS ray in thee. Live in thy 
>fellows as they live in IT."
>Notice the emphasis is not on the teachers but the Master-Soul, the
>Universal Soul whose ray lives in each of us 6 billion human 
>creatures, not to mention the countless billions of other "lives" 
>inhabiting just this tiny portion of the cosmos. 
>I prefer the approach of the VOICE rather than Bailey's approach
>found in her turgid prose echoing material from Leadbeater's and 
>Besant's esoteric school instructions. 

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