Re: Theos-World RE: Re: "Well, hell most Jews are now atheists andhomosexuals...
Mar 15, 2004 04:45 PM
by samblo
Yes, I agree with your hopes and have empathy for the historical
predicament of the Jewish people. But it is not just them but alone that
experience the trauma of such attempts of isolation by others, human
history is pockmarked with the example, past and present. The Gypsy's
for example, and there are many others of various types and origins.
The Mahabharata has one of the two principle contestants placed into
anonymous exile open ended with the predicate that they must remain
undiscovered and unidentified for the entire period of exile else they
may never be allowed return to Bharata. Be that as it may, what we see
mundanely is the Life Stream of the Rivers of Life itself which perhaps
has none of the distinctions we all are so conscious of in our mundane
mentalities. I am always reminded with the beautiful epitaph of the
Mandaeans: "And life is Victorious!" In the end I am sure this is so, and
Krishna told Arjun: Arjun someday you will see arrayed before you all
the many persona's you have taken (in the Manvantara) and laugh!
The World is the stage of the Play of Life and we are the Actors.
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