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re John's American Indians

Mar 15, 2004 08:43 AM
by Mauri

John wrote: <<Where did the American Indians originally come from? >>

On a recent TV documentary a geneticist showed that some people in Africa were the ancestors of those who had a part in populating this planet on a global scale, basing that on his genetic research into Y markers in blood samples around the world, which samples, according to him, proved that there had been a migration of people to the rest of the globe from Africa about 30 to 40 thousand years ago as a result of changing climates. According to him, the sea levels then were far lower, so to that some of those migrants were able to walk across the Bering Straight, populating North and South Americas.
His notions about how the Africans got to Africa seemed to be mainstream---there was mention of monkeys at the beginning.

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