Theos-World Re: High esteem or arrogance ??
Mar 12, 2004 09:19 AM
by stevestubbs
--- In, "Ali Hassan" <ananda_hotai@h...>
> The only reference I found in that work is as follows- afaik, this
> published in 1942, and has the very unfortunate grammar to refer to
> "Jewish problem". The timing for that piece of phraseology couldn't
> been worse. Nowhere in her works that I've read is she anti-Semitic
There are web sites on which AAB's antisemitic references have been
collected, so there seems to be a difference of opinion about whether
or not she was open minded. Anyway, my point was that I could not
imagine a monk in the wilds of Tibet being obsessed with a "Jewish
problem" or even thinking of one, just as I would be skeptical if she
said she was channeling a rabbi. Internal evidence in the Bailey
ooks seems to more than weaken her claims that she channeled someone
in Tibet.
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