HPB and Living Master
Feb 24, 2004 05:55 PM
by krishtar
Hi Dallas
Many of these excellent quotes remind of some facts I mentioned in another occasion, regarding to HPBīs origin and spiritual hierararchy, many of which was classified as irrelevant by Ariel and criticized by another member I donīt remember.
I still reasure that HPB as we know her, through her books is inly the top of a huge iceberg, deeply connected with the white brotherhood.
And I add still more: HPB has encarnated twice since then and now she is still alive and working with the same brotherhood.
May many say it is irrelevant but this assurance makes me too content and apersonal happiness fulfills me to feel that the wise words from SD and Isis are still the living legacy of the Masters who inspired and used her person.
And the best thing of all is that she still working for the planet.
"...she herself was such a case, and that "H P B" whether hourly in the
day or at night when all around was still, had a "status and function"
in other spheres where she consciously carried on the work of that high
station, whatever it was...[She wrote in one place] " I am conscious
day and night, and have much to do and to endure in both these
existences from which you, being half-conscious, are happily saved."
According to HPB:
"...there are certain persons on this earth, living and working as
ordinary human beings and members of society, whose informing divine
part is so immeasurably high in development that they as such high
beings have a definite status and function in the "supersensuous
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