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Re: Theos-World occult merdiumship?

Jan 18, 2004 01:41 PM
by Dennis Kier

Another view of Mediumship,:

Mediumship is dangerous. [Page 180] Why is this so? Because the
mental body is not involved and so the soul is not in control. The
medium is an unconscious instrument, he is not himself the controlling
factor; he is controlled. Frequently also the discarnate entities who
employ this method of communication, utilizing the brain or voice
apparatus of the medium, are not highly evolved, and are quite
incapable of employing mental plane methods.

Some people combine the method of inspiration and of receiving
instruction along various lines and, when this is the case, great
accuracy of transmission is found. Occasionally again, as in the case
of H. P. B. you have deep knowledge, ability to be inspired and mental
clairaudience combined. When this is the case you have a rare and
useful instrument for the aiding of humanity.

Inspiration originates on the higher levels; it presupposes a very
high point in evolution, for it involves the egoic consciousness and
necessitates the use of atomic matter, thus opening up a wide range of
communicators. It spells safety. It should be remembered that the
soul is always good; it may lack knowledge in the three worlds and in
this way be deficient; but it harbors no evil. Inspiration is always
safe, whereas mediumship is always to be avoided.

A Treatise on White Magic, by Alice A. Bailey, p 179-180

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "adelasie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World occult merdiumship?

Dear Krishtar,

Anyone can say anything. Indeed, anyone can believe anything. But
there are some indicators regarding validity of professed contact
(chanelling) with Masters of the Great White Lodge. A chela of a
Master would be very unlikely to advertise the fact, or to talk about
it at all. And if such a person who claims to have such contact
should ask for money for any aspect of the "teachings," we would be
justified in feeling skeptical. Other than that, we are on our own.
We can keep in mind that truth is a relative thing, that one person's
truth is another's falsehood. We can offer respect to others for
their beliefs, while maintaining strong our own inner connection with
the Master, realizing that the Lodge works in many and mysterious
ways for the benefit of humanity, and that our part of this great
work is to do the right thing in our own lives to the best of our
ability, and to never give up.

Best wishes,

On 16 Jan 2004 at 8:33, krishtar wrote:

> Hi Dears
> Surfing in the link I received, being not able to hear any voice of
> Mr. CW Leadbeater due to misterious causes in mu PCīs setup, I
> discovered a site in wich a man/woman, I donīt know, claimes to be
> amanuensis of our known Masters of Wisdom such as K H and M. as
> as M. Hilaryon.... Is there an occult mediumship? Wasnīt HPB
> neutralized in her mediumship by master Morya or KH during her teens
> because it wasnīt an appropriated way for her true occultist path? I
> feel afraid and terrified to see so many people everywhere claiming
> be a channel or an amanuensis of this and that Master... Everybody
> wants to be Blavastky.

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