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re Leon , multidimensional models , Esoteric Tradition

Jan 18, 2004 08:10 AM
by Mauri

Leon wrote: <<Actually, I was talking in multidimensional terms.>>

After I wrote that post in which I wrote: "but if that's talking in two-dimensional terms," it occurred to me that you might come back with something like: <<Actually, I was talking in multidimensional terms.>> and, sure enough, you did just that.

My attempt to clarify: When I have a number of times used the words "essentially dualistic," on these lists, that's been my way of saying that no matter how "multidimensional" one might want one's model or worldview to be, it's still, in my humble speculative opinion, an "essentially dualistic" view, and, as such, is karmic, mayavic, and without end, as such. And so, IMHSO, the Esoteric Tradition has been pointing the way out of such karma/maya. Not that I have anything against models that are helpful, as your ABC's might be, Leon, to some people, including myself, and as Gerald's models might be seen as helpful. But I suspect that, at a certain point, one has to transcend essentially dualistic models of reality, no matter how "multidimentional" they may be seen to be. Seems to me, based on my interpretation of Theosophy/HBP, that there's an Abyss between essentially dualistic reality and the Reality that's experiential and nondualistic. That's basically the kind of thing I have been trying to get across for some time. Sorry about the misunderstandings.


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