Gravity and Electricity
Jan 09, 2004 08:47 AM
by Dirk Laureyssens
Dear Leon,
Much thank for all your information, interesting website, and the links
(the Electric Sun is a great article ... with the double layer). Thank
you also for the long reactions on my previous posts. For your
information: I am Dutch speaking so some sentences may look a little
bite strange.
Leon, before going further in discussions about M-branes, etc. I want
to share first some of my conceptual concerns on electricity.
Conceptual I always had a problem with 'fields'. What is a field?
Our quest goes for a unification concept. So we need to start at the
Unification or Unity means 'indestructibility' but also constant
connectivity of all possible parts and forms of manifestation:
interconnectivity. No breaking, no tearing. There is always Unity, but
in our conscious and physic realities: restructured Unity.
The definition 'FIELD' doesn't give me that aspect of Unity, to me -
personally - a field is a totality of separated events which influence
each other.
Therefor I use the concept 'membrane', which is indestructible (almost
infinite elastic) and dynamic. That's all. There is not else. You,
Dallas, Alden, Daniel, Bart ... me ... we are LOCALLY restructured
As such the interconnectivity is of higher unification order than
ElectroMagnetism, and (indestructible) interconnectivity can only be
expressed by one effect: gravity.
So gravity is the prime source. Buddha spoke about: Stress. We can also
speak about AIN.
All other forces are specific expression of gravity. Emanations of
How can gravity bring us electricity?
Conceptually Electricity is the result of an unbalance between two
zones with different (vibrational) potency. That implies that there
must be 'ISOLATION', that separates two such zones for a given time.
When there is no isolation these zones will neutralize eachother. So we
need to construct a locality that embeds duality but separated by an
isolated boundary.
In gravitational perspective: the gravitational membrane that begets
itself to become locally a double layered monad (still fully connected,
better: still BEING part of the Unity). I call such monad a holon (but
what's in a name?). These monads build up on the membrane in more
complex monads. They are like elastic braced on the membrane since they
are locally restructured membrane.
Since the total membrane system has continuos motion (kinetics) also
the layers in all monads move. But since the layers of the monads are
PRESSED together we get locally a new effect: Friction
(ThermoDynamics). This local friction provokes new secondary
oscillations of the embedded layers in each holon. The 'interactions'
of physics : EM, Strong and weak forces are different expressions of
this local friction. How we call them depends of the type of sensors
with which we observe them. Thus their capacity to resonate with the
We see here also that local friction (in monads and between monads)
will also influence the dynamics of total membrane, like the motion of
the membrane will also influences the monads. A double feedback system.
Cf. a double pendulum. That leads us to the creation of life. We live -
and have internal circulation - by the dynamics of the total system.
>From there you can explain in your way the further building up of
reality based on Electricity, and an Electric Sun is very well possible
and more logic.
On the website refers to JAMES CLERK
MAXWELL's quote: "In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I
wish to be understood literally. All energy is the same as mechanical
energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of
elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic
phenomena is mechanical energy."
(there is no source mentioned).
Maxwellian charge and current
Quote: In modern electromagnetic theory, charge is the source of
electric fields, and current is the source of the magnetic fields. In
Maxwellian theory, by contrast, charge is produced by the electric
field as a result of what was known as "displacement" (of which more
anon). As Maxwell and his contemporaries understood it, charge did not
provoke an image of a substance; it was not a "stuff."
Moreover, current, in the usual sense of the rate of change of charge
over time, was related only indirectly to the magnetic field at this
time. As historian Jed Buchwald has demonstrated, in Maxwellian theory
"a current is not a substance to be acted upon; it is merely a
condition to be changed." That is, current was not considered as a flow
of charged particles, but as a series of chargings and dischargings.
Maxwellians interpreted these chargings and dischargings as the growth
and decay of "displacement," that is, the shift in location of some
"incompressible substance" (such as the ether) whose very shifting
endows it with a potential energy. If nothing happens to change this
potential energy, Maxwellians reason that it will simply dissipate,
lost as material heat. This loss results in an inequality of
displacement values (between say, one charged surface and another,
uncharged one) that engenders to a discontinuity between the two
regions. The magnitude of this discontinuity is the charge.(end of
Such a displacement can be seen as the local excitation of the
membranes of the holon (monad) that will conduct the excess of these
oscillations over it's parent membranes to other distance holons.
Zero-point? On any spot of the membrane - when the correct oscillations
are available - holons can be created.
Leon, I just finished a new webpage on the Yin-Yang system, explained
with this membrane approach. You will see that a 3D-concept + Time
(dynamics) explain all this. We don't need a Klein-Bottle. .
Kind regards,
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