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RE: avatars and materializations?

Oct 13, 2003 05:39 PM
by W. Dallas TenBreoeck

Oct 13 2003

Dear Friends:

RE: avatars and materializations?

It seems to me that most of the observations you make are fairly correct

There are two ideas here:

1	Spiritual Beings reincarnating among us to assist in our
developing knowledge of our inner powers, and

2	the formation of physical and objective bodies or objects
seemingly "out of the air." This is called "precipitation."


THEOSOPHY considers seriously these matters but encourages study of its
principal doctrines, tenets and concepts as they come into play in
understanding and explaining how these phenomena occur or work. Anyone
can do this if they desire to acquire "spiritual Wisdom" of Gnyan /
Dzyan / Dhyana. It is inherent in the verses of the BHAGAVAD GITA, but
we have to study it most carefully.

There you have a spiritual Being (Sri Krishna as Avatar - the DIVINE
SELF) made visible to his pupil Arjuna, who seeks the best way to handle
the dilemma of his own nature. This is pictured as the opposing forces
of foes within the same family, of cousins: the evil Kuravas and the
benevolent Pandavas. Note that Sri Krishna indicates he is also a part
of Arjuna [Chapter 10, v. 37 : "...of the Pandava I am Arjuna, the
conqueror of wealth..." And that statement was preceded by a more
general one:: "I am the Ego which is seated in the heart of all
beings." Ch. 10, v.20.]

The first concept to grasp is that there are three great factors at work
in the Universe, in our world and in and surrounding us all.

1.	The ONE SPIRIT is universal, and no being is outside of it.
Hence nothing can be destroyed or killed in its essential nature,
although its present form may be destroyed.  

Contrasted to SPIRIT are the "forms and temporary limits of Matter."
They are individually called "Monads" or a unit of Spirit/Matter
conjoined, and they pervade all space.

These forms are temporary and are always changing. Because both of these
(Spirit and Matter) are polar opposites, they are united by perceptive
Intelligence as each has an individualized fraction of the UNIVERSAL
MIND innate to it. 

We thus see that the MONAD in evolution is a triple entity consisting of
SPIRIT, MIND and WISDOM. As they progress in their eternal progress
through all stages of evolution they develop consciousness. In humanity
we see the expression of self-conscious intelligence. In the Mahatmas,
Rishis, Adepts, Dhyanis, and Avatars we see the developed faculties of
Universal Self- These are Great Men and have emerged from the human
races of the past This Universal Consciousness which they possess (see
what Sri Krishna says of himself as the "Supreme Being in the Bhagavad
Gita) manifests as a wisdom and responsibility. This wisdom is
explained in the doctrines of THEOSOPHY, and the duty they assume is to
assist all developing intelligences, including the human to improve by

2	In a system pervaded by SPIRIT there can be no errors or faults,
hence the whole is ruled by dispassionate perfect LAW called "Karma."
Karma works incessantly in the Universe, the World and in every human,
also, in every being near or far, visible or invisible. There is no
"God" that can break the rules of Karma or "forgive." The lesson we
humans have to learn is to do no evil to anything or anyone. Then we
will not receive pain and sorrow.

If we break any of the laws of Nature (the Universal DEITY) either by
ignorance or with malice, we draw to ourselves those elements we have
distorted, offended or debased. They are living, (called Karmic
samskaras) and attach themselves to us, and through them we receive
eventually, soon or late, the effects of our good or evil choices and

3.	The forms of matter, always changing, are ruled by laws that are
honest, compassionate, and fair for all. As said above the whole of
space is pervaded by 
Monads-- which are of many degrees of intelligence and consciousness.
They (and we are developed Monads) are called the "eternal Pilgrims."
All Monads, without any exceptions are part of the same vast
evolutionary scheme.  

The whole progress of the great mass of forms is termed evolution, it is
planned, regular in motion and as goal, the ultimate Perfection of every
"form of matter" is set. This is a common goal for all.  


Coming to "PRECIPITATION" we are given the laws and rules that govern
the invisible universe of force that also pervades us and provides the
physical atoms with their structures. 

"Through the means of the Astral Light and the help of Elementals the
various material elements may be drawn down and precipitated from the
atmosphere upon either a plane surface or in the form of a solid object;
this precipitation may be made permanent, or it may be of such a light
cohesive power as soon to fade away. But this help of the elementals
can only be obtained by a strong will added to a complete knowledge of
the laws which govern the being of the elementals."	Epitome,
p. 20

" able to precipitate out of the viewless air the
carbon which we know is in it, forming the carbon into sentences upon
the paper, it is through this knowledge of the occult higher chemistry,
and the use of a trained and powerful image-making faculty which every
man possesses..."	Ocean, p. 12

"Power over mind, matter, space, and time depends on several things and
positions. Needed for this are: Imagination raised to its highest
limit, desire combined with will that wavers not, and a knowledge of the
occult chemistry of nature. All must be present or there is no result."
WQJ Articles I. 453

"The instruments are in the body and brain of man. In the view of the
Lodge, "the human brain is an exhaustless generator of force," and a
complete knowledge of the inner chemical and dynamic laws of nature,
together with a trained mind, give the possessor the power to operate
the laws to which I have referred. This will be man's possession in the
future...A knowledge of the law when added to faith gives power over
matter, mind, space, and time...the trained Adept can produce before the
eye, objective to the touch, material which was not visible before, and
in any desired is simply evolution in your very presence.
Matter is held suspended in the air about us. Every particle of matter,
visible or still unprecipitated, has been through all possible forms,
existing, as they all do, in the Astral Light and then by effort of the
Will and Imagination to clothe the form with the matter by
precipitation. The object so made will fade away unless certain other
processes are resorted to which need not be here described, but if these
processes are used the object will remain permanently. And if it is
desired to make visible a message on paper or other surface, the same
laws and power are used. The distinct--photographically and sharply
definite--image of every line of every letter or picture is formed in
the mind, and then out of the air is drawn the pigment to fall within
the limits laid down by the brain, "the exhaustless generator of force
and form."  
This, then, naturally leads to the proposition that the human Will is
all powerful and the Imagination is a most useful faculty with a dynamic
force. The Imagination is the picture-making power of the human mind.
In the ordinary average human person it has not enough training or force
to be more than a sort of dream, but it may be trained. When it is
trained it is the Constructor in the Human Workshop. Arrived at that
stage it makes a matrix in the Astral substance through which effects
objectively will flow. It is the greatest power, after Will, in the
assemblage of complicated instruments. The modern definition of
Imagination is incomplete and wide of the mark. It is chiefly used to
designate fancy or misconception and at all times stands for unreality.
It is impossible to get another term as good because one of the powers
of the trained Imagination is that of making an image. The word is
derived from those signifying the formation or reflection of an image.
This faculty used, or rather suffered to act, in an unregulated mode has
given the West no other idea than that covered by "fancy." may be
pushed to a greater limit, which, when reached, causes the Imagination
to evolve in the Astral substance an actual image or form which may then
be used in the same way as an iron molder uses a mold or sand for the
molten iron. It is therefore the King faculty, inasmuch as the Will
cannot do its work if the Imagination be at all weak or untrained. For
instance, if the person desiring to precipitate from the air wavers in
the least with the image made in the Astral substance, the pigment will
fall upon the paper in a correspondingly wavering and diffused manner."
Ocean pp. 138-9

I hope this may help

Best wishes,




THEOSOPHY (as a rational and coherent PHILOSOPHY that explains the real
ethical basis of the Universe and our existence) is important. The
details of "who did what" are only useful in so far as they give us
advice or warnings about things that happened in the past (principles of
action) to adopt or avoid.

Our karma is always self-made. We are its creators (because we are free
to choose) and to that extent we always create our future.

There is no blame setting, and there is no absolution for our being
ignorant and making hasty decisions. We may make errors of omission but
anything that is truly hurtful to others or of a selfish advantage only
for our personal selves is prefaced by a warning (from the "Voice of
Conscience") that emanates from the divine "tutor" resident in each of
us -- the MONAD or Atma-Buddhi-Manas (see SD II 167, 79-80, 94-5). I
look on HPB as a "tutor" for a whole Race of mankind that can profit
from the information that Theosophy reveals concerning our Nature and
our progress, past, present and future.


Theosophy is really the study of Karma. Karma shows us the record of
our past in the circumstances of our present. As such we are exactly
what we have so far "made ourselves." That is: our advantages and our
limitations. No outside being of any kind in Nature is blamable for our
condition. Also, we are not bound by karma as Monads.  

The real permanent record of the Past is recorded in detail in that
aspect (principle) of Nature (and ourselves) called the Akasa. It is
one of 7 aspects of Buddhi. Hence it is resident in each Monad. To
recapture it we have to be able to penetrate to our individual, our own
level of Buddhi-akasa and there we can exchange information in the
"mirror" relationship we have simultaneously and selectively with all
other Monads. This is also the way in which Karma acts universally and

As experience is gained we become more acutely aware of our own nature,
and of the conditions in which other Monads are. Treating them as
brothers we assist and cooperate to the best of our knowledge and
ability. But (intellectually) we have lost the "fear of death" in any

Karma binds the "embodied mind and reflects on it the effects of its
choices for good or bad. It is the present Monad that is, as pupil, the
learner in the school of life. Since it is usually unaware of its
Parent, the HIGHER SELF, it thinks that it alone is important and
isolated. From this attitude the horrors of actions performed under the
influence of Kama, emerge. Theosophy strips away this veil and some
cannot stand the exposure to truth.


Shall we take a brief review of the Evolutionary scheme in our Universe
and World as may be found from studying the SD ? A complete chain of
interactive agents, is proposed -- each composed of Spirit/Matter
(Monad) and the CONSCIOUSNESS which it "embodies" at whatever its level
of progress. 

We will also find an explanation of the nature and mission of HPB and
the Adepts, her Masters -- who have acted to assist all of us, as a
"race," as a group. They offer advice and information of a
psychological type which we can verify and apply freely. And, they also
fill many blanks in our "past" history that had been obliterated by the
burning of ancient libraries and the destruction of monuments that could
explain that past.

We will find that the SD covers this (our evolution) in more consecutive
detail than the reconstructive and theoretical views (taught when we
were first educated) based on scanty evidence derived from a handful of
skeletons. (We should also note that today we find groups of "savage"
tribes coexisting in our times -- and we have the civilized "savages"
that ravage our "inner cities" today). (SD II 318 522 717 722-3) 

How HPB presents the MONADS to us :  

1. there are vast groups (hosts) of those living beings -- combined
Spirit/Matter UNITS -- Monads - which are not yet "human," then, (
and yet they are designated "spiritual" -- Matter is of course
PRIMORDIAL matter there in its primitive state -- not the "molecular"
matter we are familiar with, but as Mahabuddhi -- the counterpart of the
One Spirit in manifestation )

2. the present Human-Monads, and last, KEY says Manas is divided
into 3:  

1. Buddhi-Manas,  
2. Manas per se -- the faculty of the Agnishwatta Pitris, and

3. Kama-Manas.  

The Latter is our embodied mind, is the LUNAR PITRI that has been
endowed by the Manasa Dhyanis in the middle of the 3rd Race (4th ROUND,
Globe "D") with the "mind" -- just as we endow our children with "minds"
by being present with them and leading them to think.  

3. those Monads which have passed through the "Human-stage" (we may
call them the Adepts, Mahatmas, Rishis, Dhyanis, Christs, Buddhas,
etc...). They may incarnate for specific purposes, but their
consciousness is unbroken at night when the body "sleeps" -- their Minds
perform other functions in the World and Universe.


The wiser group of parents teach their children to think ETHICALLY of
the effect of their actions on other beings. This is done
systematically. It is teaching the interaction of Nature and the action
of Karma at all stages.  

Suitable stories and poetry and things like the Voice of the Silence,
the Dhammapada and the Sermon on the Mount are read to them from an
early age, so that those ideas become impacted in their memories and
serve in later life as resting points to review in the decision making
processes. A selection of myths and legends is also made for this
purpose. As the child ages its reading is also enlarged. Opportunities
are taken to widen its purview of life and contrast the excellence of
right action with the horrors of the effects of selfishness and brute
force. [The ETERNAL VERITIES offers some of these (I mean the book for
Theosophy School use -- there is also a Teacher's Manual. Have you
noticed these ?]

All Monads, everywhere, are of one Essence, and all are continuing their
"Pilgrimage" together. It is this unity in diversity that makes
"Brotherhood" an essential expression of our/their condition. The future
is that which we will make of these teachings. We can decide freely to
use or reject them. Man as a Mind-being is always completely free to
choose and determine his own "fate" and future. (SD II 79 484 I 106
639) ]

The progress of the Monads that have now entered the "Human stage" is
through the process of reincarnation -- each life-time they are clothed
with the needed physical and astral matter (which are also monads) that
enables them to act, feel and think on this, our present dense physical
plane. The connection between the embodied mind of Man today and his
inner DIVINE MONAD is discussed in the doctrines concerning the "7
principles" of man. The KEY TO THEOSOPHY by HPB, deals largely with
that and explains it thoroughly. In the SD it is broadly described in
Vol. I, pp. 181-2, 242-264. 


There the 3 lines of evolving Consciousness which are broadly described
as those powers and stages that we recognize as:  

1. Spiritual, MONADIC (Atma and Maha-Buddhi as one)

2. Intellectual, (Agnishwatta Pitris, Manasa Dhyanis), and  

3. Physical and astral, (Barhishad and Lunar Pitris)

Each is dual, and as a whole these are presided over by the inscrutable
ONE CONSCIOUSNESS of each MONAD. Its power is derived from the
ABSOLUTENESS -- which, although latent, is present everywhere through
these innumerable Monads as the universal points of LIFE. The total is

However it is to be understood that it is the Monads (life-atoms) which
fall into these broad categories. [Actually they don't "fall" at all,
but it is the lesser Monads that accrete around them which as an
aggregation is experiencing the cooperative karma that conjoins them
even more firmly to each-other and to the CENTRAL MONAD which will
become endowed with Mind. -- for brevity's sake, we designate the Monads
by the stage in which they are: as mineral, vegetable, animal, and
human. Whereas in fact it is totally unaffected. (SD I 174-5fn)  

They interact and cooperate with each other. This illustrates the
essential cooperative and cohesive One-ness of all Nature. We may also
say that the ethos of nature is one in which the unit invariably
supports other units. It is always of service to others, and none are
isolated or domineering in any way. It is the brotherhood of cooperative
Immortal Monads. None has any special or privileged advantage over any

KAMA and MANAS conjoined link SPIRIT and MATTER

Man's intellect when conjoined with Kama (principles of passion and
desire) can become deluded by that association and the irrationality of
desires and passions. This may appear most difficult to understand.
However it is easy to see when we try to carry out a DESIRE or a PASSION
to its LOGICAL CONCLUSION. Then the irrationality is evident. One
needs to beware of the immediate protective response of the Kama
principle which seeks to shield itself from its own limitations and thus
appear to be wise.  


1. there are vast groups (hosts) of those living beings -- units --
Monads - which are not yet "human," then, (includes the Barhishad and
the Lunar Pitris).

2. the present Human-Monads, (includes the Agnishwatta Pitris and the
Fiery Dhyanis), and last,  

3. those Monads which have passed through the "Human-stage" (we may
call them the Adepts, Mahatmas, Rishis, Dhyanis, Christs, Buddhas,
etc...). They have acquired the faculty of seeing into the Akasa and
SCANNING the Karmic patterns traceable there. They become Forces, and
Powers which assist Nature in her many ways. They can no longer isolate
themselves and "step out" of those lines of DUTY. One of those lines is
the preparation and the assistance of the new crop of Monads which
become human minds in each Manvantara -- they are the "flower" and the
"fruit" of the whole process.

All are of one Essence, and all are continuing their "Pilgrimage"
together. It is this unity in diversity that makes "Brotherhood" an
essential expression of our/their condition. The future that we make for
ourselves is that which we will make voluntarily, now that we are aware
of these teachings.  


Theosophy, looks on the whole of evolution as that of the ever
reincarnating Monad -- a divine, an Eternal Pilgrim. In this it
considers that the whole Universe (in a period of active manifestation)
is a reincarnation of an earlier Universe which died, transferred its
energies into a resting (laya) state, (SD I 152 onward) and then
re-emerged (under KARMA) to bring our Universe into existence. The
first 3 1/2 Rounds (of our Earth-chain) are spent in doing this as the
Monads "descends into the "Matter" that is provided in the focus we call
our Earth, by the "Lunar Pitris" -- those "immortal fathers" which were
the Monads of the "Moon-chain" -- which marked a certain level of
development on that.  

The progress of the Monads that have now entered the "Human stage" is
through the process of reincarnation -- each life-time they are clothed
again with the needed physical matter (also monads that 'return' to us
under Karma) that enables them to act, feel and think on this, our
present dense physical plane. The connection between the embodied mind
of Man today and his inner DIVINE MONAD is discussed in the propositions
concerning the 7 principles of man in The KEY TO THEOSOPHY by HPB, which
deals largely with that and explains it thoroughly. In the SD it is
broadly described in Vol. I, pp. 181-2. 


The whole Universe is composed of Monads -- perfectly similar, yet
individualized units of Spirit/Matter. They "mirror" all the potentials
of the Universe and of each other in themselves. None has any
privileges that it has not earned. It, (the Monad) is the seat of the
Consciousness in each of the many "units" (we might think of them as
"atoms" as intelligent "force-fields." They are non-material substances
! In Man they are the seat of his consciousness and we can call it the
Perceiver, the Witness, the Onlooker.)   

There are many kinds and degrees of these, as each Monad represents a
very long train of individual evolution which, today, we distinguish as
differences. These are, broadly, what we may designate as the mineral,
vegetable, animal and human FORMS. We have to make sure in our minds
that we do not associate INTELLIGENCE entirely with FORM. Form is the
result of an Intelligence that is evolving in an area where it needs the
cooperation of many of its co-monads. Some of these are of a lower
level than it is, and some are at its own level, and also, there are
those of a higher series of levels that are interested in its progress
-- we may call them Adepts and the Brothers themselves -- the "chain" is
a continuous one.


Each Monad shows, to a wise but non-destructive investigator, who has
the key needed to penetrate and understand its condition -- the level
of Intelligence acquired through the evolution of it as a Monad through
these many phases. Its present condition and potential are thus known to
the true and higher Adepts. They do not manipulate or force any Monad,
into paths that are not of its own self-devised and self-determined ways
of living. They do provide information and warn when an error is about
to occur. That information is drawn from the individual Akasic record
that is an innate part of it -- Buddhi. [ Thus the records of History
are always open to the Adepts who need only access the Akasic record of
the Monads who participated in a particular past event. Each Monad
carries its own.  


In the SD we find that They may also be resident in the core of our
being, as might be an internal "tutor." (SD II 167) to avoid any sense
of repugnance to this idea, we have to note that the One inviolable rule
of Occult Nature is that there may be no interference in the self-made
evolution of any Monad -- although at certain stages assistance and
advice by those who are wiser, can be offered when it is possible to do
so. In us it is through the "Voice of Conscience." and the "Intuition"
-- both are derived from Buddhi. And, for this reason the rules of
progress in occultism demand total harmlessness of our personality,
cooperation with Nature at all opportunity, and voluntary service to
others. We have to become finely attuned to the needs of others for
which we might be able to provide assistance. The "Wise" do this
continually. It has become their natural condition in Evolution. (see


HPB in the 1st Vol. of the SD describes the Occult records that are left
by Karma of the Rounds through which the Monads that are now HUMAN
(having acquired the Mind faculty as a "gift" from the Wise human-Monads
that precede them--our Mind-parents or the "Agnishwatta Pitris-- Fiery
Fathers, or the "Manasa Dhyanis" -- Rishis or Wise Minds -- our
Spiritual/mental predecessors and "parents") passed in their evolution
in this Manvantara, as we, as "Spiritual entities," gradually clothed
ourselves with layers of Monads that were in relatively a more primitive
and less experienced level of being.  


We are in the 4th of such "Rounds" and on Globe "D." In SD I 200 we
have a diagram which shows on the left side, the 7 "GLOBES."
[Analogetically, if we consider them as equivalent to a Week. We have
passed through (as a group) 3 Weeks (Rounds) and are now in Week (Round)
the 4th. If each "GLOBE" is considered as a "Day" we are in the 4th, or
Globe "D" of the 4th "Week.". Each "Day" is marked by 7 periods of time
called "Root-Races." Each Root-Race has 7 Sub-Races. And in turn each
of these is further divided into 7 "Family-Races." -- thus our present
Humanity is in the 4th ROUND, and, on the 4th GLOBE "D," in the 5th
Root-Race (named Irian/Aryan or "noble" -- it is said in the SD to be a
little over 1 million years old).]

Each one of us, are physically and psychologically and spiritually a
member (see SD I 181 for a table) of one or another of the Sub-Races
(from the physiological and physical heredity point of view). We are
also, psychologically and spiritually, members of perhaps a wider or a
different sub-group. 


Several Sub-Races may evolve at various or similar levels at the same
time on widely separated areas of our world. And periodically through
invasions, and/or cataclysms of nature these races are redistributed and
mixed (physically) as groups. Each of such Root-Races undergoes,
additionally, the influence of the Yugas -- the "Ages" of gold, silver,
bronze and iron (our present) I have not been able to discover exactly
where "I" am in all this, and for me it is of no consequence, as I have
to deal with my evolution in the here and now. I assume that "Mother
Nature" takes care of the rest and eventually I will learn some of the
details. With that ability in hand I may be able to observe my own
progress with greater care and fit myself to be better able to fill the
spot that karma has for me. In this I am not expressing an attitude of
fatalism or inertia, but only that my understanding would enable me to
be a better "human" and do my "work" (as an immortal) with greater
understanding of its many ramifications and impacts on other Monads.

SD Vol. 2 DEALS with ROUND 4, GLOBE "D," and the " RACES" on

Passing to SD Vol. 2. I find there that HPB has dealt with this Round
(the 4th) which Occultism says is physically, the grossest of them all.
As a "Life-wave" -- or "host" -- our particular group of Monads has
passed the mid-point of the whole vast Evolutionary period a little over
18,000,000 years ago (SD I 150fn, II 69). At that time most of the
Monads were in what is called the 4th Root Race and it has been named
"Atlantean." The 3rd Root-Race was named "Lemurian." We are
presently, in the 5th Root-Race named "Aryan."
Vol. II of the SD deals with the experience of ourselves as Monads as we
passed through the first 3 Root-Races of this, the 4th Round on Globe
"D." In each of these we recapitulated in a brief way the experiences
that we underwent as Monads in the corresponding ROUNDS 1 through 3.  

We are now in the 5th Root Race of the 4th Round and from here on, our
evolutionary path as Mind-Egos will be rising through progressively more
tenuous substance that we will use as our forms.


The bulk of our work will now be psychological. We were given the
"gift" of mind at the mid-point of evolution by those Monads who served
as our parents then -- as do our physical family and parents do now in
awakening the individual reasoning powers of their children. I find in
the SD that conjoined with the powers of the mind the powers of the
psychic (passions and desires) nature were also awakened and conjoined
to that of the Mind. (SD II 79-80, 95-6, 246-7) .

This explains the bulk of our present problems involving how we feel and
how we think about things. It is very difficult for some to yet
distinguish accurately between these two principles.

-----Original Message-----
From: cordeaca turbo [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: Theos-World avatars and materializations?

Hi, Dears:

I am Krishtar, new to the group but not new to the Theosophy, which I
have studied since my last life.

I can see there is a lot of discussion here and that is good, as long as
respect is held..

A new question for the group:

Are there any Avatars in this world?

For example, Sai Baba claims to be one, but has anyone read any of his
proclaimed teachings?

It is said that he does materializations and healings.

Unfortunately no one has ever been there to make further research on
him, principally under controled conditions, which he denied to.

Nostradamus once predicted the appearance of the new prophet, and his
devotees say that he has filled the requirements, hm?

Materialization , excluded mediumship, in which one canīt control the
circumstances, is a work of a strong control on will power.

HPB did it many times, but to have a total control of will is only for
those who achieved total control of his mind, and it means a high
personal development.

Magic can also produce levitation but HPB advised not to use, because
one may loose himself in the phenomenical world and stop developing and
also because through magic we open doors to unknown forces and unknown
forms of intelligence that a beginner in occultism couldīnt know how to
deal with.

Krishtar A.


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