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re Besants "Preface" to SD III

Sep 11, 2003 07:19 AM
by Mauri

Thanks, Jerome, for that "Preface" from Annie Besant for
(apparently?) HPB's SD III. In the following, I'm responding to Annie Besant as if she were a member of this discussion list.

Annie Besant wrote:
<<The task of preparing this volume for the press has been a difficult and anxious one, and it is necessary to state clearly what has been done. The papers given to me by H.P.B. were quite unarranged, and had no obvious order; I have therefore taken each paper as a separate Section, and have arranged them as sequentially as possible. With the exception of the correction of grammatical errors and the elimination of obviously un-English idioms, the papers are as H.P.B. left them, save as otherwise marked. In a few cases I have filled in a gap, but any such addition is enclosed within square brackets, so as to be distinguished from the text.>>>

The "otherwise marked" and "square brackets so as to be distinguished from the text." sounds good go me.

<<In "The Mystery of Buddha" a further difficulty arose; some of the Sections had been written four or five times over, each version containing some sentences that were not in the others; I have pieced these versions together,taking the fullest as basis, and inserting therein everything added in any other versions. It is, however, with some hesitation that I have included these Sections in the Secret Doctrine .>>

In any case, one might wonder whether HPB's original SD III writings are still available anywhere? To date, I haven't read your edited versions.

<<Together with some most suggestive thought, they contain very numerous errors of fact, and many statements based on exoteric writings, not on esoteric knowledge.>>

^:-/ But, (one might ask?), are HPB's original SD III writings still available anywhere? Could you tell us (AB, or anybody?) where we might find HPB's original SD III writings, so that that we might all read/interpret her original writings for ourselves? If you were concerned about preserving the original writings, why didn't you just preserve them, totally intact, (or did you?), because you could have then gone ahead to edit from copies? That is, in light of Cleather's critical comments about your editing (for one?), seems to me that some of us might wonder what happenened to the original SD III words that HPB wrote?

<< They were given into my hands to publish, as part of the Third Volume of the Secret Doctrine, and I therefore do not feel justified in coming between the author and the public, either by altering the statements, to make them consistent with fact, or by suppressing the Sections.>>

Okay, but if I may go back to your earlier paragraph: <<<<In "The Mystery of Buddha" a further difficulty arose; some of the Sections had been written four or five times over, each version containing some sentences that were not in the others; I have pieced these versions together,taking the fullest as basis, and inserting therein everything added in any other versions. It is, however, with some hesitation that I have included these Sections in the Secret Doctrine .>> Your wording there leaves me wondering about the specifics of your interpretations re such as "pieced these versions together," "taking the fullest as basis," and "inserting therein everything added in any other versions." Did you have the option to offer the unedited version to the general public? If so, why say "with some hesitation" when/if you could've pointed out that one version is your edited version and one version is the original version from HPB? Doesn't one have the option in life to offer one's speculations as to what another might have meant, AS WELL AS offer, where available, the original words? So I tend to find your choice of words << It is, however, with some hesitation that I have included these Sections in the Secret Doctrine .>> to be kind of curious in that connection/context, partly because of Cleather's comments. Or, in other words, if you had trouble figuring out what HPB might've meant to say, why not leave her "possible meaning" intact in the sense of leaving the words as you found them? Or did you do just that? Of course (?), if you saw yourself as HPB's successor, then the temptation to offer your "own opinions" might've led to ... well, the kinds of words you offered in that Preface? I guess we all tend to interpret about "exoteric/esoteric" somewhat personally?

<<She says she is acting entirely on her own authority, and it will be obvious to any instructed reader that she makes - possibly deliberately - many statements so confused that they are mere blinds, and other statements - probably inadvertently - that are nothing more than the exoteric misunderstandings of esoteric truths.>>

Thanks for your opinions, but if HPB's original SD III words are nowhere to be seen (?), how can any of us decide for ourselves about what is what? Did you preserve the originals? I suspect that there may be a few people, here and there, (would you believe?), who may not be particularly inclined to follow your lead, in spite of your position as leader. A.L. Cleather, for example, comes to mind.

<< The reader must here, as everywhere, use his own judgment, but feeling bound to publish these Sections, I cannot let them go to the public without a warning that much in them is certainly erroneous.>>

One might wonder if you might now be saying that maybe you didn't do any editing, after all, or what? ^:-/ Thanks for the warning, though. I'll see if I can keep my eye out for the "erroneous" stuff. So could you tell us which parts are the original, unedited, "erroneous" parts? What with your introductions, my curiosity about such "erroneousness" is growing by leaps and bounds.

<<Doubtless, had the author herself issued this book, she would have entirely rewritten the whole of this division; as it was, it seemed best to give all she had said in the different copies, and to leave it in its rather unfinished state, for students will best like to have what she said as she said it, even though they may have to study it more closely than would have been the case had she remained to finish her work.>>

Are you saying that you're offering the original, unedited versions, after all? But ... Cleather says in her GREAT BETRAYAL that you made thousands of edits to SD III. So ... ^:-/ I'm confused, scratching my head

<<The quotations made have been as far as possible found, and correct references given; in this most laborious work a whole band of earnest and painstaking students,under the guidance of Mrs. Cooper-Oakley, have been my willing assistants. Without their aid it would not have been possible to give the references, as often a whole book had to be searched through, in order to find a paragraph of a few lines.>>

What's that? You went ahead and actually found at least some of those books that HPB referred to? Did you have in mind to, maybe, check out the references in SD I and II as well? Except that some those writings that HPB referred to might be kind of hard to find, eh?

<<This volume completes the papers left by H.P.B., with the exception of a few scattered articles that yet remain and that will be published in her own magazine Lucifer. Her pupils are well aware that few will be found in the present generation to do justice to the occult knowledge of H.P.B., and to her magnificent sweep of thoughts, but as she can wait to future generations for the justification of her greatness as a teacher, so can her pupils afford to wait for the justification of their trust. ANNIE BESANT.
by H.P.Blavatsky VOLUME III

Just speculatively speaking: I tend to get the impression (ie, for better or worse!) that your leadership, Annie Besant, might be lacking in what might be called "spiritual perception," or something like that (as if your intellectual side might get in the way, here and there?) ... Not that we couldn't all do with more of various kind of perceptions, wisdoms. But/"but" ... ? And I couldn't really figure out from your Preface whether/how Cleather's commentary in GREAT BETRAYAL might've been justified, in some sense, maybe.

You talk about such as << They were given into my hands to publish, as part of the Third Volume of the Secret Doctrine, and I therefore do not feel justified in coming between the author and the public, either by altering the statements, to make them consistent with fact, or by suppressing the Sections.>> but you also offer words that tend to leave some questions in my mind about how you might have, in fact, altered some of HPB's wording, intended meaning, and not just spelling. Have you had a talk with Cleather about your editing of HPB's writings?


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