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RE: Theos-World Re: SOME THEOSOPHICAL HISTORY (3 series of articles)

Sep 01, 2003 09:07 PM
by W. Dallas TenBreock

Aug 26 2003

[ Resent as my computer crashed -- not sure this went out DTB ]

Re Judge

Dear Katinka.

Re: Your remarks concerning Mr. Judge. His life and work.

It is possible that you may not be familiar with Mr. Judge's life and

Hence I send you the enclosed:  

Bio-Notes on W Q J 

It is self-explanatory I think, but if there are questions I will be
grad to amplify.

Best wishes,



Annie Besant reads the Fourth "Message" from HPB.  

1891. Apl. 15 Fifth "Message" to American Theosophists --

re: Judge - Read on HPB's behalf by Mrs. Annie Besant 

She reads a special Fifth "Message" in connection with HPB's
valuation of Mr. Judge .[This is significant view of HPB's death,
within 2 weeks of this event, and the "Judge Case" which was started
three years later in 1894.]

>From H.P.Blavatsky:]

"To the Fifth Convention of the American Section 
of The Theosophical Society

Brother Theosophists:

"I have purposely omitted any mention of my oldest friend and
fellow-worker, W.Q.Judge, in my general address to you, because I think
that his unflagging and self-sacrificing efforts for the building up of
Theosophy in America deserves special mention.

Had it not been for W.Q.Judge, Theosophy would not be where it is
today in the United States. It is he who has mainly built up the
movement among you, and he who has proved in a thousand ways his entire
loyalty to the best interests of Theosophy and the Society.

Mutual admiration should play no part in a Theosophical Convention,
but honor should be given where honor is due, and I gladly take this
opportunity of stating in public, by the mouth of my friend and
colleague, Annie Besant, my deep appreciation of the work of your
General Secretary, and of publicly tendering him my most sincere thanks
and deeply-felt gratitude in the name of Theosophy, and for the noble
work he is doing and has done.
Yours fraternally,  
H.P.Blavatsky /\

[NOTE: The significance of this letter, which HPB sent through Annie
Besant, who read it on her behalf to the Convention, ought not to be
overlooked. HPB was aware of the approaching death of her body, and
that she would not see AB again in that body. This and other hints she
gave to AB, who had only been 2 years in the TS (as compared with
Judge's 16 years of unremitting toil), so she would realize the trust
reposed in him.]

1891 APRIL-MAY	Judge Explains "Borrowed Body" at an 
E S Meeting

[This extract from a letter by Mr. R. Crosbie, dated Oct. 14th l914 to
Mr. Frederick Weed Flint of New York. (Bottom of p. 2) It relates to an
incident at an E S Meeting in Boston in 1891.] 

"I will now state something that occurred at a general E.S.
meeting in Boston after the Convention of 1891--a few days [May 6th
1891] before the passing of H.P.B. [May 8th 1891]. W.Q.J. and A. B.
were present. After exacting a promise that no one present should speak
of what he was about to say, W.Q.J. said:  

"You know me as Wm. Q. Judge, born in Ireland, but I have to say
to you all that this body is not mine. It is a borrowed body for
purposes of the work. My own body is of a different sort and race. How
long I shall retain hold of this ordinary body depends upon your loyalty
and devotion to the lines laid down. Should these fail I go to another

1891, May 8	H P B Dies in London -- Age 60 years

Mr. Judge was notified by cable. He sailed from New York May
13th. Before leaving, he sent a return cable: "I am sailing for
London. I am her agent. Seal her room."  

It should be noted that Masters' "Seal" was not found in HPB's
box when Countess Wachmeister and Annie Besant opened it before Judge
arrived in London. [ This "seal" was found used on certain letters sent
to various persons after HPB's death. This use of Masters' "seal" was
later used by Mrs. Besant as one of the "charges" made against WQJ in
the "Judge Case."]	
LUCIFER, Vol. 16, p. 164-5.

1891, May 27	E S Advisory Council Meets - Continuation of E S

In London at this E S Council Meeting, Mr. Judge presented his
credentials as HPB's "representative with full powers as a chela of
thirteen years' standing" (in 1888), and as HPB's sole agent..." Annie
Besant presents hers as "Secretary of the Inner Group and Recorder of
the Teachings." This appointment of AB was made by HPB in April 1991,
less than 6 weeks before her death. Annie Besant had been only 2 years
in the TS and in the ES.  

Judge proposes that A B and he work together as "Co-Outer Heads"
of the E S in close cooperation. Mrs. Besant goes to her locked desk
and brings out a package of letters that she had earlier tied together
and which had not been in any one else's hands. From this package, when
she opens it, falls a Note written by the Master. It read: "Judge's
plan is right." The plan was put into effect. The Esoteric Section was
continued with Annie Besant taking charge of the "Eastern area," and Mr.
Judge of the "Western." The E S Council disbanded itself and full
responsibility for the conduct of the E S was placed on these two who
were to conduct it as "co-Outer Heads.".

1891, July 9	Convention of the European Section of the T S

Mr. Judge attended as Vice-President, Col. Olcott, PTS,
presided. A new, satisfactory Constitution was framed. Amity and an
urge to strong and united work were the keynotes struck then. The
continuation of the European Section, its neutrality and autonomy, was
affirmed. The growth of the work and spread of Theosophy in America was

Col. Olcott, though not a member of the E S, had been appointed by HPB
her "agent for the ES for Asia." 

Judge and AB advised him in a general way of the program the ES would
now be following.   
THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT (1875-1950), p. 160

1892, Jan.	Col. Olcott Resigns from the Presidency

On receipt of a letter from Col. Olcott to this effect, dated
Jan 27th 1892, Judge places the matter on the agenda for the Convention
of the American Section to be held April 24th. 1892 in Chicago.
Resolutions of regret and a resolution urging Col. Olcott to revoke his
resignation were passed, as also one, which elected Mr. Judge to the
Presidency only upon the actual retirement of Col. Olcott PTS.

In the meantime Col. Olcott heard from the Master saying that
his resignation was premature. Accordingly, he delayed his resignation
taking effect, writing Judge as Vice-President, to this effect on May
28th 1892. A formal letter of revocation was issued by him dated May
25th 1892.  
PATH Vol. 7, p. 235-6;  

July 1892

Mr. Judge had gone to Europe to attend the Convention of the
European Section of the T S on July 14th 1892. Earlier Mrs. Besant
without consulting Mr. Judge, had inappropriately circulated the E.S.
membership in England and Europe to have Mr. Judge elected President. A
joint circular adjusting this was issued over both their signatures to
those E.S. members after Mr. Judge's arrival there, and after he had
convinced her of the injudicious phrasing of the original. The European
convention passed a resolution naming Judge President when the
resignation of Col. Olcott became effective.

When Judge received the news that Olcott was revoking his
resignation; he issued a Notice to the American members giving his
whole hearted agreement to the change, asserting his pleasure at Col.
Olcott's resumption of the burdens of the Presidency. He noted that
only when absolutely compelled by necessity would he assume the

Some have looked on this incident as evidence of Mr. Judge's
ambition. Such is not the case, as can be ascertained by reading
chronologically the documents available. One may wonder how it could be
possible for Col. Olcott to have misread Judge's intentions so
completely. Mr. Judge's health was poor, and he did not look with any
degree of favor on having to go to India to take on the duties the
Presidency would impose. He had his particular work in America, and
there he preferred to stay where he was most needed. In a letter
replying to Dr. F. Hartmann of May 13, 1892, Mr. Judge says: "...For
myself I would never wish this office [of President] as it is very
troublesome and thankless, but H.P.B...asked me to take it if O. went
out or died."	[ T. FORUM, Vol. 4, pp. 131-2 ]
[Note: Those desiring more details about this matter should 	
refer to THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT (1875-1925) pp, 326-350.)

1892, April 24-25 Sixth Annual Convention of the 
American Section T S 

In reviewing the year, Mr. Judge quotes extensively from HPB's
first "Message" sent to the Convention of 1888. She had passed away May
8th 1891. Her observations and advice about the conduct of the TS in
America was continuously and appropriately valid. Her death, far from
causing disruption had brought on greater accord and renewed effort.  

Mr. Judge also noted that Col. Olcott, who had tendered his
resignation owing to over work, had rescinded it thanks to the efforts
made by the American Executive Council through Mr. Bertram Keightley who
had gone to India.

Aryan T S (New York) purchased 144 Madison Ave for use as
American HQ and to be occupied by the Gen. Secy.'s office, Path, and the
Aryan Press, it contained also a Hall for lectures.  

Col. Olcott's resignation as President--correspondence sent to
all Sections. Vice-President to be appointed. Future assistance to
Col. Olcott who will continue to write and work for Theosophy. (A
telegram just received from Olcott advises that he cannot resign as of
May 1st as projected.) The convention Resolved to ask Col. Olcott to
revoke his resignation. Judge to be President only if and when Olcott's
Presidential post becomes vacant.  

Work done during the year:

11 new Branches in America chartered during the past year, 392
new members enrolled. All departments of work and propaganda are
flourishing: total of 109,000 tracts mailed. New scheme is the
supplying to the Press of articles and news briefs on Theosophical
matters. Every member should look on himself as a "missionary" and take
advantage of the material and services made available: T. Forum,
Tracts, Oriental Dept. Translations, Branch Papers, Circulating Library,
Path Magazine. Expenses are growing, but donations have also grown and
helped defray the increased costs. 

A "Lecture Bureau" has been opened for funds to take a traveling
lecturer to areas where needed. Great energy noted in California. A
"Lecturer" chosen to begin work. A minimum of five will constitute a
Branch. Below that and it is dissolved. Central League of Theosophical
Workers makes a report.  

Resolution reaffirming the neutrality of the TS as regards
creeds and beliefs affirmed. Reports and letters from American and
foreign Lodges and Sections read.  

1892 July	Judge sails for London to attend the Second
Convention of the European Section.

The European membership elects Judge as President in case Olcott
resigns. Judge reported that the American Section had resolved to ask
Olcott to rescind his resignation.  

On August 17th 1892 Olcott withdrew his resignation, and remained
President till his death in 1907.

1893 April 23-24	Seventh Annual Convention of the 
American Section held in New

Mr. Judge as Gen. Secy. reported that the Hall of the Aryan TS
was not the property of the Section but of the Branch. Fees, rents and
dues are all apportioned for payment for the space used by PATH, the
offices of the Gen. Secy. and the Aryan Press.  

Annie Besant's lecture tour of the U S was particularly valuable.  

Bertram Keightley welcomed as Gen. Secy. for the Indian Section.  

A Reference Library had been started in the Hall of the Aryan Branch at
144 Madison Ave., there is also the Circulating Library and the Gen.
Secretary's library.  

The use of a traveling lecturer has proved most valuable and effective:
Mr. Claude F. Wright.  

All the TS property in India has been put in the hands of a Board of
Trustees. (Of which Mr. Judge was made one.) 

The work of the Oriental Department being successfully carried on in

A matter of procedure was redefined so as to avoid any semblance of
doctrinal acceptance in regard to a burial service, officer or
committee of the T S ought to appear in print as endorsing any forms.  

19 new Branches were chartered, 584 new members were admitted. About 50

Tracts distributed last year: 90,000. (Total number of tracts mailed
since the inception of the scheme: 430,000.) An additional 88,000
tracts were produced and mailed on the West Coast.

1893 April	Mr. Judge Seen to be Overshadowed by Master

A. W. W. wrote:

"I attended the American Theosophical Convention held at New
York in 1893. Sitting near the door in the crowded room I had to pay
particular attention to speakers at the other end. The subject of the
hour was the religious Parliament to be held at the World's Fair
[Chicago]. A good deal of enthusiasm prevailed as Mr. Judge was
relating what had to be done and speaking of the importance of the
matter. I was regarding him very closely and only thinking of what he
was talking of.

"As he went on I observed a form taking shape near his right
shoulder, rather nearer to Mr. Judge than to the chairman, Dr. Buck.
This shape became definitely that of a man of impressive appearance. I
had seen no pictures of the Masters and could not connect the form with
any picture, but I then at once felt it was one of them. Since then I
saw the picture of Mahatma K.H. identically that of the being I have
described. It is for me proof of the existence of these beings and of
their interest in such movements as ours."	-- A. W. W.
PATH, Vol. X, p. 127, July 1895.

1893, September 15 - 17	Chicago World Fair -- American Section
T S Participation in the Parliament of Religions

Participation of the TS in this event marked a high point in Mr.
Judges' success at organization. Theosophists from India, representing
the Hindu Brahmins, from Ceylon, representing the Buddhists and Mrs.
Annie Besant from London were feature attractions at the meetings. Mr.
Judge, himself gave a landmark speech: Theosophy Generally Stated --
which epitomized all that the T S and Theosophy stood for.

JUDGE ARTICLES, Vol. 1, p. 1 (ULT)

1894 - 1896	Mr. Judge Under Attack

[ NOTE: One of the most valuable keys to an understanding of Mr. Judge
and his work is only obtained by the study of his writings. ]

Many persons expressed their opinions concerning him. What
happened to him, when placed under pressure, from early 1894 until his
death on March 21st l896 ? He continued writing for The Path and
elsewhere. Did his expressions, and did the nature of his writings and
choice of subjects change? The student of Mr. Judges' life will seek
for evidence in this area, to verify the statement : that he did not
change his objective or his method of writing at all.  

He answered such charges as were leveled at him clearly,
factually and without acrimony, as will be found by those who read all
the documents that are available.  

Such documentary evidence forms the basis for the book that
covers 75 years of the history of the modern Theosophical Movement, from
1875 to 1950 under the title: The Theosophical Movement--1875-1950.
Published in 1951 by associates of the ULT at the Cunningham Press, Los
Angeles. [ This book condenses the material offered 25 years earlier,
in the volume of similar title and adds comments on the period between
1925 and 1950.]

The Theosophy Company in Los Angeles published in January 1992 a
53 page booklet in which is reproduced Two Answers by W.Q.Judge. In
these he deals fully with such "charges" as were leveled at him. They
explain and solve the mysteries involved. 
[ a summary follows ]

As in all biographical writings, after the death of the
individuals concerned, we are left to consider the documents that
survive. The writer will have to offer his readers the opportunity of
seeing the facts, and considering whether the opinions that arose during
that time, and which, to some extent, still color the minds of s modern
members of the surviving remnants of the original Theosophical Society
of 1875 are reasonable. One might almost say that we are all burdened
with "traditions" handed down to us. It is necessary for each to
independently verify these. If Mr. Judge's work is incorrectly valued,
there will inevitably be a gap in understanding the practical
application of Theosophical doctrine in active life.

In surveying the incidents that culminated in the "Judge Case,"
and which sharply divided organizationally the Theosophical Society it
would seem to be fair to say the following:

Theosophy can be divided into two broad aspects:

1. That which could be called exoteric Theosophy,
covering historical narration, the modern investigation of the invisible
side of Nature -- energy, power, psychism, "spiritual-ism," the
invisible but potent beings that live in and on the "astral-psychic"
plane--and the relations of these with the visible, tangible, physical
nature we deal with daily. This is the informational and intellectual
aspect of Theosophy. One might call it "head-learning" borrowing the
phrase from The Voice of the Silence. But, a deeper side can also be
detected :

2. The 2nd aspect which could be called Esoteric. It
has been called : The Heart Doctrine. It takes a studied look at the
potential goals of evolution. It looks at the "universal" and
"philosophical," or metaphysical side of the Universe.  

It concerns itself with the moral and the ethical side of
living, and considers that the Law of Karma operates incessantly.
Therefore, it operates through all those correlations that the first
aspect describes. It looks at these from our "outside world" of daily
observation, which does not always take the long-range effect of man's
thoughts and feelings into account.  

It is spiritual in the truest of senses, hence moral and ethical
above all else. [Ethics and morals, Theosophically, can be defined as
voluntary thoughts and acts in compliance with the Universal Law of
Karmic action]. It deals with the progress and the potential goal of
the individual, considering him as a moral entity, and employing the
whole range of Nature's Laws as the ethical and ever interactive
framework in which we all live. In this it views the World as a school
in which more advanced students guide and assist their younger brothers,
but, occultly, they are debarred from enforcing their views. The
self-development of every free-willed human Soul-ego is a primary law of

It is difficult for some to see both of these views, and the
interdependence and interplay that exists between "historical" events
which involve the "Esoteric relations," (by definition) with the
exoteric T S. In other words, what may happen, as an event in either of
these two Sections, is not necessarily a matter of consideration in the
other, because of the pledge of secrecy which forms a vital part of the
occult system of discipline that such members have assumed. Given this
as a fact, it becomes easier to understand the "Judge Case."

HPB and WQJ acted as agents in the world for the Masters. They
were independent of that world and of the Exoteric Theosophical
Society--a position that members of the T S found difficult to

They used the Theosophical Society as the best tool available
for the spreading of the philosophy of Theosophy. They were not
interested in the organizational operations of the 
T S except as a useful framework through which great ideas and
principles could be publicized, and their value made visible.  

Some others, who became deeply involved in the Organization, its
management, politics and the "offices," have believed, that the
organization was "Theosophy."  

Many there are who find it difficult to distinguish Masters' and
HPB's Theosophy from that which later students have presented and may
have proclaimed to be "later teachings of "Theosophy." Many are
eclectic, broad, tolerant, compassionate of others views, ecologically
sensitive, and interested in those aspects of knowledge that modern
education, science and religion had kept them from learning the inner
ethico-spiritual correlations of; but, they were, and are, in many
cases, nondiscriminative. A "foundation" in one's self of a knowledge
of Theosophical facts, laws and logic needs first to be developed, by
careful study.

The spiritual is intolerant of anything but the truth, the
honesty, and the ethical-moral applications of Universal Law to all
aspects of life. The Adepts and their disciples live in a "fish-bowl"
where their innermost motives, and thought-feelings are transparent to
the vision of their Teachers and Companions. This is a vital part of
the training implied by the purification of the lower nature, and the
impersonalizing and universalizing of the attitude toward others. To
become a successful occultist, one becomes an impersonal force in Nature
for the good of the Whole. All selfishness has to be eliminated.

Doubts and suspicions arose in the mind of some of the early
"Theosophists," who noted that messages from the Masters were not always
tactful nor were they tolerant of abuses of ethical and occult duties
and responsibilities. A case of this nature revolves around Masters'
"Prayag Letter" (see MAHATMA LETTERS, p.461-463) delivered to Mr. Sonnet
by HPB to be passed to the Prayag TS ( it is an excoriating indictment
of the Brahmins in Allahabad (Prayag) for their errors ). Col. Olcott
may have been fearful that the Brahmins, if antagonized, might withdraw
their support from the TS in India, thus damaging its "success." Mr.
Sonnet began to have some doubts of HPB's honesty and integrity, in the
matter of "phenomena" and the "Mahatma letters"--which he had always
desired to receive direct, and not through any agency. He could not
understand the occult law that required the agent to always serve as
transferor of the Teachers' instructions to the student. There may have
been a certain amount of envy involved--that one should be able, and
others not, to establish such a direct relationship ! [see ISIS, Vol.
II, p. 93.]

Doubts and suspicions first circulated as gossip, and curiosity,
speculations, etc., began undermining the trust in HPB and in Judge,
that a number of persons connected with the TS gave in those days.
Further, the method of writing, recording, and of delivery of such
"messages" was sadly deficient of "purity" from the physical point of
view -- some were delivered inside sealed personal letters. HPB, Judge
and other "occultists" always claimed that any true "message" carried an
innate, inherent proof of their validity, to which the sensitivity and
recognition of the recipient was all the proof of authenticity that was
needed. This was not provable to anyone who was not also an occultist,
and in many cases, not even by the ultimate recipient. [HPB and WQJ
both wrote several articles which explain the laws, rationale and method
of "precipitation." [ a list is attached and some pertinent extracts

With the death of HPB, Col. Olcott among others, hoped that such
mythic affairs as "messages from the Masters" concerning the conduct of
affairs in the T S would cease. They did not. Judge now became the
focus for such, although he disclaimed any attempt at mystification or
the "guidance" of others. A simmering resentment and enmity seems to
have gradually arisen in some members, because of their personal
constitution. The "occult" laws and life, are one thing, and ordinary
explanations can not dispel doubts and suspicions that a materialistic
culture, and a disbelief in the astral and the invisible side of Nature
supported. Among others, Judge passed on messages he had been asked to
give to Annie Besant, to Col. Olcott, to Mr. Sinnett, and to others.
Some messages appeared in letters that he wrote to others, apparently
without his knowledge while they were in transit.

Dr. Buck, Jasper Niemand and Bertram Keightley also acknowledged
receipt of communications from the Masters through his agency, near or
remote. It was a puzzle. It was also proving embarrassing to those who
desired to shine as 'authorities' in the TS, now that HPB and the power
of her knowledge was "gone."

Apparently, several such disgruntled persons got together in
India late in December 1893 (in violation of the rule against "gossip"
and the first Object: Brotherhood), to discuss this. Annie Besant,
saying she was acting in the best interests of Mr. Judge, by making
public the "rumors" (said to be secretly circulating about him in the
Society), lent her name to "charges," which once decided on, she felt
would "clear the air.".  

1894 February 6	Annie Besant in a letter dated February 6th 1894
from Allahabad, addressed Col. Olcott, P.T.S.:  

"Some little time ago an appeal was made to me by members of the
T.S. belonging to different Branches, to set their minds at rest as to
the accusations made against the Vice-President of the Society, Bro. W.
Q. Judge, with reference to certain letters and sentences in the alleged
writings of the Mahatmas. As it is to the detriment of the whole
Society that these accusations--believed to be true by reputable members
of the Society--should be circulated against a prominent official
without rebuttal and without investigations, I ask you, as the President
of the Society, to direct that the charges made shall be formulated and
laid before a Committee, as provided by Art. VI, Secs. 2, 3 and 4."

1894 February 7	Col. Olcott sends a copy of this letter officially to
Mr. Judge as Vice-President. In this he offers two options: to resign,
or to stand before a "Judicial Committee" to be convened in London, thus
making public the whole proceedings. He suggested a cabled answer.
Judge cabled: "Charges absolutely false. You can take what proceedings
you see fit; going to London July."

Note: Surprisingly, Col. Olcott PTS, allowed this to develop, endorsed
it, and proposed to Judge (as though he was already proven guilty) that
he resign or stand trial--completely forgetting that he was in violation
of the Rules of the TS:  

1) that Annie Besant, a member, could not prefer "charges"
against another member who was not in her Branch, (where, alone, a
member could be so charged); and,  

2) that everyone is presumed innocent until proved guilty.  

3) Later, a third un-brotherly, not to say illegal situation
arose--a concerted but obvious attempt by several persons involved to
withhold from Mr. Judge's hands and sight the so-called "evidence."  

One may only conclude that the delusion which swept Annie
Besant's rational mind aside, in turn...deeply influenced the others.

1894 March 15

Mr. Judge rejected the charges, and made public the accusation,
the charges and the situation to the membership, distributing on March
15th 1894 5,000 copies of his: "To the Members of the T.S." 
[ Reprinted in Two Replies by W.Q.Judge - Theosophy Company ]

1894 March 27

On March 27th 1894, G.R.S.Meade, General Secretary, European
Section TS, and Mr. Bertram Keightley, General Secretary, Indian Section
TS issued a joint letter dated March 27th 1894 to Col. Olcott PTS
protesting his precipitate action as it was in violation of the Rules of
the T S.

Mr. Judge exposes thereby an active "plot" to deflect or to
truncate the power of the T S to change "the Manas and the Buddhi of the
race." Annie Besant seems to have been selected. A brahmin delegate to
the Parliament of Religions (Sept. 15-17, 1893) named G. N. Chakravarti
lent his agency as instrument for this. Mrs. Besant was known from the
beginning by HPB to be "all intellect...not psychic or spiritual" in her
psycho-logical makeup.  
( HPB letter, Mar. 27 1891)

Mrs. Besant desired ardently to develop "psychic and spiritual
powers" of her own, so that she would be able to contact the Masters
directly. Chakravarti seems to have promised this, if she placed
herself under his instruction. In less than two months he attained
mesmeric ascendancy over her. Dr. Archibald Keightley observed this.
(see The Path, Vol. 10, p. 99-100, where he made an observation on this
fact in the course of a protest he wrote, in defense of Mr. Judge.)

1894, April 22-23	Eighth Annual Convention of the American 
Section of the T S , San

Mr. Judge as the Genl. Secy. reported that the 2nd series of
seven year cycles began with this year for the American Section. It
also marked the 19th year of the Theosophical Society. In the past year
the Parliament of Religions in Chicago had marked the highlight of work.
Acting as Vice-President, Judge represented the far away Olcott. Judge
issued a report on the T S participation.  

Work at the New York HQ increased and is strongly supported.
Judge pays rent for the activities of which he is the proprietor: The
Path, The Aryan Press, and the Theosophical book business -- it would be
advantageous to have the mortgage on the building reduced. Much more
has been paid out to support the work than is collected by way of dues.
Voluntary contributions were asked for. As usual a full accounting for
all funds was given.

Three traveling lecturers were working in the field. 20,000 new
tracts printed in the last year. Also pamphlets, Theosophical Forum,
Branch Papers, and the Oriental Department Papers are issued. Annual
meeting Dec. 27th 1893 in Adyar, Col. Olcott reported on the success of
the TS: 322 Branches. Constitution revised, fixing the term for the
president at 7 years. Continuity remains the same as before. In
America 14 new Branches were chartered this year, and 655 new members

Latest activity is a Correspondence Class. It has 231 members.
List of questions on Theosophical subjects are issued in writing.
Answers are studied in the office, marked and returned to the answerer.
This idea has been well received in Europe. Boston Branch bought a
house to use as HQ. Countess Wachmeister, representative of the Indian
Section, gave an address in which she suggested that the HQ for the
Society be removed from distant Adyar to a more convenient location in
Europe or the Western part of America. Reports and messages from
Sections and Branches read and noted.  

1894 June	In "The T.S. and its Basis" Mr. Judge wrote:

"As one of those who helped to form the T. S., I may claim to
speak with personal knowledge of the facts, and having worked in its
ranks ever since its first day, a few words respecting its basis and
spirit will be of use...( on autonomy, toleration, 3 objects...). The
main underlying effort of the work of the members of the Society should
be to furnish a real and philosophical basis for ethics...a reasonable
explanation for life."
Austral Theosophist, June 1894 --  
WQJ Art. Vol. II, p. 156

1894 July 7	A meeting of the General Council of the T S under Col.
Olcott is convened in London. As he was warned earlier by Mr. Judge,
the Council finds it has no right to make a dogmatic statement on the
existence of the Mahatmas (and/or their "messages"). Judge, who stated
and proved that he, acting as vice-President, had taken no actions that
were illegal, is reconfirmed as Vice-President.  

Olcott makes a statement concerning the Neutrality of the TS in
matters of personal belief.  

Judge offers to produce evidence for those who desire to see it.
He objects strongly to the fact, that although "accused" no actual
charges or evidence has been made available to him prior to the meeting,
and, in addition, he has been prevented from seeing any of the

Dr. J.D.Buck, Vice-President of the American Section, was the
only official of the American Section to accompany Mr. Judge to London,
he was a witness, along with others, such as Dr. Archibald Keightley and
Mr. Pryse to all the proceedings, including the fact that Mr. Judge had
to force Mrs. Annie Besant and Col. Olcott at the last moment just prior
to their departure on July 19th, to briefly show him some of the
"evidence" before Olcott left for India. Mr. Judge was given no time to
make copies of the longer pieces of so-called evidence.

Lucifer, Path and Theosophist carry the details of these events.
A summary will be found in The Theosophical Movement (1875-1950) pp. 204
- 250 based on those documents.)

1894 July 10	The Judicial Committee meets.  

No "evidence" is produced. Judge protests this again. Judge
offers to stand trial. The Committee refuses. The "Neutrality" of the
TS is reaffirmed by Olcott.

Unfortunately while the "charges" had been met on legal grounds
and disposed of, personal feelings were running high, in a most
un-theosophical, un-brotherly and intolerant fashion.  

1894 September	Mr. W.R.Old, Treasurer and Recording Secretary
of the TS resigned, dissatisfied. He was also a member of the E S, and
as he had been entrusted with the "evidence" of the "Judge Case" by Col.
Olcott. Without authorization, he made copies of that, and passed these
to Mr. Garrett of the Westminster Gazette in London for publication.
This created a fresh furore, and as a result Judge's enemies resumed the
campaign to cause him to resign the Vice-Presidency. This campaign was
almost solely confined to Europe, America had little interest in the

Charges and counter charges, flourished and "the clash of
opinions" resounded. Anger and resentment were again whipped up against
Mr. Judge by the original "conspirators." Renewed calls and
"resolutions" passed by Branches in Europe and India for his
"resignation" were again published. All this severely weakened Mr.
Judge's precarious health.

1894, Nov. 3rd	E S Circular Issued by Mr. Judge

[ NOTE ] 
1. In the ES circular of Nov. 3rd 1894, WQJ refers to
A. Besant's knowledge of Master speaking to her through him while he was

2. She is also aware of the Master's picture given by
Him to WQJ endorsing it to: "My Colleague, W. Q. Judge."

1895	Additional Testimonials, are most probably related 
to Mr. Judge, although he is not named. 

"At a lecture being delivered by a prominent Theosophist I saw
the Master's form overshadowing the speaker, and with so strong an
influence that it seemed to change the appearance of the speaker. There
is no doubt in my mind as to this event. I was in all my senses and not
-- A. B. C.	Path, Vol. X, p. 44, May 1895

1895 January	A. Fullerton stated :

In January 1895, Mr. Alexander Fullerton published a circular,
sent to members all over the world. Therein he stated he had a message
from the Mahatma, through another person in whom he had perfect
confidence, relating to the difficulties in the T.S. As testimony, this
is only the testimony of the transmitter.
Path, Vol. X, p. 44 May 1895

1895, April 28-29	9th Annual Convention of the American 
Section T S ( in Boston) and of 
The First Convention of the Theosophical Society in America.
At this convention the delegates from the various branches of
the T S in America, with almost entire unanimity reorganized themselves.
The vote was a majority of 190 against 9. 
The Theosophical Movement (1875-1950), p. 250

Following this, a large number of Branches in England followed
suit. Some Lodges and individuals in Europe and in Australia withdrew
from affiliation with the T S at a later date and reaffiliated
themselves with the new Society in America, of which Mr. Judge was
elected President for life.

Work Done

These reports, (starting in 1886 with 12 Branches and a total of
264 members) summarized important events and the continuous work of
promulgation that was sustained through those years. By April 1895 the
Society had 102 active Branches in America, and numbered over 3,700
members, over 475,000 Theosophical Tracts had been mailed (as a total
for 10 years).

1895 July 4

Mr. Judge, as President of the newly constituted Theosophical
Society in America sent a letter of greetings to the July 4th 1895
Convention of the European Section of the T S, which was presided over
by Col. Olcott PTS. Olcott called the letter discourteous and refused
to read it to the assembly. Debate ensued, but at the suggestion of
Mrs. Besant the letter was "laid on the table" without further comment.
Theos Mvt.(1875-1950) 253

In this letter, Mr. Judge said on behalf of the T S in America :
"The Theosophical Movement, which began far back in the night of
Time and has since been moving through many and various peoples, places
and environments...does not depend upon forms ceremonies, particular
persons or set organizations...organizations of theosophists must change
in accordance with place, time, exigency and people. To hold that in
and by a sole organization for the whole world is the only way to work
would be boyish in conception and not in accord with experience of
natures' laws...we come to you as fellow-students and workers [in the
field assigned to us by Karma]...of Theosophical effort, and holding out
the hand of fellowship we again declare the complete unity of all
theosophical workers in every part of the world... Let us then press
forward together in the great work of the real Theosophical Movement
which is aided by working organizations, but is above them
all...Mutually assisting and encouraging one another we may learn how to
put Theosophy into practice so as to be able to teach and enforce it by
example before others. We will then each and all be members of that
Universal Lodge of Free and Independent Theosophists which embraces
every friend of the human race..."  
Fraternally yours,
William Q. Judge, President.

1895	Judge's Bodily Illness Increases

The Chagres fever which Mr. Judge had contracted during his
trips to Central and South America earlier in life had a debilitating
effect, later tuberculosis is said to have set in. He was hardly able
to speak above a whisper; and yet his indomitable will sustained his
body in spite of its agony. The concentrated enmity of some of his
former coworkers added greatly to the depletion of his already
critically low physical strength.

Early in 1895 he spent some time with Mrs. Katherine Tingly and
others in Mineral Wells, Texas, where she had rented a house and where
she was of great help to him. He returned to New York sufficiently
improved to direct preparations for the Boston Convention (April 1895).

October 1895 saw him ill again. He made a trip to Asheville,
North Carolina in search of warmth, but finding no relief there,
returned to New York in mid January 1896. On the way, he passed two
weeks with Dr. Buck in Cincinnati and another week with Dr. Buchman in
Fort Wayne, Indiana. 

1896, March 21st	Death of Mr. Judge's Body

Mr. Judge was sitting upright on a sofa in the company of Mrs.
Judge, Mr. E. T. Hargrove and a nurse. His body died at around 9.00
a.m. Some of his last words were:

"There Must be Calmness. Hold Fast. Go Slow."

March 23rd 1896	Cremation on Long Island

Testimonials to Mr. Judge were received from his close friends,
and others who had been influenced by his example. These have been
recorded in The Path magazine, renamed by him: Theosophy. They have
been collected and reprinted at the back of the Theosophy Company
edition of Letters That Have Helped Me, published in Los Angeles. (see
extracts given below)

-----Original Message-----
From: Katinka Hesselink []
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 5:42 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re: SOME THEOSOPHICAL HISTORY (3 series of

Hi all,

Though the material offered here is of value in studying theosophical
history, it is far from impartial. It defends W.Q. Judge at the
expense of Annie Besant consistently. Unfortunately not many of Annie
Besant's friends have taken it upon themselves to defend her, but
that does not mean that Judge was guiltless. Nor does it mean that
the TS is supposed to be the Blavatsky and Judge admiration society
that one might think it ought to be after reading the below (if one
can get through it - personally I could not get through the book
based on this, but I read enough to feel I should say this.) A good
biography of Besant has yet to be written, I think (if somebody knows
one, I would be very grateful). This should include the Judge affair,
the Krishnamurti controversy, the Wadia-story etc. Perhaps a book on
that part of theosophical history, from a more impartial perspective
than 'The Theosophical Movement' should be written.


--- In, Compiler <compiler@w...> wrote:
> I hope that many readers, especially
> newcomers to theosophy, will find these
> three series of articles from THEOSOPHY
> magazine to be very informative and useful:
> (1) The Theosophical Movement (34-part series: 1920-22)
> (2) The Rising Cycle (13-part series: 1926-27)
> (3) Aftermath (10-part series: 1935)
> They are found in this link that goes to the
> 14th of 18 sections found on the "Additional"
> articles index page of my web site:
> Dear newcomers to Theosophy:
> I sincerely do hope that my web site offers
> a well-rounded overall view of Theosophy and
> the Theosophical Movement.

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