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Re: Theos-World re "Re: What Is Happening In America?" (addendum)

Jul 14, 2003 09:21 AM
by adelasie

Hi Bill,

Well, personally I need a better rat trap, and harming a few rats is 
a possible corollary. I would be happy for them to leave my studio 
and pursue their business elsewhere, but as long as they persist in 
my space, I am determined to make life uncomfortable for them. 

Perhaps belief systems are a bit limiting. If we get back to 
essentials, not belief, but truth, as we have been given it by Those 
Who know more than we do, we can find something substantial to base 
our thoughts and deeds upon. Principles like the Unity of all Life. A 
friend recently said to me, "Evil is the inablilty to put one's self 
in the other person's place." That seems to me to be a pretty good 
starting place. If we want to stay in the Light, we might try 
imagining how we would feel if someone did that (whatever we 
contemplate or support) to us. I suppose I'll have to do some deeper 
thinking about those rats. It's so simple. Word games are fun and 
sometimes funny, but if we really want to grapple with our reality 
and our purpose for being on the planet at this time in the evolution 
of humanity, we might get serious. I just don't think there is much 
time left for us to waffle in. If anyone can provide a model of 
another way to live, theosophists should be the ones.


On 14 Jul 2003 at 10:49, Bill Meredith wrote:

> I'm saying that if we examine our beliefs completely through to their
> logical conclusions we might find ourselves trapped in a paradox. We
> might want to build a better mousetrap, but do we really want to harm
> any mice?
> Bill

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