Re: Theos-World direct insight
Jun 29, 2003 02:02 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Hi Katinka and all of you,
My views are only views:
You do ask a lot. Allright then...
Your below email shows to me, that you did'nt quite digest
the email you responded to. That is my view.
You could consider this...on more than one level.
An idea:
An idea to the readers of allegories and small teaching stories...
It is often good to know, that one can benefit by reading
these through more than one time. Ponder on them and
then maybe - after an hour, a day, a month or a few years -
then suddenly the light of understanding strikes !
And all the bells starts
thundering...etc...and the chorus starts singing etc...etc...
Blavatsky has mentioned the importances of using allegories.
And even Jesus Christ used them...:
The Secret Doctrine:
[[Vol. 1, Page]] xxxix INTRODUCTORY. --- (Especially this one !)
[[Vol. 1, Page]] 67 THE POWER OF NUMBERS.
[[Vol. 2, Page]] 3 THE LEMNOS-BORN KABIRI.
[[Vol. 2, Page]] 22 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. (Footnote) --- (and especially this
one !)
And at a number of other places...
None the less allegories are important to Blavatsky.
My answer continues in the below using ***
M. Sufilight with peace and love...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Katinka Hesselink" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: Theos-World direct insight
> Hi Sufilight,
> > So, in answer to 'what to do?', you should get used to
> > this idea. It is not the materials, the school, the individuals, or
> > anything else, which are confusing, making dissatisfied, or causing
> > uncertainty, but the clash between materials etc. and the
> > personality which feels itself threathened.
> > If you learn this, the difficulties disappear. This is because
> > the secondary peronsality learns that it is no longer in danger of
> > being punished or extinguished.
> Golly, is it that simple?
Well - you know, that you will have to really - learn - it first -
do'nt you !
One insight and all my trouble with
> learning (say learning math) will disappear? Wow. Wish it were
> actually true. Even Krishnamurti (who was a great advocate of direct
> insight) did not go as far as you do above.
No one said that all your trouble would disappear. But, that the mentioned
trouble will do so, - if you truely do learn and absorb the above.
A question arises...
Was Krishnamurti not against an occult Brotherhood ?
My motive is to ask Theos-Talk throw some light on the Cyril Scott versus
Krishnamurti case...
I think it deserves attention...but maybe later rather than sooner...
[I stop here]
> Katinka
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