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re giants re Bart

Jun 17, 2003 11:29 AM
by Mauri

Bart wrote: <<The importance is that Blavatsky 
described humans of the 4th Root Race as being from 4 
to 40 feet tall (or long, depending on how you look at 
it). Therefore, these finds would seem to verify 
Blavatsky's words, or, more precisely, a bunch of 
people's INTERPRETATIONS of Blavatsky's words 
(nowhere, for example, did she ever state that the 4th 
Root Race had a humanoid physical body, nor is there 
any good reason to assume that it did).>>

Okay, but ... one might wonder if some of those picture 
of giant footprints and giant whatever might be 
available over the net; and if anybody out there 
(like Dallas?) who might've seen such photos might 
want to describe something about the details, and 
whether, for example, it might be said, by some, that 
all such "evidence" might be (for example?) somewhat 
too worn out, or partial, to particularly stand out as 
"convincing enough," say, for some/many people ... 
And so, with such thoughts in mind, one might wonder 
whether one picture might be worth, say, a thousand 
words ... Or something like that?

Also, to get back to your post, Bart, one might wonder
... on second thought: I might wonder (and do, I think, 
to some extent ...) whether some of those really early 
"human souls," many millions of years ago, might've 
had giant physical bodies that might, today (ie, for all I 
know), remind us of dinosaurs, say ... ie, before they 
subsequently, after so many more millions of years, 
might've reincarnated into somewhat more-human 
looking bodies ... ^:-) Or ... 


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