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"Just as milliards of bright sparks dance on the waters of an ocean. . . "

Jun 17, 2003 11:04 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

H.P. Blavatsky wrote in THE SECRET DOCTRINE:

"Just as milliards of bright sparks dance on the waters of an ocean 
above which one and the same moon is shining, so our evanescent 
personalities -- the illusive envelopes of the immortal MONAD-EGO -- 
twinkle and dance on the waves of Maya. They last and appear, as the 
thousands of sparks produced by the moon-beams, only so long as the 
Queen of the Night radiates her lustre on the running waters of life: 
the period of a Manvantara; and then they disappear, the beams -- 
symbols of our eternal Spiritual Egos -- alone surviving, re-merged 
in, and being, as they were before, one with the Mother-Source." 
(Volume I, p. 237.)

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