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Re: Theos-World RE: Lucifer's latest trick...Part 2 of 2 ?

Jun 01, 2003 05:20 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Hi Dallas and all of you,

Here is part 2 of 2.

My views:
Well, what can I say Dallas ? Thanks for your answer in the below.
Why such a long answer ?

Dallas wrote in the below:
"It is futile to blame others."

My answer:
I disagree, with your misunderstandings.
But is it also futile to continue day after day to PROTEST
against, all the evils others are doing ?
H. P. Blavatsky did that !
And I will deeply question if a soft and silent reaction
to all what is going on - is a wise manner of acting - as a TRUE Theosophist !
I do my best to stay on top of what I see - as issues of importance to be dealt with.
I.e. wheather they be problems - help to give - or compassion to express etc...

Try a close reading of these solid articles and letters. These are an important basis for understanding my reaction towards the Alice A. Bailey groupsand your email in the below: 

"Extract from H.P.B's E.S.T.S Instruction No. 1" - by Daniel Caldwell
(Here HPB reacts against thos who throw dirt upon Theosophy - by false teachings
using the name of Theosophy !)

"Is Theosophy a Religion?" by HPB, nov. 1888
(Here HPB - protests against the wrong opinions people has on Theoosphy.)

Try also this: "occultism versus the Occult Arts" by HPB, may 1888
(HPB on Black Magic and misguided seekers of truth !)

What Pantheism has to do with my email - I just don't get.
Yes: Atman is Brahman - ParaBrahman is ParaAtman. I.e. Neti, Neti. 
(Not this, Not that). That is our knowledge.

And my use of Lucifer was just made for this case so to put light on -
what Lucis Trust (i.e. using the old term "Lucifers Trust") was doing.
>From there you get the title "Lucifers latest trick...?".
Yes. HPB has a definition. But other definitions are allright. HPB threw some
light on the origins of the word "Lucifer". This was not my objective, withthese emails.
The Alice A. Bailey groups are heavily involved with politics. Living in the country Denmark - one of the high-number areas for Bailey-groups - I know, what I talk about.

And - Shakespeare - was heavily influenced by the Sufi teachings from some of the greatest
sufis of all time. (The book - Idries Shah "The Way of the Sufi." - should clear that issue by comparion of texts referred to.)

M. sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: "AA-BN--Study" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 12:23 PM
Subject: Theos-World RE: Lucifer's latest trick...?

> Sunday, June 01, 2003
> Dear Friend:
> In my studies in Theosophy I came across some interesting
> definitions that help understand these questions (see below).
> No one can deny freedom to others.
> No one can do another's study and decision making for them.
> Hence each is free to decide their own course of action.
> As an example: take our universal experience in school and later
> in life work. All we have become is a result of our choices and
> taking advantage of the opportunities offered. Somethings we
> used and others we rejected. It is important to review this:
> acceptance, use and rejection. Why did we act in such a way ?
> This reveals to us our own nature and character.
> It is futile to blame others. WE ARE, ETERNALLY, THE FREE
> CHOOSERS. If someone tries to "lead" then those who choose to
> follow abrogate their decision making faculty for some reason
> that THEY CHOOSE Perhaps we ought to reexamine these choices and
> the nature of the "leader" we elected to "follow."
> However I find that Theosophy teaches:
> Consistently and forever, WE MAKE OURSELVES -- by our choices.
> It is also one of the proofs of our Divine Nature as immortal
> Egos. And the fact that Nature supports us, and this present
> life, is a part of the universal "School curriculum." The
> "School" in which we all are, today, in the bodies that are now
> ours, enable us to learn and determine our own speed and rate of
> learning. If we are stupid, or ignorant, we have only ourselves
> to thank. But we also have the power to change that. Don't we?
> Our Immortal Self has to power to know everything, given time to
> learn -- as in many lives, and also the power to change our way
> of life if we will it. But we cannot blame others! Note that it
> is our memory, used every day that alters. WE DO NOT ALTER, the
> memory and our usage of it does.
> The rules and laws of the Universe are ancient and consistent in
> this as in other matters. They arrange for the improvement and
> education of all beings (immortal Monads). We are an example of
> one of these ETERNAL AND IMMORTAL UNITS that has reached the
> stage of self-consciousness and self-choosing. Where do we go
> from here?
> The progress that the ONE desires -- as of good will to all --
> BROTHERHOOD -- is at the root of all Theosophical metaphysics and
> work. It reflects the condition of the UNIVERSE as always in
> action towards general and individual improvement, as one in
> which the acquiring of wisdom is encouraged. It also implies
> justice, mercy, generosity, charity and compassion. The Universe
> readjusts distortions and disharmonies by means of HARMONY which
> is impartial and ever-acting KARMA. We in fact can be said to
> live in a harmony of discords.
> In Theosophy no one is a "Leader" save H P B and the Masters. We
> are all student/teachers, offering what we have learned, so that
> others might review that and perhaps build upon it.
> I believe the following statements, culled from various
> Theosophical texts may be answers to some of your observations.
> But do check them out for coherency and meaning. I will be glad
> to answer any questions that arise, if I can.
> -----------------------
> "...THERE IS ONE ABSOLUTE REALITY which antecedes all manifested,
> conditioned, being. This Infinite and Eternal Cause--dimly
> formulated in the "Unconscious" and "Unknowable" the
> rootless root of "all that was, is, or ever shall be." It is of
> course devoid of all attributes and is essentially without any
> relation to manifested, finite Being. It is "Be-ness" rather
> than Being (in Sanskrit, Sat), and is beyond all thought or
> speculation...Thus, then, the first fundamental axiom of the
> Secret Doctrine is this metaphysical ONE
> ABSOLUTE--BE-NESS--symbolized by finite intelligence as the
> theological trinity." Secret Doctrine I p. 14
> "THE CAUSES OF EXISTENCE...refers to the last Manvantara, or age
> of Brahmâ, but the cause which makes the Wheel of Time and Space
> run into Eternity, which is out of Space and Time, has nothing to
> do with the finite causes or what we call the Nidanas...This one
> eternal causeless and therefore "causeless cause" is immutable
> and has nothing to do with the causes on any of the planes which
> are concerned with finite and conditioned being. The cause can
> therefore by no means be a finite consciousness or desire. It is
> an absurdity to postulate desire or necessity of the Absolute;
> the striking of a clock does not suggest the desire of the clock
> to strike...the Absolute containing both clock and Winder, once
> it is the Absolute; the only difference is that the former is
> would up in Space and Time and the latter out of Space and Time,
> that is to say, in Eternity...Parabrahm is not a cause, neither
> is there any cause that can compel it to emanate or create.
> Strictly speaking, Parabrahm is not even the Absolute, but
> Absoluteness. Parabrahm is not a cause, but causality, or the
> propelling but not volitional power, in every manifesting Cause.
> We may have some hazy idea that there is such a thing as this
> eternal Causeless Cause or Causality. But to define it is
> impossible..." Trans. 40-1
> " the follower of the true Eastern archaic Wisdom, to him
> who worships in spirit nought outside the absolute Unity, THAT
> ATOM OF NATURE, each such atom contains a germ from which he may
> raise the Tree of Knowledge, whose fruits give life eternal and
> not physical life alone...the Force which directs its [the
> seeds'] growth, the ever mysterious, as the ever unknown...THIS
> CONSCIOUSNESS, which act and make him perceive things both within
> and without himself." Trans. 25
> "...OUR EGO IS A RAY OF THE UNIVERSAL MIND, individualized for
> the space of a cosmic life-cycle, during which space of time it
> gets experience in almost numberless reincarnations or rebirths,
> after which it returns to its Parent-Source. The Occultist would
> call the "Higher Ego" the immortal Entity, whose shadow and
> reflection is the human Manas, the mind limited by its physical
> senses. The two may be well compared to the Master-artist and
> the pupil-musician...In the course of natural evolution our
> "brain-mind" will be replaced by a finer organism, and helped by
> the 6th [Buddhi] and the 7th [Atma] senses..." Theos. Articles &
> Notes, p. 208
> QUALITY OF COSMIC FORCE out of the low, brute energy of Nature;
> and the complete adept has made himself a center from which
> radiate potentialities that beget correlations upon correlations
> through AEons of time to come.' Theos. Art. & Notes, p. 291
> ONE INDIVISIBLE UNIT, drops in the ocean of Being, not to be
> distinguished from other drops. Having then produced this cause,
> the whole discord of life follows immediately as an effect; in
> reality it is the endeavor of nature to restore harmony and
> maintain equilibrium. It is the sense of separateness which is
> the root of all evil." Trans. 30
> "OUR "MEMORY" IS BUT A GENERAL AGENT, and its "tablets," with
> their indelible impressions, but a figure of speech; the
> "brain-tablets" serve only as a upadhi or a vahan (basis or
> vehicle) for reflecting at a given moment the memory of one or
> another thing. The record of past events, of every minutest
> action, and of passing thoughts, in fact, are really impressed on
> the imperishable waves of the Astral Light, around us, and
> everywhere, not in the brain alone; and these mental pictures,
> images, and sounds, pass from these waves in the consciousness of
> the personal Ego or Mind (the lower Manas) whose grosser essence
> is astral, into the "cerebral reflectors," so to say, of our
> brain, whence they are delivered by the psychic to the sensuous
> consciousness. This at every moment of the day, and even during
> sleep."
> Theos. Articles & Notes, p. 209
> "The term "Pantheism" is again one of...many abused terms, whose
> real and primitive meaning has been distorted by blind prejudice
> and a one-sided view of it. If you accept the Christian
> etymology of this compound word, and form it of pan, "all," and
> theos, "god," and then imagine and teach that every stone and
> every tree in Nature is a God or the ONE God,
> will...make of Pantheists fetish-worshipers, in addition to their
> legitimate name.
> But you will hardly be as successful if you etymologize the word
> Pantheism esoterically....WHEN WE SPEAK OF THE DEITY AND MAKE IT
> paradise, nor in a particular tree, building, or mountain: it is
> everywhere, in every atom of the visible as of the invisible
> Cosmos, in, over, and around every invisible atom and divisible
> molecule; for IT is the mysterious power of evolution and
> involution, the omnipresent, omnipotent, and even omniscient
> creative potentiality." Key To Theosophy, pages 63-4
> "Pantheism may be "physically rediscovered." It was known, seen,
> and felt by the whole of antiquity. Pantheism manifests itself
> in the vast expanse of the starry heavens, in the breathing of
> the seas and oceans and the quiver of life of the smallest blade
> THE UNIVERSE...It repudiates in its name of Philo-Theo-Sophia the
> grotesque idea that infinite, Absolute Deity should, or rather
> could, have any, whether direct or indirect, relation to finite
> evolutions of matter, and therefore cannot imagine a universe
> outside that Deity, or the latter absent from the smallest speck
> of animate or inanimate substance." Secret Doctrine I, 533
> -----------------------
> You seem to adopt the commonly accepted meaning for "Lucifer."
> Here is what Theosophy says:
> -----------------------
> "Lucifer," is the pale morning-star, the precursor of the full
> blaze of the noon-day sun--the "Eosphoros" of the Greeks. It
> shines timidly at dawn to gather forces and dazzle the eye after
> sunset as its own brother "Hesperos"--the radiant evening star,
> or the planet Venus. No fitter symbol exists for the proposed
> work [of Theosophy] -- that of throwing a ray of truth on
> everything hidden by the darkness of prejudice, by social or
> religious misconceptions; especially by that idiotic routine in
> life, which, once that a certain action, a thing, a name... Such
> an endeavour then, to force the weak-hearted to look truth
> straight in the face, is helped most efficaciously by a title
> belonging to the category of branded names...
> So deeply rooted, indeed, is this preconception and aversion to
> the name of Lucifer--meaning no worse than "light-bringer" (from
> lux, lucis, "light," and ferre "to bring")1--even among the
> educated classes, that by adopting it for the title of their
> magazine the editors have the prospect of a long strife with
> public prejudice before came Satan to be called a
> light-bringer, unless the silvery rays of the morning-star can in
> any way be made suggestive of the glare of the infernal flames.
> It is simply, as Henderson showed, "one of those gross
> perversions of sacred writ which so extensively obtain, and which
> are to be traced to a proneness to seek for more in a given
> passage than it really contains--a disposition to be influenced
> by sound rather than sense, and an implicit faith in received
> interpretation"... A glimpse into the real and primitive
> character of Lucifer can do them no harm and may, perchance, cure
> them of a bit of ridiculous prejudice. They ought to study their
> Homer and Hesiod's Theogony if they would do justice to Lucifer,
> "Eosphoros and Hesperos," the Morning and the Evening beautiful
> star...
> But their sacred writ is the first to contradict their
> interpretations and the association of Lucifer, the Morning Star,
> with Satan. Chapter XXII of Revelation, verse 16th, says: "I,
> Jesus . . . am the root. . . and the bright and Morning Star"
> "early rising"): hence Eosphoros, or the Latin Lucifer. The or
> probrium attached to this name is of such a very late date, the
> Roman Church found itself forced to screen the theological
> slander behind a two-sided interpretation--as usual. Christ, we
> are told, is the "Morning Star," the divine Lucifer; and Satan
> the usurpator of the Verbum, the "infernal Lucifer." "The great
> Archangel Michael, the conqueror of Satan, is identical in
> paganism with Mercury-Mithra, to whom, after defending the Sun
> (symbolical of God) from the attacks of Venus-Lucifer, was given
> the possession of this planet, et datus est ei locus Luciferi And
> since the Archangel Michael is the 'Angel of the Face,' and 'the
> Vicar of the Verbum' he is now considered in the Roman Church as
> the regent of that planet Venus which 'the vanquished fiend had
> usurped'." Angelus faciei Dei sedem superbi humilis Obtinuit,
> says Cornelius à Lapide (in Vol. VI, p. 229).
> This gives the reason why one of the early Popes was called
> Lucifer, as Yonge and ecclesiastical records prove. It thus
> follows that the title chosen for our magazine is as much
> associated with divine and pious ideas as with the supposed
> rebellion of the hero of Milton's "Paradise Lost." By choosing
> it, we throw the first ray of light and truth on a ridiculous
> prejudice which ought to have no room made for it in this our
> "age of facts and discovery."
> We work for true Religion and Science, in the interest of fact as
> against fiction and prejudice. It is our duty, as it is that of
> physical Science--professedly its mission--to throw light or
> facts in Nature hitherto surrounded by the darkness of ignorance
> And since ignorance is justly regarded as the chief promoter of
> superstition, that work is, therefore, a noble and beneficent
> work But natural Sciences are only one aspect of SCIENCE and
> Psychological and moral Sciences, or theosophy, the knowledge of
> divine truth, wheresoever found, are, still more important in
> human affairs, and real Science should not be limited simply to
> the physical aspect of life and nature.
> Science is an abstract of every fact, a comprehension of every
> truth within the scope of human research and intelligence.
> "Shakespeare's deep and accurate science in mental philosophy"
> (Coleridge), has proved more beneficent to the true philosopher
> in the study of the human heart--therefore, in the promotion of
> truth--than the more accurate, but certainly less deep, science
> of any Fellow of the Royal Institution.
> Those readers, however, who do not find themselves convinced that
> the Church had no right to throw a slur upon a beautiful star,
> and that it did so through a mere necessity of accounting for one
> of its numerous loans from Paganism with all its poetical
> conceptions of the truths in Nature, are asked to read our
> -- H P B [ From: WHAT'S IN A NAME ? Lucifer, Sept 1887. ]
> ---------------------------------
> Best wishes,
> Dallas
> ================================

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