Re: Theos-World RE: Lucifer's latest trick...Part 1 of 2 ?
Jun 01, 2003 05:19 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Hi Dallas and all of you,
My views:
Well, what can I say Dallas ? Thanks for your answer in the below.
Why such a long answer ?
But, you didn't directly answer - any - of my questions - in the previous
Maybe that is a bad habit of yours ? Well, only maybe...
What is the difference between a leader or a teacher ?
We are all leaders, teacher and students - that is my view.
Some ignorants even think, they are not so. But they are.
And you, by understandable reasons, misunderstand,
what I am referring to, when talking about, that the
wise ones "elects" Kings, Popes, and various leaders.
Yes. Everyone has a choice. That is a obvious truth.
But, does the wise ones not from time to time interfer with
a strong heart of compassion - so that your choices
get limited or enhanced - for reasons you - at the time -
don't know of ? I truely know, that it is so !
That also happens to upcoming Kings and Popes and various leaders.
Sometimes Karma is difficult to understand. Especially if
the understanding needed requires a higher level of consciousness,
than one at present has access to.
What if ten troublemakers ties your hands and legs with a robe - is it then
your own choice ?
I do'nt think so !
M. sufilight with peace and love...
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "AA-BN--Study" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 12:23 PM
Subject: Theos-World RE: Lucifer's latest trick...?
> Sunday, June 01, 2003
> Dear Friend:
> In my studies in Theosophy I came across some interesting
> definitions that help understand these questions (see below).
> No one can deny freedom to others.
> No one can do another's study and decision making for them.
> Hence each is free to decide their own course of action.
> As an example: take our universal experience in school and later
> in life work. All we have become is a result of our choices and
> taking advantage of the opportunities offered. Somethings we
> used and others we rejected. It is important to review this:
> acceptance, use and rejection. Why did we act in such a way ?
> This reveals to us our own nature and character.
> It is futile to blame others. WE ARE, ETERNALLY, THE FREE
> CHOOSERS. If someone tries to "lead" then those who choose to
> follow abrogate their decision making faculty for some reason
> that THEY CHOOSE Perhaps we ought to reexamine these choices and
> the nature of the "leader" we elected to "follow."
> However I find that Theosophy teaches:
> Consistently and forever, WE MAKE OURSELVES -- by our choices.
> It is also one of the proofs of our Divine Nature as immortal
> Egos. And the fact that Nature supports us, and this present
> life, is a part of the universal "School curriculum." The
> "School" in which we all are, today, in the bodies that are now
> ours, enable us to learn and determine our own speed and rate of
> learning. If we are stupid, or ignorant, we have only ourselves
> to thank. But we also have the power to change that. Don't we?
> Our Immortal Self has to power to know everything, given time to
> learn -- as in many lives, and also the power to change our way
> of life if we will it. But we cannot blame others! Note that it
> is our memory, used every day that alters. WE DO NOT ALTER, the
> memory and our usage of it does.
> The rules and laws of the Universe are ancient and consistent in
> this as in other matters. They arrange for the improvement and
> education of all beings (immortal Monads). We are an example of
> one of these ETERNAL AND IMMORTAL UNITS that has reached the
> stage of self-consciousness and self-choosing. Where do we go
> from here?
> The progress that the ONE desires -- as of good will to all --
> BROTHERHOOD -- is at the root of all Theosophical metaphysics and
> work. It reflects the condition of the UNIVERSE as always in
> action towards general and individual improvement, as one in
> which the acquiring of wisdom is encouraged. It also implies
> justice, mercy, generosity, charity and compassion. The Universe
> readjusts distortions and disharmonies by means of HARMONY which
> is impartial and ever-acting KARMA. We in fact can be said to
> live in a harmony of discords.
> In Theosophy no one is a "Leader" save H P B and the Masters. We
> are all student/teachers, offering what we have learned, so that
> others might review that and perhaps build upon it.
> I believe the following statements, culled from various
> Theosophical texts may be answers to some of your observations.
> But do check them out for coherency and meaning. I will be glad
> to answer any questions that arise, if I can.
> -----------------------
> "...THERE IS ONE ABSOLUTE REALITY which antecedes all manifested,
> conditioned, being. This Infinite and Eternal Cause--dimly
> formulated in the "Unconscious" and "Unknowable" the
> rootless root of "all that was, is, or ever shall be." It is of
> course devoid of all attributes and is essentially without any
> relation to manifested, finite Being. It is "Be-ness" rather
> than Being (in Sanskrit, Sat), and is beyond all thought or
> speculation...Thus, then, the first fundamental axiom of the
> Secret Doctrine is this metaphysical ONE
> ABSOLUTE--BE-NESS--symbolized by finite intelligence as the
> theological trinity." Secret Doctrine I p. 14
> "THE CAUSES OF EXISTENCE...refers to the last Manvantara, or age
> of Brahmâ, but the cause which makes the Wheel of Time and Space
> run into Eternity, which is out of Space and Time, has nothing to
> do with the finite causes or what we call the Nidanas...This one
> eternal causeless and therefore "causeless cause" is immutable
> and has nothing to do with the causes on any of the planes which
> are concerned with finite and conditioned being. The cause can
> therefore by no means be a finite consciousness or desire. It is
> an absurdity to postulate desire or necessity of the Absolute;
> the striking of a clock does not suggest the desire of the clock
> to strike...the Absolute containing both clock and Winder, once
> it is the Absolute; the only difference is that the former is
> would up in Space and Time and the latter out of Space and Time,
> that is to say, in Eternity...Parabrahm is not a cause, neither
> is there any cause that can compel it to emanate or create.
> Strictly speaking, Parabrahm is not even the Absolute, but
> Absoluteness. Parabrahm is not a cause, but causality, or the
> propelling but not volitional power, in every manifesting Cause.
> We may have some hazy idea that there is such a thing as this
> eternal Causeless Cause or Causality. But to define it is
> impossible..." Trans. 40-1
> " the follower of the true Eastern archaic Wisdom, to him
> who worships in spirit nought outside the absolute Unity, THAT
> ATOM OF NATURE, each such atom contains a germ from which he may
> raise the Tree of Knowledge, whose fruits give life eternal and
> not physical life alone...the Force which directs its [the
> seeds'] growth, the ever mysterious, as the ever unknown...THIS
> CONSCIOUSNESS, which act and make him perceive things both within
> and without himself." Trans. 25
> "...OUR EGO IS A RAY OF THE UNIVERSAL MIND, individualized for
> the space of a cosmic life-cycle, during which space of time it
> gets experience in almost numberless reincarnations or rebirths,
> after which it returns to its Parent-Source. The Occultist would
> call the "Higher Ego" the immortal Entity, whose shadow and
> reflection is the human Manas, the mind limited by its physical
> senses. The two may be well compared to the Master-artist and
> the pupil-musician...In the course of natural evolution our
> "brain-mind" will be replaced by a finer organism, and helped by
> the 6th [Buddhi] and the 7th [Atma] senses..." Theos. Articles &
> Notes, p. 208
> QUALITY OF COSMIC FORCE out of the low, brute energy of Nature;
> and the complete adept has made himself a center from which
> radiate potentialities that beget correlations upon correlations
> through AEons of time to come.' Theos. Art. & Notes, p. 291
> ONE INDIVISIBLE UNIT, drops in the ocean of Being, not to be
> distinguished from other drops. Having then produced this cause,
> the whole discord of life follows immediately as an effect; in
> reality it is the endeavor of nature to restore harmony and
> maintain equilibrium. It is the sense of separateness which is
> the root of all evil." Trans. 30
> "OUR "MEMORY" IS BUT A GENERAL AGENT, and its "tablets," with
> their indelible impressions, but a figure of speech; the
> "brain-tablets" serve only as a upadhi or a vahan (basis or
> vehicle) for reflecting at a given moment the memory of one or
> another thing. The record of past events, of every minutest
> action, and of passing thoughts, in fact, are really impressed on
> the imperishable waves of the Astral Light, around us, and
> everywhere, not in the brain alone; and these mental pictures,
> images, and sounds, pass from these waves in the consciousness of
> the personal Ego or Mind (the lower Manas) whose grosser essence
> is astral, into the "cerebral reflectors," so to say, of our
> brain, whence they are delivered by the psychic to the sensuous
> consciousness. This at every moment of the day, and even during
> sleep."
> Theos. Articles & Notes, p. 209
> "The term "Pantheism" is again one of...many abused terms, whose
> real and primitive meaning has been distorted by blind prejudice
> and a one-sided view of it. If you accept the Christian
> etymology of this compound word, and form it of pan, "all," and
> theos, "god," and then imagine and teach that every stone and
> every tree in Nature is a God or the ONE God,
> will...make of Pantheists fetish-worshipers, in addition to their
> legitimate name.
> But you will hardly be as successful if you etymologize the word
> Pantheism esoterically....WHEN WE SPEAK OF THE DEITY AND MAKE IT
> paradise, nor in a particular tree, building, or mountain: it is
> everywhere, in every atom of the visible as of the invisible
> Cosmos, in, over, and around every invisible atom and divisible
> molecule; for IT is the mysterious power of evolution and
> involution, the omnipresent, omnipotent, and even omniscient
> creative potentiality." Key To Theosophy, pages 63-4
> "Pantheism may be "physically rediscovered." It was known, seen,
> and felt by the whole of antiquity. Pantheism manifests itself
> in the vast expanse of the starry heavens, in the breathing of
> the seas and oceans and the quiver of life of the smallest blade
> THE UNIVERSE...It repudiates in its name of Philo-Theo-Sophia the
> grotesque idea that infinite, Absolute Deity should, or rather
> could, have any, whether direct or indirect, relation to finite
> evolutions of matter, and therefore cannot imagine a universe
> outside that Deity, or the latter absent from the smallest speck
> of animate or inanimate substance." Secret Doctrine I, 533
> -----------------------
> You seem to adopt the commonly accepted meaning for "Lucifer."
> Here is what Theosophy says:
> -----------------------
> "Lucifer," is the pale morning-star, the precursor of the full
> blaze of the noon-day sun--the "Eosphoros" of the Greeks. It
> shines timidly at dawn to gather forces and dazzle the eye after
> sunset as its own brother "Hesperos"--the radiant evening star,
> or the planet Venus. No fitter symbol exists for the proposed
> work [of Theosophy] -- that of throwing a ray of truth on
> everything hidden by the darkness of prejudice, by social or
> religious misconceptions; especially by that idiotic routine in
> life, which, once that a certain action, a thing, a name... Such
> an endeavour then, to force the weak-hearted to look truth
> straight in the face, is helped most efficaciously by a title
> belonging to the category of branded names...
> So deeply rooted, indeed, is this preconception and aversion to
> the name of Lucifer--meaning no worse than "light-bringer" (from
> lux, lucis, "light," and ferre "to bring")1--even among the
> educated classes, that by adopting it for the title of their
> magazine the editors have the prospect of a long strife with
> public prejudice before came Satan to be called a
> light-bringer, unless the silvery rays of the morning-star can in
> any way be made suggestive of the glare of the infernal flames.
> It is simply, as Henderson showed, "one of those gross
> perversions of sacred writ which so extensively obtain, and which
> are to be traced to a proneness to seek for more in a given
> passage than it really contains--a disposition to be influenced
> by sound rather than sense, and an implicit faith in received
> interpretation"... A glimpse into the real and primitive
> character of Lucifer can do them no harm and may, perchance, cure
> them of a bit of ridiculous prejudice. They ought to study their
> Homer and Hesiod's Theogony if they would do justice to Lucifer,
> "Eosphoros and Hesperos," the Morning and the Evening beautiful
> star...
> But their sacred writ is the first to contradict their
> interpretations and the association of Lucifer, the Morning Star,
> with Satan. Chapter XXII of Revelation, verse 16th, says: "I,
> Jesus . . . am the root. . . and the bright and Morning Star"
> "early rising"): hence Eosphoros, or the Latin Lucifer. The or
> probrium attached to this name is of such a very late date, the
> Roman Church found itself forced to screen the theological
> slander behind a two-sided interpretation--as usual. Christ, we
> are told, is the "Morning Star," the divine Lucifer; and Satan
> the usurpator of the Verbum, the "infernal Lucifer." "The great
> Archangel Michael, the conqueror of Satan, is identical in
> paganism with Mercury-Mithra, to whom, after defending the Sun
> (symbolical of God) from the attacks of Venus-Lucifer, was given
> the possession of this planet, et datus est ei locus Luciferi And
> since the Archangel Michael is the 'Angel of the Face,' and 'the
> Vicar of the Verbum' he is now considered in the Roman Church as
> the regent of that planet Venus which 'the vanquished fiend had
> usurped'." Angelus faciei Dei sedem superbi humilis Obtinuit,
> says Cornelius à Lapide (in Vol. VI, p. 229).
> This gives the reason why one of the early Popes was called
> Lucifer, as Yonge and ecclesiastical records prove. It thus
> follows that the title chosen for our magazine is as much
> associated with divine and pious ideas as with the supposed
> rebellion of the hero of Milton's "Paradise Lost." By choosing
> it, we throw the first ray of light and truth on a ridiculous
> prejudice which ought to have no room made for it in this our
> "age of facts and discovery."
> We work for true Religion and Science, in the interest of fact as
> against fiction and prejudice. It is our duty, as it is that of
> physical Science--professedly its mission--to throw light or
> facts in Nature hitherto surrounded by the darkness of ignorance
> And since ignorance is justly regarded as the chief promoter of
> superstition, that work is, therefore, a noble and beneficent
> work But natural Sciences are only one aspect of SCIENCE and
> Psychological and moral Sciences, or theosophy, the knowledge of
> divine truth, wheresoever found, are, still more important in
> human affairs, and real Science should not be limited simply to
> the physical aspect of life and nature.
> Science is an abstract of every fact, a comprehension of every
> truth within the scope of human research and intelligence.
> "Shakespeare's deep and accurate science in mental philosophy"
> (Coleridge), has proved more beneficent to the true philosopher
> in the study of the human heart--therefore, in the promotion of
> truth--than the more accurate, but certainly less deep, science
> of any Fellow of the Royal Institution.
> Those readers, however, who do not find themselves convinced that
> the Church had no right to throw a slur upon a beautiful star,
> and that it did so through a mere necessity of accounting for one
> of its numerous loans from Paganism with all its poetical
> conceptions of the truths in Nature, are asked to read our
> -- H P B [ From: WHAT'S IN A NAME ? Lucifer, Sept 1887. ]
> ---------------------------------
> Best wishes,
> Dallas
> ================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Morten
> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 2:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Lucifer's latest trick...?
> Hi Dallas and all of you,
> My views:
> Thanks for your kind and well put answer.
> BUT - according to me, -
> The wise adepts of wisdom sort of "elects" Kings, Popes,
> Presidents and political leaders - chairmen and chairwoman as
> well - even if they themselves are not aware of it.
> This can be done by stimulating certain energies at the right
> time and place under given circumstances. Sometimes, they don't
> interfer and sometimes they do. And always with the heart of
> compassion. So clever is the wise, that it is no match for the
> less developed mind and intellect to understand - the law of
> Karma and the Free-will issues involved.
> My knowledge is:
> Before we incarnate - there has been laid a time-space plan so to
> speak for what we are going to experience. This plan is in a
> quite special manner moving through time - and therefore sort of
> 'changes' while we incarnate. One could say, that our free-will
> are as high as our combined level of
> consciousness and compassion. And yet in fact it is all there -
> for everyone to see, exactly what the
> future brings - if they have the heart of compassion to do that.
> The word "development" is a term, which fits the lower or even
> higher mental mind, depending on the readers view. On the highest
> levels of consciousness - the term "development" is not the issue
> of importance. The term "development" has then been transcended.
> That is what I know.
> My view:
> "Lucifer" is in this case the one who tempts the seeker to
> promote war !
> Lucifer is also 'something' else.
> How does Theosophy as a Organisation create peace by continuing
> with Business as usual - day after day ?
> I just don't get it.
> Something has to happen. Something has to happen with the Bailey
> groups and their dangerous almost Jesuitic manners.
> HPB would certainly have reacted to such a newsletter as the one
> in mention:
> (Lucis Trust - Newslettter no. 2, year 2003)
> Maybe this could spark something:
> ("Letter to the Second Annual Convention 22-23. april 1888" by
> HPB).
> Quoting the fitting words above:
> "It must be remembered that the Society was not founded as a
> nursery for
> forcing a supply of Occultists -- as a factory for the
> manufactory of
> Adepts. It was intended to stem the current of materialism, and
> also that of
> spiritualistic phenomenalism and the worship of the Dead. It had
> to guide
> the spiritual awakening that has now begun, and not to pander to
> psychic
> cravings which are but another form of materialism. For by
> "materialism" is
> meant not only an anti-philosophical negation of pure spirit,
> and, even
> more, materialism in conduct and action -- brutality, hypocrisy,
> and, above
> all, selfishness -- but also the fruits of a disbelief in all but
> material
> things, a disbelief which has increased enormously during the
> last century,
> and which has led many, after a denial of all existence other
> than that in
> matter, into a blind belief in the materialization of Spirit. "
> And today we have the Tarot Cards, the crystal gazings, the
> 14-days-get-clairvoyant-exercises, and clairvoyant-sceances
> etc...
> And the Journalists and the public ? - They love it !
> (I.e. "Do'nt think", "Relax - enjoy - we will do the thinking for
> you". And
> the politicians always talking about war - make it important).
> Theosophy ? Well, the journalists have never heard of it. And
> often they
> find the issue boring. You see: Journalists does'nt seem to like
> spiritual
> moral !
> But HPB knew how to provoke people - and get their attention.
> Theosophists of today ? Do they know how to do that ? No !
> The most of them look like the Sad Faced United, - always at the
> bottom not
> getting any points. They should instead laern something about
> giving to
> others what they need - something about how to promote Theosophy.
> What happens today ?
> The Theosophical leaders - says:
> Let us promote Theosophy.
> And then they do --- eeehm NOTHING !
> Allright: They promote some few phamplets - and very discrete
> place them together with the hundred others from other
> organiztions !!!
> Maybe they are often to few - and can't agree upon anything - not
> even the pamphlets. So nothing happens.
> You will have to agree, - That is NOT promotion !
> If seven men and women at a meeting about, what to do about the
> sinking ship -
> can't find a solution - then they are stupid. S - T - U - P - I -
> D.
> And if they hav'nt seen, that the ship is sinking - they are
> ignorant.
> And just like other past organizations it will wanish. And
> another word more fitting
> will be used by the masters of wisdom.
> Ignorants are not fit as leaders of A true Theosophical Society.
> from
> M. Sufilight with peace and love...
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