May 31, 2003 12:58 PM
by dalval14
Arranged by Subject
IN May, 1895, Mr. Judge announced that the Theosophical Forum, (a
small monthly pamphlet containing questions and answers on
Theosophy) "enters upon a new life
and era." Henceforth, he said, "it will be issued from the office
of the President
and under his direction." In other words, Mr. Judge, then the
president of the
Theosophical Society in America, took total responsibility for
the Forum. He also
said there would be changes:
Editorial treatment of topics by W.Q.J., C. F. W. [Claude Falls
Wright], and others who hold similar views, will also vary from
the past; and as to this it can now be observed that if the
treatment of several subjects shall seem inconsistent with what
was said in the old series, the inconsistency will be due to a
present more definite and rigorous application of theosophical
theories to the questions in hand rather than the mechanical and
narrow view formerly obtaining.
This is the primary reason why "Forum" Answers, published by the
Theosophy Company in 1982, consists only of the answers made by
Mr. Judge to questions sent to the Theosophical Forum from 1889
to February, 1896.
In October, 1895, the sixth issue of the new Forum series, Mr.
Judge inserted the following note:
"Some members have taken the statements of these syllabuses as
being didactic and authoritative teachings. They should not be so
taken as they are merely analyses of theosophical subjects made
by different persons and are intended simply as suggesting
certain lines of thought, study, and work. They are an attempt to
fill a long-felt need among the Branches and to give each center
a good outline for discussion at its meetings; but nothing more
is intended, and they should not be taken as authoritative." --
At the end of the first issue of the "new" Forum, Mr. Judge
inaugurated a section titled
"Subjects for Discussion;'
consisting of condensed paragraphs on various subjects considered
useful for discussion and study by individuals and Branches of
the Society.
In view of Mr. Judge's statement that the Forum was under his
direction, it may be assumed that he either wrote or approved of
these items. Present-day students of Theosophy will find them of
They are reprinted here as they were presented in the Forum, from
May 1895 through March 1896.
In every issue, the following statement preceded the topics for
"In articles and addresses never use Sanskrit or foreign terms
without also giving the English meaning; use English terms
The Theosophist should apply his theories to practice.
Intellectual Theosophy is not
of any use to the individual though it may be to others. It leads
to hypocrisy. The spiritual or heart doctrine must be learned.
The personal element must be understood and conquered. Folly of
running after psychic or occult powers. Necessity for virtue,
impersonality, charity, etc., in one who evokes any psychic
powers. Hence need for performance of every duty in life. Meaning
of duty. Our duty to others and to the race. Application of fable
of the hare and tortoise to this subject.
Intelligent appreciation of the finer forces of nature necessary.
Science takes no account of the action of these forces, it merely
observes their effects. The growth of trees and animals resultant
from action of intelligent energy. Ancient Aryans taught that
there were seven different forces corresponding to the seven
senses - two of which are not now known to the ordinary man, -
called the mahabhutas or tatwas by the Hindus. The action of
Purusha or Spirit in Prakriti or Matter throws it into seven
different conditions and causes it to generate in seven different
ways. On our planet this produces the seven kingdoms, i.e., the
three elemental, mineral, vegetable, animal and human. In the
Cosmos it produces the seven hierarchies of spiritual beings and
planets. All nature an outbreathing and inbreathing. Man only
lives by such action. The finer currents of nature also subject
to the same law, hence positive and negative. Astral light the
field for play of grosser forces exercising in this sphere; hence
not recognized by ordinary men. Many finer currents in the body
than those passing through the veins, arteries and nerves.
Hypnotism indicates the existence of some of these; clairvoyant
sight, that of others. The mind the great controller and exciter
of these currents. By controlling the mind the body can be
overcome, and through that the whole of nature; placing all under
the dominance of spiritual perception.
Definition of the term. A spiritualistic one, meaning the
characteristic of one who gives himself up to psychic influences
and becomes the medium for their play. Medium is controlled by
astral forces. Many with psychic power not however mediums.
Mediumship more common than suspected. Does not always consist of
seeing clairvoyantly or being psychically controlled, but often
manifests in other ways. Drunkards, and those unable to control
their passions, probably mediumistic. Persons uncontrolled
generally, come under the title. Mediumship overcome by creating
positivity of character, and particularly by pre venting the mind
from wandering and from general passivity of disposition.
Spiritualistic mediums and those "sitting" for control, become
disorganized nervously and physically in a very short time.
Astral body is separated from the physical body and given up to
the mercy of the shells of the dead. Practice demoralizing in
every aspect. External forces rush in and the brain becomes
affected. Hence lying, and falsifying generally, often goes hand
in hand with the more complete phases. Part of the work of the
Theosophical movement to cure the world of medium- ship in all
phases. United States a "hot-bed" of psychism, and philosophy
alone can cure the condition. Warning against being misled by
mediumistic communications instead of by interior intuition.
"To study and investigate the psychic and other powers latent in
man' Generally misunderstood. Taken as applying only to astral
powers, which are of the least importance. Psyche means soul or
breath, and "psychic powers" here mean soul powers. The power of
mind over matter. The power of the soul over the mind and kamic
nature, of self-restraint. The power of concentration. The power
of the will and of the imagination to create forms on all planes
of form. The power of the mind generally to generate force.
Thought as a power. The power to understand one's real motives.
The power to trace a thought to its source. The power to
discriminate between the real and the unreal; between right and
wrong. The power to "hear from within" by making the mind
receptive to higher impressions. The great power of keeping
silent in speech and thought. The last is rarely cultivated; yet
it is of the first importance. Of much more value than astral
clairvoyance or clairaudience. And these are not usually
"powers," since they are spasmodic and entirely beyond control as
a rule. The best way to cultivate any of these real powers is in
the small affairs of life. The highest powers that are used by
the Adept are latent in ordinary man, who uses many of them
unconsciously, for the higher is present in the lower though not
fully expressed or understood. The powers all men exercise in
dream; in daily instances of mental telepathy. "Brain-waves'
These powers should be studied and investigated. The importance
of observing one's daily experience. Too many people learn
nothing from it because they are in too great a hurry and because
they have not realized that the things and events nearest to them
are often the most mysterious. No need to go to seances or to
some other part of the world to study occult powers. They are
within us. They surround us. The laws governing them should be
discovered. So every member who studies and properly investigates
himself is following the third object of the Society.
History and prevalence of the doctrines. Taught by early
Christian Fathers, especially Origen. Anciently taught in the
East and continued to this day. Prevails over most minds,
countries and religions. As taught by Jesus in St. Matthew, xi,
xvi, xvii, regarding John the Baptist; if he was the
reincarnation of Elias this must have been under a law of nature.
Evolution of soul and character require the doctrines. Something
cannot come from nothing; and thus force and variety of character
must be accounted for. Rebirth explains many problems.
Opportunities offered for growth and discipline. As applied to
nations in rise, decline, fall and disappearance. In respect to
great geniuses such as Mozart, Bach, Napoleon, and others. Also
applied to exceptional cases such as Blind Tom, musical
prodigies, and many mathematical geniuses. Without the doctrine
the miseries of life, the differences in character and
opportunity, the handicaps of birth are not explicable.
Their metaphysical basis. To be found indirectly in all great
religions and philosophies. Their universal application. (a)
Necessary to postulate fundamental unity. Religion, science and
philosophies concur. Study of unity under three aspects of
consciousness, life (spirit or force) and matter. This applies to
man, atom and universe. These three aspects are interchangeable,
for ethics can be stated in terms of force and science in terms
of consciousness. Events, doctrines and humanity should be
considered from each standpoint. Impersonality helped in this
way, for man is seen as a center through which the One mani fests
as any of the above universal principles. (b) On this the
doctrines of reincarnation, Karma, cyclic law, etc., are based.
General theory of cyclic law: that of expansion and contraction,
of periodicity and vibration. As applied to universe, to earth,
races, man, daily life. The cause of birth and death. Habits. The
connection of the "pairs of opposites" with this law. (c) The
dependence of this proposition on the two preceding. A deduction
drawn from them. The pilgrimage of the monad; and of the Ego. The
difference between these. The three streams of evolution: that of
monad, of Thinker, of matter. Their meeting in man. The
superiority of this to materialistic view. Are souls separate
from each other? When will the "pilgrimage" cease?
Contains general information directing thought of the world to
spiritual nature, sufficient for centuries. Volumes should be
first studied so as to discover general laws: all nature alive;
evolution; no death in the universe; cycles; astral, psychic and
spiritual spheres; progression Of planets, continents, races and
men. Each volume divided into three parts: (a) the philosophy,
(b) proofs by religion, (c) proofs by science. In studying to
grasp the teachings and science effort should be made to get at
the spirit rather than to learn all the statements and Sanskrit
names. Secret Doctrine not the last word. Statement of H.P.B.
that she only started the thought of the world in this direction.
The work intended to awaken the intuitions more than the
analytical mind. Apparent contradictions in it stand out as such
only to those who read with preconceived notions. Students should
try to get to the center of standpoint from which the work was
written. Secret Doctrine can only be fully understood by those
who can reach to the same development as the writer of it. Effort
to be made to reach to that plane.
SOULLESSNESS ( Loss of soul )
Doctrine of soulless beings. Important to know that one's
immortality is conditional. Meaning of the phrase "loss of the
soul"; bad term because not fully expressing what is intended. It
is entire separation of the higher manas from the lower manas and
consequent absence of all that is spiritual in lower man. Lower
manas is the only part of the lower man incarnated in the body
and associated with earth that can achieve immortality. And this
is only done by its uniting itself with its other half, the
higher manas. Life in Devachan only results from this. But
strictly by immortality is meant the eternal life of the self,
the human personal being. This will live throughout the ages if
fully absorbed into its higher nature. Meaning of the phrase in
Isis Unveiled, "We elbow soulless men and women in every walk of
life." Such beings after death, not being united to their
spiritual egos, live but a short while in some of the various
inner regions. The spiritual ego creates a new lower manas or
vehicle and commences again a new incarnation. This is the new
personality and is frequently attacked by the dying remnant of
the past. This produces all those unaccounted for desires and
impressions in everybody. It has been said that a single pure
aspiration during one incarnation will insure the immortality of
the lower ego and spiritual possibilities in the future.
Three principles; Atma, Buddhi, Manas. Called the Higher Triad:
the Monad.
Atma; the Spirit; the Higher Self. Meaning of the word. Is part
of man, yet universal. Can you say "mine" or "thine" of it? Basis
of all manifested nature. The Higher Self cannot manifest without
Buddhi, its vehicle. It is to man as Brahma is to the universe.
Buddhi. Atma-Buddhi, the monad not self-conscious. Atma-Buddhi in
minerals, plants and animals, as well as man. Buddhi called the
spiritual soul. Cannot exist without Atma. It is the vehicle or
first veil of Atma. Atma-Buddhi passes through all kingdoms of
nature and only when it succeeds in evolving the man stage,
becomes self-conscious or manasic. The most mystical of all the
principles. Buddhi, the spiritual Will.
Manas. Two phases, higher and lower. Higher, Manas linked with
Buddhi. Lower, Manas linked with Kama. Buddhi-Manas and
Kama-Manas. Self-conscious in man. Lower Manas the lower self.
Lower Manas joined to Kama and the astral body, the personality.
How can the lower Manas be united with the higher? Lower Manas a
ray of the higher Manas. Called the Father and Son. Have animals
Manas? How did Manas originate in the human kingdom? Secret
Doctrine teachings concerning the Pitris (Fathers).
State the relation of Atma-Buddhi-Manas to the fourfold lower
Difference between the two. The elementaries of the séance rooms
not the souls of the dead. Spiritualists the great materializers
of spiritual things. "Spirits" an improper term; only one Spirit.
What is the cause of the manifestations? Philosophy of this. No
student of occult ism will attend séance rooms on account of
astral currents and evil influences. The "worship of the dead."
The medium is the opposite end of the pole of development to the
occultist. The occultist controls, the medium is con trolled. All
religions legislated against the raising of the dead. Called
sorcery. Mediumship the main tendency to be conquered by western
occult students. Summerland, a wrong and pernicious philosophy.
Explain why. Difference between the calm of yoga and the
excitement arising from communications from the dead. Evils
resulting from spiritualism.
Necessity for the study of this. Nature's productions all symbols
of an underlying intelligence. Symbolism of the Hindus and
Egyptians, Serpent symbolical of wisdom; square, of matter;
triangle, of spirit; crux ansata, of life. Meaning of interlaced
triangles, of svastica, of pentagon, of caduceus. Seal of the
T.S.A. Symbolism of cross and circle. Christianity full of
uninterpreted symbols. Reasons for the power attaching to certain
forms, such as five- pointed star.
Theosophy in all ages and religions. The present T.S. only one
manifestation of the movement. Occultism in connection with it.
Historical evidences of its existence in
the past. Revivification of the movement once every hundred years
or thereabout.
Duties of workers and members towards the movement.
Non-attachment to forms and mere organizations as such.
Similarities existing between Masonic bodies and the present
movement. Many societies, autonomous, with but one philosophy and
aim - all parts of one whole. What is the real effort of the
movement? How far is it possible to form the nucleus of Universal
(1) Universal Brotherhood without any distinctions whatever. Why
no distinctions? Brotherhood in all kingdoms of nature. The true
meaning of caste. Relation of West to East. Relation of man to
animals, and animals to man. Difference between Christian and
Theosophical ideas of Brotherhood. One Universal Spirit
underlying all manifestations. Theosophy works to change man's
inner nature rather than to arrange for socialistic communities
or to give him food and clothing. The latter work, however,
necessary also to help those thrown down by Karma.
(2) Study of ancient and modern religions, philosophies and
sciences; demonstration of the importance of such study. How best
to study these. Ancient religions are the remnants of ancient
occult bodies. The Aryan philosophy. Has the Theosophical
Movement begun with the Theosophical Society? Proper conception
of God. Modern Science tending to reflect the teachings of
ancient Wisdom. The East the storehouse of wisdom. India has much
of it, but the Hindus do not understand their own philosophy.
Vedas the oldest books of the Aryan race. Why should Theosophists
understand and study Buddhism? Necessity and importance of
investigating the origin of Christianity so as to destroy
priestcraft, error and superstition. Work of the Theosophical
Society in this field.
(3) Investigation of the unexplained laws of nature and psychical
powers latent in man. All signs and thought tending in this
direction. The object of the Theosophical Society is to
investigate, not to experiment. Only students of occultism can
comprehend the laws of nature. All Theosophists not Occultists.
Hypnotism, mental telepathy, mediumship and psychic feats to be
avoided by the student who seek higher wisdom. Why is this?
Necessity for the Theosophical Society to explain modern
discoveries in this field by the ancient Occult Wisdom.
The Theosophist should apply his theories to practice.
Intellectual Theosophy is not
of any use to the individual though it may be to others. It leads
to hypocrisy. The spiritual or heart doctrine must be learned.
The personal element must be understood and conquered. Folly of
running after psychic or occult powers. Necessity for virtue,
impersonality, charity, etc., in one who evokes any psychic
powers. Hence need for performance of every duty in life. Meaning
of duty. Our duty to others and to the race. Application of fable
of the hare and tortoise to this subject.
Action of the ego in a material vehicle. Different kinds of
thought, spiritual, intellectual, and animal. The last is little
more than desire. Presence of the lower manas in the human animal
causes the passions of the latter to be mixed with the mind and
to become vices. Difficulty of preventing the mind so mixing with
the ordinary animal nature. Should control it and not be
controlled by it. The mind discolored by whatever it focuses
itself upon. This is the so- called thought of most persons.
Difficulty of discovering a pure thought. Influences coming from
the presence of other people, from our training and education,
and from our desires to be avoided. The only correct thought is
that which comes from the spiritual being, the higher ego.
Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms necessary for study. Few Theosophists,
any more than other people, consider the necessity for going into
their natures and discovering the true causes of their various
actions, endeavors and aspirations. Thought the most fleeting and
uncontrolled action of all. To hold it steady upon one object,
and that a spiritual one, the one in accord with the destiny of
the man, should be the endeavor.
Literal meaning "with the center," i.e., balance. To hold the
mind on any object without thinking of anything but it. One of
the practices of occultism. Does not consist in staring at a spot
on the wall or anything in particular, but in keeping the mind
free from thoughts and desires that draw it away from that upon
which it should be placed. Difficulty of concentration in the
West, owing to thought indulgences, and want of strength of
character. Concentration results from ability to keep the mind
fixed upon what ever duty it has to perform. To think of results
is to destroy the concentrative power. Hence duty without desire
for reward is one phase of it. It differs from meditation, in as
much as the latter consists in revolving a matter in the mind in
order to understand it, whereas concentration is merely the
holding of the mind on the object. Concentration however is a
necessary adjunct to meditation. Vanity, egotism, individual
affections and preferences, personality of all kinds, the desire
for position and wealth, hate, jealousy, fear, are all destroyers
of the concentrative faculty. Hence they are to be avoided by the
student. Through concentration lies the power of raising the
Kundalini or spiritual force. When the mind can hold itself upon
its karmic duties without any tendency to flee therefrom to other
objects, then it will discover how to unite itself with the
Phase of the mind important to understand as an aspect of the
imagination. Its
relation to psychism. A cause of rebirth. Fatal to concentration
or living in the present. Difference however between observing
the past and living in the past. Its relation to future selfish
hopes. The cause of desires. Teaching of all sages summed
up in "look not behind or thou art lost' Distinction between
reminiscence, recollection and memory. Why do most people not
remember past lives? Memory of events to be distinguished from
memory of experience. Memory one great cause of the sorrows of
the world. Uselessness of remorse. Students should practice to
prevent the mind turning over and over again the past. Difficulty
of this. Past, present and future unknown to the seer; all
absorbed in the Eternal. Memory may be defined as a getting into
the old astral currents. Dangers of this. Daydreaming and vacancy
of mind an effect. To the extent one lives over his past mentally
does he tend to act it over again externally; hence, memory the
great cause of habits. Memory not only con fined to the mind, but
also exists in the bodily organs and atoms. Hence great
difficulty of purifying the body. Seven years often necessary.
Relation of memory to knowledge.
English equivalent - union. Signifies the linking of the personal
self to the universal Self. "Concentration," its greatest
feature. Concentration best achieved by getting rid of those
elements in the nature which prevent its accomplishment.
Patanjali's system. Different kinds of yoga. Raja Yoga the
highest - white magic. Tantra Yoga the lowest - black magic.
Hatha Yoga sometimes called grey magic; the worst of all, because
most delusive. Thousands of Yogis in India. Most of them students
of Hatha Yoga; following mere forms and ceremonies, posturings,
exercises and the like. A true yogi can as well be in "communion"
at an office desk as in a cave. To be "in the world but not of
the world;' the position rightly to be attained by the real
Wrongly called Fire-Worship, Mazdaism, Parseeism. Magism, and
Sun-Worship. Founded by the first Zarathustra or Zoroaster,
prehistorically. Thirteen Zoroasters are mentioned in the
Dabistan, one of their sacred books. "Zoroaster" being a generic
name like "Christ." The last of them lived about 2000 B.C., but
the date is very uncertain. The Bible is called the Zend-Avesta
and is divided up into the Vendidad, the Yasna, the Gathas, etc.,
the last named being the oldest portion. Gathas written in Zend,
probably a form of the Zensar [Senzar], from which the Stanzas in
the Secret Doctrine were translated. In the historical period
Zoroastrianism was the religion of Bactria and Persia for many
centuries, until the latter country was over-run by Mohammedans
about 642 A.D. Many Parsis then emigrated to India, from that
time gradually losing the original meaning of their scriptures.
About 90,000 of them in India today. Zend-Avesta teaches that
Unity is at the root of all things; that this Unity manifests as
a duality called Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu (modernized as
Ormuzd and Ahriman), symbolizing the good and evil, positive and
negative, and other opposite principles in nature. These are
absorbed into the Unity at the close of the Manvantara.
Reincarnation is taught and the Seven Principles of man.
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