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Re: Theos-World Re: [bn-study] RE: REINCARNATION SUPPORTED -- Ocean Ch. .10

May 27, 2003 08:42 AM
by Bill Meredith

Hi, Wry. See my comments below please.

----- Original Message -----
From: "wry" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: [bn-study] RE: REINCARNATION SUPPORTED -- Ocean
Ch. .10

> Hi. Well, this is not my usual type of message, as there will be no ideas
> it, for the first time ever. #1:You sound suspiciously like Leon (anyone
> can can read your message and see for himself what I am talking about)

I looked at the originating IP's and believe that Herm and Leon are the same
individual. If not physically the same, they certainly are
indistinguishably the same in their thought processes.

and I
> am starting to wonder if you are he, which is o.k., as he is my biggest
> supporter, (not that I need his support). But he did say I am Kuan Yin or
> something to that effect. #2: I am not paranoid. I have been removed from
> Bri-Study because of this (thread) of messages, which I suspected would
> happen, and is very wrong, I am too busy to write about this now, but will
> try to some time in the future.

I assume you mean BN-Study. The last Bri study we had was concerning a
person named Brigitte, who liked to sign off as "Bri." BN-Study is like a
Church. You have offended the Board of Deacons with your talk. Hence you
have been ex-communicated. This list is more like a Theater than a Church.
However, like in a Theater, and like Bri, if you shout "Fire!" loud enough
and often enough, you can be kicked out of here too.

#3:I believe that some people on this list
> are already very interested in what I have to say.

Maybe it is time for you to take the followers you believe you have and
start your own church er...uh... I mean list. :) Yes, I will probably
join for a time to see how things go. You are an exquisite learning
opportunity for me.

> On second thought, I guess I will put an idea in here, as I do not want to
> encourage trivia on this list. I have seen Madame Blavatsky's writings and
> am more connected to her in several ways than you may imagine. As far as
> comers go, if you see my messages as contrary to the teachings of Madame
> Blavatsky, which they are NOT, this is the perfect opportunity to clarify
> her teachings by using my material as a springboard. In doing so, you will
> not only develop the gift of speech, but also your own active force and
> active force of others.Everything is already set up for the conscious
> who is able to use it for the benefit of others, and this includes you and
> me or anyone else on here. It is all grist for the mill of greater doing
> (and by this I do not mean mine, but literally anybody"s). When you read
> these words, rejoice, as everything is in its place.

Hallelujah! Amen sister! Amen and Aman!

Madame Blavatsky would
> turn over in her grave if she could see what has happened on Bri-Study.

Well some would believe that Madame Blavatsky is still "alive" and can in
fact "see" what is happening on BN-Study as well as here. Like Jesus before
her, she has escaped the grave.

> you think that if she were alive today, I would be her enemy and she mine?
> Guess again. Do you think she would be writing the same words and doing
> same project? This is a key question, my gift to you . Think this over for
> more than a second. Ponder it.

Are you the long awaited reincarnation of HPB! Such wisdom has not been
heard in a century! Your gifts are a blessing to us all. By my Higher
Self, I swear allegiance to the new Purple, so help me my Higher Self.

> My original message was admittedly radical, but sometimes it is necessary
> take the donkey by its horns (or does a donkey even have horns?), and by
> donkey I do not mean either Madame Blavatsky's teachings or even theosophy
> today. Again, do not worry about new people coming to theosophy. Because
> me more new people will be coming to theosophy and staying here. Enquiry
> draws people like a magnet. People are starved for it.

Mixed metaphor.

> Re material, you are confusing GROSS MATERIAL(which Madame Blavatsky
> referred to as "material" with subtle material. A thought is material. A
> feeling is material. An idea is material. A spirit body is material. As a
> living body on earth, you know and experience everything as material. Some
> of you do not know how to discriminate between different kinds of
> It is a matter of definition of terms. Madame Blavatsky and I are talking
> about the same thing. Tthere is something else. This is a different time.
> There is much more that you can see and do. You are supposed to question
> everything, even what Madame Blavatsky says, but in all truth, most of
> though not all, do not know how.

Who said we are supposed to question everything? Why?

This is saddening.
> Let me put it a different way: A soul has to eat, or it is dead. In order
> sustain itself, it needs to assimilate and excrete different subtle
> qualities of material. I hope this is specific enough for you. Think this
> over, but, of course, do not accept it as authority, as anything I say, as
> well as anything Madame Blavatsky says, could be wrong. Sincerely, Wry

hehehe. Well said.


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