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RE: [bn-study] Seeing the Surface

May 25, 2003 02:18 PM
by dalval14

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Dear A. and Friends:

The “surface of things” as I see it, is our ordinary life
patterns -- chiefly how we feel about things.

If we start to think an=bout our feelings we enter afresh
dimension, one, perhaps we have hardly penetrated before.

Such questions arise:

Why do things ( good or bad ) happen to me?

Who or what am I ?

What can I do to know myself better?

Sometimes we may have from childhood a base of myths and legends
to draw on, Sometimes the past history of our “religion” offers
incidents to dwell on, to ask ourselves: “Why was this include?”

That is one aspect.

The other, in the “here and now” deals with our present

You say you are periodically enveloped in annoying music which to
you is overwhelming and
unpleasant noise. I have been faced with this and either have
used ear-plugs or had a small radio (or Condensed Disc player) of
my own -- and with ear-plugs I could drown out the rest. Only
drawback is that others have to touch me to call my attention to
answer things or questions.
[When I got to be “boss” I regulated the “noise” as to volume and

That is purely physical. It is also possible to mentally detach
ones’ self from an annoying environment by not paying attention
to it. If we get irritated, we find that our sense of injustice
and annoyance enhances the irritation. It is possible by will
effort to become so detached, and then we cease to be entrapped
in others’ careless intemperance.

There is no question that as the years have passed the hypnotic
effect of rhythms and so-called music gets worse and worse and in
fact is designed to subtly remove the capacity for real thinking.
This places our receptivity in the emotional area, in Kama and

The hypnotic effect is a very real danger to those that indulge
in it.

The Student of Theosophy should try to avoid that.

Another relief is to seek employment elsewhere. Has that been

To counter the modern trend of the “world” let us give the
example of tolerance , protest when necessary against the
infringement on our rights and area of life, but ourselves try to
offer the best we can in terms of example.

Best wishes,



Hope this helps


-----Original Message-----
From: L.R. A
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 4:48 PM
Subject: [bn-study] Seeing the Surface

Hi Friends,

I'm back in the study group after maybe a year's absence. I went
through what you might call a phase during which the truth as
explained in Theosophy felt like a burden I couldn't bear. I
suppose it was easier to wallow in the exoteric.

Dallas touched on "seeing the surface" of things, and this brings
me to a struggle I'm having great difficulty with, namely trying
to keep from going crazy in this mad, mad world. I get very
distraught by the apparent noise of the world. I work in a place
that has more than two thousand employees, and it's literally
impossible to turn a corner without someone "getting in your

I get very bothered by such things as massive numbers of
automobiles, terribly noisy vehicles with heavy speakers spewing
forth what today passes for "music," the apparent ever-frenzied
plundering of our Green Earth, "developers" destroying all that
is beautiful in order to "create more jobs," etc., etc: Right
now, just outside my window the vibrations from that horrible
noise some call music is shaking the walls, disturbing my mind,
invading my privacy and my serenity.

Is there a way to "see beyond the surface" in order to transcend
such things? Must we endure this torture as karma? Your feedback
will be welcomed. I hope to "find time" in this crazy world where
apparently there is no time for anything, to participate more
actively in these discussions. Thanks for letting me "unload."

Best Wishes to all,



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